MATSUS Spring 25 (#MATSUS25) is an onsite Conference organized by Fundació Scito, composed of multiple scientific symposia. Fundació Scito is a non-profit organization with the capacity to organize and manage conferences. nanoGe is the conference trade mark of Fundació Scito.
This edition of MATSUS Spring will take place in Sevilla, Spain from the 3rd to the 7th March 2025.
Here we invite the scientific community to present proposals until April 10th, 2024. Are you interested in proposing a symposium? Please read the general instructions below.
Diversity in science
The symposia are conceived to form an exciting, interdisciplinary event that attracts key players of the respective fields as organizers, invited speakers and participants. As always, nanoGe very much takes diversity into account when putting conferences together: from gender to geographical diversity and senior researchers vs. young-and-upcoming ones that will raise fresh ideas to their field
Each symposium will take a maximum of 2 full days, with maximum 6 invited talks per day. Exceeding Invited Speakers will be considered as reserve.
The exact dates for each symposium will be decided by Fundació Scito based on the interest in the topic measured by the number of submitted abstracts and the success of past editions. Fundació Scito will do its best to schedule each symposium in the most convenient dates and will take into consideration any comment or request from the organizers but will not get any compromise a part for organizational reasons. It is possible to suggest coordination of symposia at the level of programming but organizers must note that each symposium must be treated separately.
Registration fees
Registration fee is determined by Fundació Scito and will be common to all symposia. An early bird discount will be offered until oral deadline for all participants. Symposium organizers will obtain a reduced fee of 300€ (social dinner is included). Fees will not be modified unless major reasons due to unforeseen circumstances.
Funds and sponsors
In case the Organizers promote directly the participation of industries and sponsors, the 50% of the raised funding will be added to the budget of the symposium.
General Organizers
MATSUS Spring 25 General Organizers have the authority to accept or decline proposals and contents. Scientific decisions-making, common to all the symposia, will be decided by General Organizers.
How to send a proposal?
This is the kind of information you need to present in a proposal. Download this example of the proposal form:
If you want to propose a symposium that was already celebrated in the past, please contact us in advance at
Information to complete the form
- Ttile: The title must reflect the symposium description. No more than 10 words.
- Acronym
- Description of topical focus:
Guidelines for description of topical focus:
Write the description of topical focus in paragraph form.
The description must have between 80 and 200 words length.
Make the program description well focused on scientifically. It must be addressed to the researchers who will be submitting proposals to this conference.
This text will be the promotional content of your symposium. It must include the objectives and contents.
It must be written in English.
- List of symposium topics:
- List from 3 to 10 topics to explain topical focus at a glance. Enter only one topic per line.
- List of 6-12 invited speakers