EBSN2021 is financed by the FET-Proactive Program Electro Beams Enhancing Analytical Microscopy (eBEAM)
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Electron Beam Spectroscopy for Nanooptics Workshop took place on June 2021.
The research area of nanophotonics, the study of light at the nanoscale, has experienced a dramatic growth in the recent years. To further advance this field, it is essential to develop novel characterization techniques that are able to generate, probe and control light at length scales far below the diffraction limit of light.
Recently, electron-beam spectroscopies have emerged as powerful probes in nanophotonics research, fueled by the advent of improved microscopes and the exploration of brand new techniques. In particular, taking advantage of the extremely high spatial resolution in electron beam microscopy, novel techniques have appeared that combine the use of electron beams with optical spectroscopy. Cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy (CL) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) use high-energy beams in an SEM or TEM. Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) enable electron beam spectroscopies to be performed at lower energies and are also becoming increasingly popular to provide insight into optical phenomena at the nanoscale. Electron beam phase-shaping techniques are now unveiling new properties of optical materials. Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy (PINEM) and newly emerging techniques that combine photon-ebeam interactions are revealing ultrafast phenomena with an unprecedented combination of spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. This altogether, have already introduced the novel field of electron-light interactions that cover interdisciplinary topics including matter-wave interferometry, holography, quantum optics, and materials science.
This workshop, which aimed to review the state-of-the-art in electron spectroscopy for nanophotonics, was a 2-day event that consisted of invited talks, contributed talks, and e-poster presentations.
- Electron beam spectroscopy for nanooptics
- High-resolution electron energy loss and gain spectroscopy including vibrational spectroscopy
- Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy (PINEM), shaping electron wavepackets in space and time
- Interaction of slow electrons with light and nanostructures beyond adiabatic approximations
- Quantum optics and quantum coherence with electron beams
- Ultrafast analytical electron microscopy to probe spatiotemporal dynamics on the nanoscale
- Ultra-sensitive material analysis using event-based detection of single electrons and photons, correlation and coincidence detection
- Programmable electron phase plates to tailor electron wave fronts, holography
- Ultrafast coherent and incoherent cathodoluminescence
- Novel instrument development for electron beams enhancing analytical microscopy
- Applications of electron beam spectroscopy in materials science for renewable energy, metrology, low-damage imaging sensitivity in life sciences, novel quantum sensing schemes
- Electron energy loss spectroscopy, electron energy gain spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence
- Quantum optics and quantum coherence with electron beams
- High energy resolution and time-resolved electron-beam spectroscopy
- Material science
This was the 4th workshop in a series focusing on electron beam spectroscopy in nanophotonics.
Previous conferences have taken place in Paris (2019), Barcelona (2017), and Amsterdam (2014).