Universal Performance Improvements in CuSCN-based Devices Enabled by CuBr2-doping
Patipan Sukpoonprom a b, Zhuoran Qiao b, Pinit Kidkhunthod c, Chitsanucha Chattakoonpaisarn a, Somlak Ittisanronnachai d, Taweesak Sudyoadsuk d, Vinich Promarak a, Nicola Gasparini b, Pichaya Pattanasattayavong a
a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Molecular Science and Engineering, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Rayong, 21210, Thailand
b Department of Chemistry and Centre for Processable Electronics, Imperial College London, London W12 0BZ, UK
c Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization), 111 University Avenue, Muang, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand
d Frontier Research Center (FRC), Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Rayong 21210, Thailand
Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics
Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics&Optoelectronics (IPEROP25)
Kyoto, Japan, 2025 January 20th - 21st
Organizers: Atsushi Wakamiya, Hideo Ohkita and Seigo Ito
Poster, Patipan Sukpoonprom, 086
Publication date: 17th October 2024

Copper(I) thiocyanate (CuSCN) has become an ubiquitous p-type semiconductor used in a wide range of electronic and optoelectronic applications. However, solution-processed CuSCN films from diethyl sulfide (DES) solvent usually contain defective coordination environments, particularly SCN vacancies (VSCN), which are detrimental to p-type conductivity due to their donor-like states near the conduction band minimum. In this work, we present a defect passivation strategy by doping CuSCN with copper(II) bromide (CuBr2) as Br exhibits a similar ionic radius to that of SCN while Cu2+ can act as a hole producer. The substitution of Br to VSCN is revealed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, showing the recovery of coordination environments around Cu+ centers. Moreover, X-ray diffraction shows the preferential orientation in CuBr2-doped CuSCN (CuSCN:CuBr2), which promotes better hole transport through the Cu-S planes having more dispersive hole states. Thin-film transistors fabricated using CuSCN:CuBr2 as the p-channel exhibit an 8-fold increase in field-effect hole mobility to 0.08 cm2 V-1 s-1 compared to reference devices based on undoped CuSCN. Furthermore, CuSCN:CuBr2 employed as a hole transport layer (HTL) in organic solar cells (conventional structure), i.e., PM6:L8-BO and PM6:D18:L8-BO (ternary) can mitigate the S-shape in the current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics typically associated with the HTL based on undoped CuSCN. In effect, CuBr2 doping results in a higher charge collection probability and reduced trap-assisted recombination, yielding a power conversion efficiency of 18.3% compared to 15.5% of reference devices (ternary system). We also explore single-component organic photodiodes (OPDs), an emerging technology, using Y6 as the light absorber. Resulting OPDs with CuSCN:CuBr2 outperform reference devices in all figures of merit: 1-order of magnitude higher specific detectivity (1012 Jones) at -2 V. The universal performance improvements across various devices highlight the importance of defect engineering in CuSCN, a widely used hole-transport material.

P.S. and P.P. would like to acknowledge funding from Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) and support of scientific instruments from VISTEC’s Frontier Research Center (FRC). This project is funded by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), grant no. N42A650255 and N42A650196. This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA2386-22-1-4082.

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