Sascha Feldmann
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Camrbidge UK

nanoGe is eager to promote the organization of online seminars. Do you have a topic? It's very easy to lauch a meetup! Just describe the topic, decide a few speakers, and fill the form.
Most important: We wish to encourage participation of both junior and senior researchers, please propose interesting research directions
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The Online Young Professional Meetup Light Emission in Organic and Hybrid materials – from photophysics to efficient devices (LightEm) took place on Friday 5th June 2020.
The physics of light emission has fascinated researchers since the beginning of the scientific method. In the last decades, the surge of molecular semiconductors has reignited this fascination and with new material design also novel excited state mechanisms were found, all with the ultimate goal of cheap, reliable, tunable and efficient light emitting devices.
This meetup aims to bring together young scientists from various backgrounds to present and discuss their work on understanding what makes a good light emitter and what challenges there are for turning it into an efficient LED. We explored the full chain of development, from the synthesis of novel materials to gaining a mechanistic understanding of radiative recombination pathways by means of spectroscopy, all the way to the architecture of record-breaking devices. A variety of material systems will be investigated, ranging from hybrid perovskites to molecular complexes and from the bulk to the quantum-confined regime.
Short five-minute presentations allowed for a plethora of different angles on the topic of light emission to be covered. In particular, our aim is to provide a platform for young professionals in the field to share their research and network globally, thus inspiring new research ideas within the panel and the audience alike, from which innovative new approaches to known problems and collaborations across all sub-fields will arise. Join us for what promises to be an exciting meeting!
Topics to be covered by the conference:
- Understanding bulk perovskites as light emitting materials
- Synthesis, fabrication and characterisation of perovskite LEDs
- Emission from individual nanocrystals
- Light emission based on innovative molecular design
Submit an ePoster and win one of the prizes sponsored by Royal Society of Chemistry, Willey Library and Nature Photonics
Best ePoster Content and Discussion - £300 RSC book e-voucher supported by Nanoscale Journal Family. Winner: Pradeep K R
New chemistry unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Runner-up Best ePoster Content and Discussion- £200 book e-voucher supported by Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Winner: Dr. Thomas Winkler, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University - DK
Best ePoster Outline- 100 EUR Wiley book voucher supported by Advanced Optical Materials. Winner: Dr. Surendra Babu Anantharaman, Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Runner-up to Best ePoster Outline - 12-month personal subscription to the journal supported by Nature Photonics. Winner: Mr. Matthew Gray, Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University