Discover the forefront of material science and nanotechnology at our NanoGe inaugural symposium, dedicated exclusively to MXenes— groundbreaking two-dimensional (2D) materials that have been at the center of scientific exploration since their discovery in 2011. MXenes, composed of carbides and nitrides with the general formula Mn+1XnTx, where M stands for an early transition metal, X is carbon or nitrogen, n ranges from 1 to 4, and Tx denotes surface-terminating groups, offer an unparalleled array of structural possibilities. With over 100 different configurations determined by the arrangement of metal atoms and further expanded by surface terminations and the potential for solid solutions and mixed terminations, MXenes invite a realm of endless material innovation.
This symposium aims to spotlight the synthesis, characterization, and application of MXenes, highlighting their exceptional adaptability and superior properties that make them indispensable across a broad spectrum of fields including energy storage, environmental tech, electronics, and more. We will delve into the latest research, exploring MXenes' growing impact on domains such as electromagnetic interference shielding, nanocomposites, and beyond. This gathering of world-renowned experts is not merely a discussion on a material class but a deep dive into the materials that are sculpting the future of technology and innovation.
- MXene Synthesis Techniques
- Energy Storage and conversion Innovations
- Environmental Applications
- Biomedical Uses of MXenes
- Photocatalysis and Electrocatalysis Developments
- Nanocomposites and Hybrid Material Research based on MXenes
- Advances in Optoelectronics
Husam Alshareef is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). He is also the Director of the newly-established Center of Excellence in Renewable Energy and Storage Technologies at KAUST. He obtained his Ph.D. at NC State University followed by a post-doctoral Fellowship at Sandia National Laboratories, USA.
He spent over 10 years in the semiconductor industry where he implemented processes in volume production for chip manufacturing. He joined KAUST in 2009, where he initiated an active research group focusing on the development of nanomaterials for energy and electronics applications. His work has been recognized by over 25 awards including the SEMATECH Corporate Excellence Award, two Dow Sustainability Awards, the Kuwait Prize for Sustainable and Clean Technologies, and the KAUST Distinguished Teaching Award. He has published over 600 papers and 80 issued patents. He is a Fellow of several prestigious societies including the American Physical Society (APS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), US National Academy of Inventors (NAI), Institute of Physics (IoP), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He has been a Clarivate Analytics Highly-cited Researcher in Materials Science for several years.
Christina Birkel is an Associate Professor in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU) and holds a joint professorship position in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt. In 2024, she was appointed Navrotsky Professor of Materials Research at ASU. Prior to her independent career, she was a Junior Research group leader at TU Darmstadt (Habilitation in 2018), a Postdoctoral Researcher (group of Prof. Galen Stucky) at the University of California, Santa Barbara (Feodor Lynen Research Stipend, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation) and completed her PhD thesis (group of Prof. Wolfgang Tremel) at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz holding a stipend of the Graduate School of Excellence (2010). Her group focuses on the synthesis and structural science of new types of layered solids and two-dimensional materials with a strong focus on carbides and (carbo)nitrides (MAX phases and MXenes), as well as the investigation of their properties including transport (electronic, magnetic), high-temperature and electrochemical behavior.
Hermenegildo García Gómez is a full Professor of the Instituto de Tecnología Química at the Univeristat Politècnica de Valencia. His group has expertise in CO2 utilization developing catalysts for CO2 conversion to methanol and C2+ products. He has published over 800 papers, has received more than 75.000 citations, has an H index of 133 and his name is included continuously since 2015 in the annual list of the most cited Scientists published by the Shanghai-Tomson Reuters. He is the recipient of the Janssen-Cilag award of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2011) and the Rey D. Jaime I award in New technologies (2016). He is doctor honoris causa by the University of Bucharest and Honorary Professor at the King Abdulaziz University since 2015. He was awarded by the Lee Hsun lecturership of the Chinese Academy of Science at Shenyang. He has participated in over 20 EU funded projects and is member of the panel of ERC Consolidator Grant as well as other Comissions and panels. He is President of the international advisory editorial board of ChemCatChem. Several of his publications have constituted research fronts in Chemistry (as defined by Essential Science Indicators) Database, such as Photocatalytic CO2 reduction by non TiO2 photocatalysis, catalysis by MOFs, etc.
Dra. Ana Primo Arnau
Research Group Leader, tenured Scientist. UPV, Valencia
Dr. Ana Primo earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) in 2006. Following her doctoral studies, she undertook a postdoctoral stint at the Institute Charles Gerhardt in Montpellier, France, from 2007 to 2009. Currently, she holds a tenured position as a scientist at the “Instituto de Tecnología Química” (UPV-CSIC). Together with Professor Hermenegildo García, she founded the HG Energy Group, which she currently leads alongside Professor García.
Her research focuses on the synthesis of 2D materials such as graphene and boron nitride, exploring their applications in catalytic and photocatalytic processes. Notable among her investigations are CO2 reduction for methanol production and water splitting for hydrogen generation. With over 100 publications, Dr. Primo’s work has garnered more than 7,000 citations, reflecting her significant contributions to the field of chemistry, and she has an h-index of 44.

Prof. Zdenek Sofer is tenured professor at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague since 2019. He received his PhD also at University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic, in 2008. During his PhD he spent one year in Forschungszentrum Julich (Peter Grünberg Institute, Germany) and also one postdoctoral stay at University Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Research interests of prof. Sofer concerning on 2D materials, its crystal growth, chemical modifications and derivatisation. His research covers various applications of 2D materials including energy storage and conversion, electronic, catalysis and sensing devices. He is an associated editor of FlatChem journal. He has published over 460 articles, which received over 15000 citations (h-index of 61).
The focus of this symposium is to explore the design and characterization of sustainable battery systems, beyond classical Li-ion batteries, that can aid the energy transition by supporting wider adoption of batteries in both mobile and grid energy storage applications. This symposium will focus on battery technologies based on abundant materials, including multivalent, organic, metal-air and aqueous batteries. This symposium aims to bring together experts from all around the world to exchange on the novel approaches towards a sustainable energy future. This symposium will be a unique opportunity for researchers, engineers, and energy experts to exchange knowledge and experiences on the latest sustainable battery technologies and establish connections for future collaborations and projects.
- Sodium and potassium batteries
- Multivalent (including Mg-, Ca-, Zn- and Al-based) batteries
- Polymer/organic batteries
- Aqueous and metal-air batteries
- Electrolytes and interphases/interfaces for post-lithium energy storage
Ivana Hasa is Assistant Professor of Electrochemical Materials in WMG at the University of Warwick. Her research activities are directed toward the understanding of the processes governing the chemistry of the next generation sustainable battery technologies. Design of technically relevant materials and the understanding of their structure-property correlation and electrochemical behavior are the core of her research interest. Her work is inherently interdisciplinary, tackling challenges at the interface of chemistry, materials science, electrochemistry, and the scale up of new battery chemistries to full proven cell prototypes. Dr Hasa is involved in several national and EU-funded projects and serves as technical advisor for the “New and Emerging battery technologies” working group of Batteries Europe. She is a member of the Editorial Advisory board for Batteries & Supercaps, academic lead for the WMG Battery School for Faraday Institution and a member of the Training & Diversity panel of the faraday Institution.
Dr. Nagore Ortiz-Vitoriano ( is an Ikerbasque Research Associate, who has been spearheading metal-air research at CIC energiGUNE (Spain) since 2016, of which she became research line manager in 2018.
She obtained her doctorate in 2011 for her work on solid oxide fuel cells (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain), during the course of which she undertook research stays at Risø DTU (Denmark) and Imperial College London (UK). In 2013 she was awarded a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship from the European Union, enabling her to join the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge (USA) where she worked with both lithium and sodium-air batteries. In 2015, she continued this fellowship at CIC energiGUNE, where she conducted research stays at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA), Deakin University (Australia) and Chalmers University (Sweden). Recently, she has been promoted to Ikerbasque Research Associate and granted the Ramon y Cajal fellowship financed by the European Commission's European Social Fund through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Dr. Ortiz-Vitoriano has focused on both rational design of electrode and electrolyte materials for energy storage (e.g., solid oxide fuel cells, electrocatalysis, Na-ion and metal-air batteries), as well as fundamental research focused on elucidating key processes (by establishing relevant physiochemical models) in order to facilitate rapid future developments at both the material and system levels.
Manuel Souto Salom (Valencia, 1988) is an Oportunius Research Professor and Principal Investigator at CIQUS (University of Santiago de Compostela). He is also a Guest/Visiting Professor at the University of Aveiro. He holds a double degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Valencia (Spain) and from the École de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM) de Strasbourg (France), respectively, doing a research internship at PLAPIQUI (Argentina). He also earned a Master’s degree in Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry (2011) from the University of Strasbourg conducting his Master thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Lisbon). He obtained his PhD in Materials Science at Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) with Prof. Jaume Veciana in 2016 conducting two research stays at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and at the University of Antwerp. In 2017, he started to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol-UV) with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. In 2019, he started his independent research career as an Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials. In 2022 he was promoted to Principal Researcher (tenure, Permanent Researcher/Assoc. Prof.) at the same institution. His research interests encompass molecular electronics, electroactive polymers and organic batteries. His main current research interest is the design and synthesis of new functional electroactive porous frameworks (e.g., COFs & MOFs) based on redox-active organic building blocks for energy storage applications. In 2021, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant with the project ELECTROCOFS, which aims to design new redox-active COF-based electrodes for rechargeable batteries. He received, among other distinctions, the NanoMatMol PhD award, the PhD Extraordinary award, and the European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis. He is member of the RSEQ (GENAM) and SPQ chemical societies and Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe.
Docent Moyses Araujo received his PhD degree, in Condensed Matter Physics, from Uppsala University (UU). Thereafter, he has held a postdoc position at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm with a distinguished scholarship from the Swedish Research Council (VR). As a recognition of his work in Sweden, he has won three research awards, viz. Benzelius prize (from the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala), Ångstrom Premium (UU), and Bjurzon’s Premium (the highest award for PhD thesis at UU). In 2011, he has moved for a postdoc in USA, at Yale University, with a prestigious scholarship from the Yale Climate and Energy Institute (YCEI). In 2012, he has returned to Sweden as researcher at UU and in 2014 he has started his independent research group in the same institution with support from VR through the Young Researcher Grant. In 2018 he has become Docent in Physics at Uppsala University. From September 2020, he has joint Karlstad University as universitetslektor/Associate Professor in condensed matter theory.
My main research interest is development of the novel post Li-ion battery systems with a specific focus on the application of organic materials as cathode materials in different multivalent metal anode batteries and development of new multivalent electrolytes.

Claudio Gerbaldi got his PhD in Material Science and Technology in 2006 at the Politecnico di Torino, where he is now Full Professor, Chair of Chemistry for Applied Technologies. He leads the Group for Applied Materials and Electrochemistry, developing innovative electrochemical energy storage/conversion systems and related materials, with strong collaboration with academia, industry, and EU. He is co-author of > 175 research articles in ISI journals (h-index 67). He is the President of GISEL, the Italian Group for Electrochemical Energy Storage. Among others, he received the International “Roberto Piontelli” Award by the President of Italian Republic for outstanding contributions in the field of electrochemistry for energy-related applications.
Lee Johnson received his first degree from Newcastle University, after which he completed a PhD and post-PhD Fellowship in physical chemistry and electrochemistry at the University of Nottingham. He then joined the research group of Prof Sir P.G. Bruce FRS at the University of Oxford, where he studied the elementary processes taking place within the lithium-O2 battery. In 2017, he was awarded a Nottingham Research Fellowship, University of Nottingham, followed by an EPSRC Fellowship in 2018, both to support study of next-generation batteries. In 2019 he was promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry. His current research interests focus on understanding interfacial reactions, degradation, and charge transfer, in electrochemical energy devices.
Haegyeom Kim is a Career Staff Scientist at the Materials Sciences Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). He received his PhD in 2015 from Seoul National University and was a postdoctoral researcher at the LBNL until early 2019. His research interest lies in the materials design for energy storage and conversion materials based on the fundamental understanding of the synthesis process-structure-property relationship. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and 6 patents until now. He was selected as a Clarivate’s ‘Highly Cited Researcher (HCR)’, and won several awards, including Berkeley Lab Director’s Exceptional Achievement: Early Scientific Career, 2023 ACS Materials Au Rising Star, Young Scientist Award from the International Society for Solid-State Ionics, ECS Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award.

As a society, we are at the height of our problematic reliance on fossil-derived energy, with alarming shortages of imported supplies and devastating fluctuations in price. Full transition to sustainable and locally produced energy must therefore be prioritised. This demand calls for a greater diversification of energy storage chemistries, beyond Li-ion, as current Li-based technologies rely on critical or expensive raw materials (e.g. Li, Co, Ni, Cu, graphite), with largely negative socio-environmental impacts of extraction and high risk of supply disruption. In response to this need, our symposium invites contributions on post Li-ion battery research, with special focus on operando characterisation techniques and advanced manufacturing methods. We are aiming to cover developments on understanding and controlling materials degradation and interfacial evolution, and engineering strategies towards accelerating the commercial introduction of new systems. Our symposium is a unique opportunity for researchers, engineers and industry to exchange knowledge on the latest post-Li battery technologies and establish fruitful collaborations and projects.
- Post Li-ion technologies
- Operando characterisation techniques
- SEI understanding and engineering
- Manufacturing methods and device engineering
- Solid-solid and solid-liquid interfaces
Heather is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London.
She obtained her PhD in 2017 from Imperial College developing covalent modification strategies on carbon nanomaterials. She was a postdoctoral research associate at Queen Mary University of London and Imperial College, where her research interests shifted to investigating charge storage mechanisms in sodium-ion battery anodes, and later a Faraday Institution Research Fellow, working on the development of engineered carbon hosts for sulfur cathodes in lithium-sulfur batteries.
Heather was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 2023, allowing her to establish an independent research team exploring sustainable materials for structural energy storage.

After a master’s in physics, he obtained his doctoral thesis at the Sorbonne University in Paris on nanomaterials and electron microscopy. Then, he worked for 5 years on energy materials and in situ experiments at the Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. Since 2015, he has been a researcher at the CNRS in the LRCS laboratory and RS2E network (French Battery Network) in Amiens, France. As senior scientist, he studies the dynamics of lithiation in Li-ion battery materials in multi-scale and multimodal modes based on the development of in situ/operando methods via TEM (liquid & 4DSTEM) and X-ray techniques (STXM-XANES). His research is now heavily involved in the use and development of machine/deep learning tools for computer vision, image processing and big data analysis. He is also responsible for the electron/X-ray microscopy platform of the RS2E network and recently co-founder of the startup PreDeeption on predicting battery life, for which he was awarded the CNRS innovation RISE prize.
Li-ion batteries (LIB) are the dominant energy storage technology and present in electrified transportation, electronic devices as well as robotics. This is due to their high energy density (300 watt-hours per kilogram), low self-discharge (1.5-2% per month), long storage life (10 years) and cyclability (500-2000 cycles). Unfortunately, these batteries require the use of scarce, toxic and unethically resourced materials for their fabrication. Furthermore, it is expected an increase of 26 million units of LIB on electric vehicles by 2030 generating a large amount of waste in a very near future. However, those end-of-life batteries can be considered an important source of metals and materials (electrolytes, binders, anodes) to be reused in other applications or incorporated in the battery supply chain. This also pushes the need to redesign the LIB components and other sustainable technologies using low-cost materials. The focus of this symposium is to bring together experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in sustainability of battery technologies and their impact on the future landscape of our society and environment. During the symposium, speakers will present recent research and developments in solving future and present problems derived from the exponential demand of LIB manufacturing
- Redesign of sustainable binders, electrode and electrolytes
- Recycling energy storage materials
- Reuse of battery cathodes for electrocatalysis
- Sustainable materials & technologies
Dr. Fellinger is Head of the Division 3.6 Electrochemical Energy Materials at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). He is a nanostructure and molecular scientist by training (diploma at University of Kassel, DE), who received his PhD in colloid chemistry (with summa cum laude) at the University of Potsdam/DE under the direct supervision of Prof. Markus Antonietti in 2011. After a short postdoctoral stays at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Prof. Ichiro Yamanaka) he was a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam-Golm (2012-2017). In 2016/17 he was an awarded Researcher-in-Residence at Chalmers Institute of Technology in Gothenburg (Prof. Anders Palmqvist), followed by one term as W2-substitute professor for inorganic chemistry at the University of Applied Science Zittau/Görlitz. Afterwards until 2020 he joined Prof. Hubert Gasteiger´s Chair for Technical Electrochemistry (Technical University Munich) with a fuel cell project. In 2020 Dr. Fellinger´s group joined the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin. Dr. Fellinger received the Donald-Ulrich Award 2017 of the International Sol-Gel Society and the Ernst-Haage Award for Chemistry of the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion. His research interests are the synthetic chemistry of novel materials and their usage in energy-related applications with a focus on different carbon-based materials like nitrogen-doped carbons, M-N-C catalysts or hard carbon anodes. He has published ~60 articles in peer-reviewed journals (>6000 citations, H-index: 41).
A/Prof. Pozo-Gonzalo is a CSIC Principal Researcher, working at the Carboquimica Institute (Spain) and an honorary Associate Professor at Deakin University (Melbourne) working on sustainable energy storage materials and technologies. She attained her Degree and honours at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). After graduating, she received her PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) working with Prof. Peter J. Skabara on the electrochemical synthesis of Conducting Polymers. From 2004, she joined the Centre for Electrochemical Technologies in San Sebastian, (Spain) as the Head of Electrooptical unit where she stayed for 7 years. After moving to Australia, she has been working with Prof. Alan Bond at Monash University and in 2012 she joined Deakin University where she has been working in reversible metal air battery with advanced electrolytes, ionic liquids funded by ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES).
Since 2018, she has been focusing on circular economy in energy materials, working on the recovery of critical raw materials from end of life devices using sustainable methods, as well as redesign of materials for energy. At Deakin University, she is also a theme champion for energy materials as part of the University’s Circular Economy mission pillar. She is a board member of the Journal Sustainable Chemistry and Associate Editor of RSC sustainability. During her research career, she has authored and co-authored 112 peer-review international publications, 3 book chapters and holds 5 patents, in the areas of electrochemistry, circular economy and energy storage. She has supervised 11 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, 14 PhD students (9 to completion, 5 current), and 11 undergraduate students. She has led a total of 36 projects, 14 of them with industry partners, and 5 prestigious European funded projects within different calls STRP-FP6, FP7-NMP, RISE generating a total income of more than AU$4M.
Dr Rosa M. Cuéllar-Franca is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of Manchester. Prior to her appointment, she held a postdoctoral research position at the same institution for 2.5 years, working on the programme grant “A coordinated comprehensive approach to carbon capture and utilisation” led by the University of Sheffield and funded by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. She received her PhD in Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science in 2013 and her MSc in Environmental Technology in 2008 from The University of Manchester, and her Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Tijuana, Mexico in 2007.
Her research focuses on the sustainability assessment of novel technologies for climate change mitigation on a life cycle basis, providing quantitative evidence that enables targeted improvements at various system levels, such as molecular and process design, process operation, and policy making. Her work has centred around developing more environmentally sustainable ionic liquids, catalysts, bio-based chemicals and nanomaterials for cleaner technology development. She is an expert in life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon footprinting, and life cycle costing. She is author of over 30 peer-reviewed papers and her recent article on ionic liquids “A life cycle approach to solvent design: Challenges and opportunities for ionic liquids – application to CO2 capture” has won the Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 2021 Outstanding Early Career Paper Award in recognition of her potential to influence future directions in the field.
Dr. Camélia Matei Ghimbeu is a Research Director at Material Science Institute in Mulhouse (IS2M), CNRS, France. She received in 2007 her PhD from University of Metz, France and TU Delft, The Netherlands and her Habilitation in 2015 from University of Haute Alsace, France. She was awarded in 2017 the CNRS Bronze Medal, in 2018 the Award "Solid-State Chemistry Division" (French Chemistry Society) and in 2019 the award Guy Ourisson (Gutenberg Cercle), for her research works devoted to the design of carbon-based materials with controlled characteristics for energy storage and environmental applications. Author of more than 100 articles and about 150 communications, she is leading the “Carbon and Hybrid Materials” group at IS2M, and she is member of French network of Electrochemical Storage of Energy (RS2E).
Dr. Lathe Jones is a Principal Scientist (Investigador Cientifico) at CSIC-ISQCH in Zaragoza (Spain).
His background is in aplied electrochemistry, inorganic chemistyr, and the recovery of metals from ores and waste.
Professor Emma Kendrick, CChem FIMMM FRSC FIMMM - Chair of Energy Materials, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham.
Prof Kendrick’s career to date has included industrial and academic roles leading to her current role as Chair of Energy Materials, where in addition to group lead of the energy materials group (EMG), she is co-director of the Centre for Energy Storage (BCES) and part of Birmingham Energy institute (BEI) and Birmingham Centre for Strategic Elements and Critical Materials (BCSECM). The EMG investigates sustainability in novel battery technologies from materials, manufacturing, performance and parameterisation, and recycling. Her recent work has led to a 2021 joint UoB - Imperial College London (ICL) spin out company, based around the methods of experimental parameterisation of applied multi-physics cell models, called About:Energy, for which she is founder and director.
Prior to UoB, she spent two years as Reader in WMG, University of Warwick. Before academia, she led innovations in the battery industry, latterly as Chief Technologist in Energy Storage at SHARP Laboratories of Europe Ltd (SLE) and prior to that for two lithium-ion battery SMEs, Fife Batteries Ltd and Surion Energy Ltd.
She is fellow of the Royal Society of chemistry (RSC) and Institute of Metals, Mining and Materials (IoM3). Recently, she has been recognised through several awards; 2021 Faraday Institution (FI) Researcher Development Champion, RSC 2021 Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Mid-Career Award, and the 2019 Hothersall Memorial Award for outstanding services to Metal Finishing.
Prof Kendrick holds a PhD from Keele University, obtained as part of a postgraduate transfer partnership (PTP) scheme with CERAM Research, a MSc in new materials from the University of Aberdeen and a BSc in chemistry from the University of Manchester.
Nicolas Schaeffer is an assistant researcher at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials (University of Aveiro, Portugal). He received his PhD in Environmental Engineering from Imperial College in 2017 and is now working as an assistant researcher at CICECO. He is the recipient of an ERC starting grant (DESignSX - Grant agreement ID: 101116461) and his leading a work package on the recycling of LIBs in collaboration with industry. His research focuses on the understanding and development of new solvents for improved hydrometallurgical separation of metals, with a focus on solvent extraction and the forces driving selectivity.
Marta Sevilla is a Scientific Investigator at the Institute of Carbon Science and Technology, which belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Oviedo/INCAR in 2008 working on the development of novel carbon materials for energy storage (supercapacitors) and energy conversion (electrocatalysts for the anode of fuel cells). After several research stays in the University of Nottingham, Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, and Georgia Institute of Technology, she got a permanent position at INCAR-CSIC.
Since 2012 se has focused her research on the development of advanced carbon-based materials through sustainable routes for their use in energy storage devices, including supercapacitors, Li-S batteries and hybrid ion capacitors, energy conversion (ORR electrocatalysts) and gas storage (CO2 and H2). She has co-authored ca. 130 peer-reviewed papers.
Electrocatalysis will play a key role in the fight against climate change and in our transition to a greener society by enabling the synthesis of sustainable -and valuable- fuels and chemicals from CO2 . The development of catalyst, electrodes, and electrolyzers able to perform these electrocatalytic conversions efficiently, stably, and selectively is crucial to enable the implementation of this technology, as is the understanding of reaction pathways, electrode/electrolyte interactions, and degradation pathways. The event will gather experts from academia, industry, and government agencies to present their research findings, bridging topics from atomistic modeling of reaction pathways to technological implementations. This symposium will provide a platform to foster stimulating discussions, networking, and the creation of new collaboration, with the aim of strengthening and accelerating electrocatalysis research and the scientific community around it, leading to groundbreaking innovations. Join us and contribute to the discussion about the future of electrocatalysis and to its role for a sustainable society!
- Electrocatalytic CO2 conversion into sustainable fuels and chemicals
- Accelerated discoveries powered by open data science and machine learning
- Investigation of reaction pathways and electrode/electrolyte interactions
- Advanced in-situ/operando characterization techniques
- Technological implementations and scalability of electrocatalytic processes
- Life-cycle assessments and techno-economic analysis

Sophia Haussener is a Professor heading the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Her current research is focused on providing design guidelines for thermal, thermochemical, and photoelectrochemical energy conversion reactors through multi-physics modelling and experimentation. Her research interests include: thermal sciences, fluid dynamics, charge transfer, electro-magnetism, and thermo/electro/photochemistry in complex multi-phase media on multiple scales. She received her MSc (2007) and PhD (2010) in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Joint Center of Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) between 2011 and 2012. She has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and 2 books. She has been awarded the ETH medal (2011), the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation award (2011), the ABB Forschungspreis (2012), the Prix Zonta (2015), the Global Change Award (2017), and the Raymond Viskanta Award (2019), and is a recipient of a Starting Grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2014).
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldán Cuenya is currently the director of the Interface Science Department as well as interims director of Inorganic Chemistry Department at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin (Germany). She began her academic career by completing her MSc in Physics in Spain in 1998 and a PhD in Physics in Germany in 2001. Her postdoctoral research took her to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of California Santa Barbara (USA). In 2004 she joined the Department of Physics at the University of Central Florida as Assistant Professor becoming a full professor in 2012. In 2013, she moved back to Germany and became a Chair professor of Solid State Physics at the Ruhr-University Bochum. She then joined the FHI in 2017.
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Roldan Cuenya is the author of 245 peer-reviewed publications, 6 book chapters and 6 patents. She has been supervising 74 postdoctoral fellows and 36 PhD students. She serves in the editorial board of the Journal of Catalysis and the Chemical Reviews journal. She is a member of the Academia Europaea as well as of the Germany National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Recently she received the Manchot Research Professorship from TU Munich (2023), the 2022 Paul H. Emmet Award of the North American Catalysis Society, the Röntgen Medal (2022), the Faraday Medal from The Electrochemistry Division of the UK Royal Society of Chemistry (2022), the AVS Fellow Award (2021) and the International Society of Electrochemistry-Elsevier Prize for Experimental Electrochemistry (2021).
Environmental electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering are critical in addressing contemporary threats to Earth's ecosystems. Leveraging electrochemical principles and materials engineering, recent years have witnessed the development of sustainable solutions amidst pressing concerns like pollution, climate change, and resource depletion.
Electrochemical techniques offer efficient means to eliminate pollutants from water, soil and air through separation, reduction, and advanced oxidation processes. These methods target specific pollutants while minimizing secondary waste accumulation.
Environmental electrochemistry provides innovative solutions for water treatment, and critical/strategic raw materials recovery. Techniques like capacitive/faradaic deionization, electrodialysis, and ion exchange contribute to sustainable water management and resource utilization, promoting novel recycling strategies. Furthermore, electrochemical precipitation and membrane filtration facilitate the extraction and recovery of valuable resources from biomass and waste streams.
Designing, modeling, and studying water-energy interactions at a larger scale is also essential for expanding the industrial interest in these electrochemical technologies.
In this context, there is an impelling need to develop next-generation efficient materials, ranging from polymers employed in ion exchange membranes or as ion capture electrodes, to metal oxides or single atoms active centers acting as electrocatalysts for faradaic reactions, not forgetting different forms of carbon-based functional materials as primary active sites, conductive additives or anchoring supports.
- Advanced materials for electrochemical conversion and removal of pollutants in water/soil/air
- New systems for electrochemical water disinfection
- Development of electrocatalysts based on innovative materials and concepts
- Emerging active electrode materials for selective resource recovery/capture
- Organic membranes and electrodes for environmental applications
- Hybrid and multifunctional electrode materials and electrochemical reactors
- Photoelectrocatalysts and photoreactors
- Environmental applications based on carbon electrodes
- Electrochemical waste and biomass valorization
- Electrochemical membrane filtration technologies (e.g., electrodialysis)
- Modeling, simulation and scale-up (incl., material synthesis and reactors)
- Water-Energy Nexus
The C.V. of Julio J. Lado shows a significant multidisciplinary character, a strong publication record achieved working in several international environments (USA, Brazil and Germany), scientific independence and funding ability.
Julio J. Lado obtained his PhD in 2014 at the University of Alcalá. Lado realized his PhD thesis "Study of asymmetric capacitive deionization cells for water treatment applications" in IMDEA Water Institute in collaboration with the Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) under the supervision of Prof. Marc A. Anderson (Different research stays amounting for 2.5 years.). As result of his thesis studies, he published 9 articles, collaborated in research projects funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) and Office of Naval Research (ONR).
In 2014, he started his postdoctoral career in the group of Assistant Professor Luis A.M. Ruotolo (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil) by receiving a prestigious fellowship from the CAPES (Brazilian Agency). During his stay, he studied the use of biowaste materials as precursors for preparing activated carbon electrodes for energy storage and environmental applications. He participated in projects funded by Brazilian research agencies (FAPESP and CNPq).
In February 2017 he joined the Electrochemical Processes Unit in IMDEA Energy funded by young Talent program of Comunidad of Madrid. His work was focused on developing energy efficient electrochemical processes for environmental applications. Initially he collaborated also in the DC-SOIAS project funded by MINECO through the Retos Call (RTC-2015-3969-5) focused on valorization of seawater desalination brines. In the second half of his TALENTO grant Lado worked on preferential or selective electrochemical capture of different ions or charged compounds. In this topic the study of an injectable semi-solid electrodes cell prepared to capture and separate lithium ions led to fill a European patent in 2020.
At the end of 2021 Dr Lado was awarded with two grants: JIN funded by Ministry of Science and Talento Senior by the Comunidad de Madrid. The objective of the Talento proposal, named SELECTVALUE, is to explore the potential of electrochemical faradaic ion pumping technologies for environmental applications. In the framework of this project, commercial battery inorganic materials but also organic polymers are being employed either to capture single ions (such as lithium or sodium) or to modify the mono/divalent composition. Moreover, he is currently participating in international projects such as FET Proactive – HYSOLCHEM, focused on organic compounds capture and degradation by electrochemical methods while reducing CO2 and producing chemicals. During this project he enjoyed research stay in the synchrotron of Diamond Light Source (UK) to perform in operando electrochemical experiments. Dr Lado has been also recently involved in industrial CDI projects with companies such as FCC Aqualia to build a CDI system for a brackish water desalination plant (REWAISE contract).
Julio J. Lado is co-author of 30 scientific publications with 1002 citations, with an h index of 18. He is author of 2 patents and has participated in more than 40 international conferences (36 oral presentations and 5 posters). He has directed 10 Master Thesis along with several Research Works and Final Degree Projects. He is also currently supervising two predoctoral researchers and two master students.
Cleis Santos received her Ph.D in electrochemistry in 2017 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In this period, she developed desalination devices based on Capacitive Deionization at IMDEA Energy (Electrochemical Processes Unit). Afterwards, she was a postdoctoral researcher at IMDEA Materials (Multifunctional Nanocomposites Group) where she studied advanced CNT fibres materials for electrochemical-based desalination applications. She also studied in situ small/wide angle X-ray scattering techniques with synchrotron light. In 2020, she joined with a MSCA Individual Fellowship the group of Prof. La Mantia (University of Bremen). Since 2024, she is the group leader of Electrochemical Processes for Recycling and Water Treatment Group (RecWass Group) in the Electrical Energy Storage Department of Fraunhofer IFAM. Her current work is focused on the development of electrochemical technologies to tackle the need of novel battery recycling methods and energy-efficient solutions for water treatment (desalination, critical raw materials recovery, pollution removal). aiming to face challenges related to the water-energy nexus.
Ignasi Sirés (Researcher ID: C-7054-2013) obtained his PhD degree in Chemistry in 2007 from the University of Barcelona (UB, Spain). He also became a Materials’ Engineer after conducting studies at this University and at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He has undertaken postdoctoral stays and professor-researcher positions at: Università degli Studi di Genova, Université Paris-Est, University of Southampton in UK and Universidad de Guanajuato. He has also been invited as visiting professor in several universities in China, Peru, Brazil and Chile. In September 2009, he became Lecturer at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry (UB), carrying out his research with Prof. Enric Brillas at the Laboratory of Electrochemistry of Materials and the Environment (LEMMA Group). Since September 2014, he has been working as an Assistant Professor at the same Department. His research interests mainly focus on all aspects of environmental electrochemistry for wastewater treatment, with major efforts devoted to the development of electrodes, catalysts and reactors for electrochemical advanced oxidation processes, filing two patents and working as advisor in industry-funded projects. With over 200 indexed scientific articles, more than 195000 citations (h-66), and several awards from ISE, RSEQ, SIBAE and WPEE, he is currently among the 2% most cited and influencing authors in the world. He is the Secretary (former Treasurer) of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, as well as current Vice-Chair and elected Chair of ISE Division 5.
Dr. Sonia Lanzalaco is a Chemical Engineer and Ph.D. by the Università degli Studi di Palermo (UniPA, Italy). Her research interests are focused on materials science and polymer technology, having wide expertise in materials synthesis and characterization, as well as in supercritical and electrochemical methods. In 2016, she obtained her Ph.D. Degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering (co-funded by LIMA Corporate) at UniPA. During her Ph.D., she spent a 4-month period as Visiting Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (USA) under the supervision of world-renowned Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (ATRP polymerization). She has collaborated with Prof. Giuseppe Storti (ETH-Zurich), Prof. Armando Gennaro (Università di Padova, Italy) and Prof. Ignasi Sirés (Universitat de Barcelona, UB, Spain). In 2018, she obtained a prestigious individual fellowship under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) call funded by the H2020 program. As MSCA postdoctoral researcher at the Innovation in Materials and Molecular Engineering (IMEM) group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), she led the project entitled 4D-POLYpropylene meshes as SENsitive motion SEnsors (4D-POLYSENSE). She worked in close collaboration with the global company BBraun Surgical S.A. (6-month secondment), developing innovative and smart polymer-based materials for hernia repair. Currently, she is a Lecturer and Senior Researcher at IMEM group (Prof. C.Alemán) and actively participates in several research projects and student supervision and training. Her current research agenda includes the preparation of: (i) smart platforms for electrochemical sensor devices, (ii) new in vitro detection and sterilization methods for bioengineering applications, and (iii) biomass-based polymers for health and environmental applications.
Emmanuel Mousset has completed his Erasmus PhD in Environmental Science and Technology in 2013 delivered by University of Paris-Est (France), University of Cassino (Italy) and UNESCO-IHE (The Netherlands), followed by post-doc positions in National University of Singapore (NUS) and Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany). He is currently Senior Researcher at the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) since 2016. His main scientific and technological contributions are in electrochemical engineering (e.g., reactor design and engineering, sizing), (electro)-chemical kinetics and reactivity, as well as electrode/electrolyte interfaces studies. He has been awarded with the young investigator price in 2022 by the French Electrochemical Group from the French Chemical Society, the Carl Wagner Medal of Excellence in Electrochemical Engineering in 2020 from the Electrochemical engineering group of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE), as well as the Green Electrochemistry Prize in 2018 from the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) and Elsevier.
Sylwin Pawlowski holds a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (2015). Since February 2011, he has been developing his research at the Laboratory of Membrane Processes, first as a PhD student, followed by a Postdoc position at iBET, a Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland/UK), and currently as an Assistant Researcher at NOVA, a position earned in a very prestigious CEEC IND call.
His main area of interest is experimental and modelling work on membranes and electromembrane processes, one of the most sustainable chemical processes for power generation, water desalination and resource recovery. His research activities so far comprise recovery/recycling of lithium from brines/end-of-life Li-ion batteries, electrospinning, 3D printing, sustainable power generation by reverse electrodialysis, membrane profiling, membrane fouling, flow capacitive deionisation, brackish water desalination, digital twins, machine learning and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Dr. William Tarpeh is an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Stanford University. The Tarpeh Lab uses catalysis and separations to advance wastewater refining, which generates tunable portfolios of products from water pollutants. In addition to improving mechanistic understanding of novel materials and processes, the group also advances wastewater treatment in resource-constrained communities to improve access to water, fertilizers, and chemical commodities. Will completed his B.S. in chemical engineering at Stanford, his M.S. and Ph.D. in environmental engineering at UC Berkeley, and postdoctoral training at the University of Michigan. His recent awards include the NSF CAREER Award, Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, AIChE 35 Under 35 and the Environmental Division Early Career Award, and the Electrochemical Society Young Investigator Fellowship.
Dr. Trócoli got his Ph. D based on developing materials for Li-ion batteries at the University of Cordoba in 2012. He started his postdoctoral career by joining the Bochum Universität (Prof. La Mantia). Firstly, working in aqueous batteries, developing the first Zn-ion battery based on CuHCF; lately, he got involved in other fields, including his first works in Li selective and exclusion electrodes, as well as in an industrial project with Bayer MaterialsScience – reactor design. Dr. Trócoli started a collaboration with Prof. Alfred Ludwig to develop thin-film cathodes by RF-Magnetron sputtering, his first incursion in all-solid-state batteries. In January 2016, he joined the Nanoionics and fuel cell group (IREC, Spain, Prof. Tarancón - H2020 “Sinergy” project), working in thin film deposition methods. He developed a new multi-target technique and fabricated, among others, the first double-ion micro battery based on a Li intercalation cathode and a Zn metal anode. In September 2017, Dr. Trócoli started as a Marie Curie fellow in the group of Prof. Palacín (ICMAB-CSIC). Lately, he joined the FET-H2020 project E-Magic, working on novel cathodes for Mg batteries and nitride materials. In 2020, Dr. Trócoli obtained an EMERGIA project (Junta de Andalucía) and a JIN project (Retos-2020) for the development of new materials for Li extraction starting in November 2021 as a senior researcher at the University of Cordoba. Currently, Dr. Trócoli works as a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the University of Córdoba. He led several national and regional projects on battery recycling and post-lithium ion batteries.

Professor Louis de Smet holds a personal chair on Advanced Materials & Interfaces at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Chiral metal halide perovskites and perovskite-inspired materials have garnered significant attention in recent years due to their peculiar properties such as circular dichroism, polarized photoluminescence, non-linear chiroptical effects, and spin-polarized carriers. All these characteristics make them promising materials for chiroptoelectronics, spintronics and ferroelectrics. In addition, the vast tunability of hybrid metal halides due to their organic-inorganic duality in terms of chemical composition and structural motifs allows to synthesis, design and tailor materials with specific and/or optimized properties. However, the design and engineering of novel compositions requires a deep understanding of the structure-property correlation in chiral hybrid metal halides which is still not fully addressed both from an experimental and computational point of view. This deep understanding is also an important requisite for device manufacture. The symposium aims to provide a platform for researchers and experts in the filed of chiral metal halides to share recent finding covering all the aspects from the materials design and synthesis, computational and experimental characterization, and device engineering.
- Synthesis of chiral metal halide materials
- Photophysical studies (e.g., circular dichroism, photoluminescence, etc.)
- Computational modelling
- Device fabrication and characterization
Lorenzo obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 2003 and since 2008 is Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Pavia. In 2021 he was appointed Full Professor in the same department. He was the recipient of the Young Scientist Award for outstanding work in the field of perovskites at the International Conference on Perovskites held in late 2005 in Zürich, of the “Alfredo di Braccio” Prize for Chemistry 2008 of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded to distinguished under 35-year-old chemists and contributed the Journal Materials Chemistry and Chemical Communications“Emerging Investigator” issues in 2010 and 2011. He is working in several areas of solid state chemistry with particular interest in the investigation of structure–properties correlation in different kinds of functional materials, in particular electrolyte materials for clean energy, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and catalysis materials. He is author of more than 200 papers on international peer-reviewed journals. Since 2018 he is member of Academic Senate and Vice-Director of the Chemistry Department. He is Director of the INSTM Reference Center “PREMIO” devoted to the synthesis of innovative materials and member of the Directive Board of INSTM. Since 2014 he is member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Chemistry of Pavia University. He is Editor of Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
Alessandro Stroppa (July 14th 1976) is a Research Director of the CNR-SPIN Institute (Italy) and deputy director of the research unit in L’Aquila (Italy). He received his PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from University of Trieste (Italy) in 2006 and he continued his research in computational materials science at University of Vienna in the group of Prof. Georg Kresse (VASP Team). After 2009, he joined the CNR in Italy where he became permanent staff in 2012. He is contract professor at University of L’Aquila (Italy), and invited professor at Shanghai and South East University (China).
His current research areas deal with solid-state physics and materials science. Specifically, he is interested in 3D and 2D hybrid inorganic-organic perovskites, non-magnetic and magnetic 2D systems with special focus on photo-ferroic, multiferroic, magnetoelectric, twistronic, topological, magneto-optical and non-linear optical properties, skyrmions, etc. He has great experience with Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods for the study of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties using all-electrons as well as pseudopotential approaches implemented in numerical codes. He has published about 138 peer-reviewed papers (h-index=43, Total citations 6744) in theoretical condensed matter also in collaboration with experimentalists. In 2017, 5 of his papers were Highly Cited (Source: Web of Science). He is on the World’s top 2% scientists lists published by Stanford University since 2019. He received honors such as the ‘Best 2008 New Journal of Physics Collection’; Research Highlight talk at EUROMAT 2013; Best oral talks at Italian Physical Society conferences in 2005 and 2011; Certificate of appreciation for “his important contributions to the theoretical understanding of microscopic mechanisms of multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in perovskite metal-organic frameworks” by Nature Conference (Nankai University, 2019). He is carrying out an intense outreach activity for primary schools. [Last update Sept 04th 2023]
Selected papers
1. A. Stroppa, et al.“Electric Control of Magnetization and Interplay between Orbital Ordering and Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 2011, 50, 5847-5850. Times cited:192.
2. A. Stroppa, et al. “Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Metal-Organic Framework”, Adv. Mat., 2013, 25, 2284-2290. Times cited:215.
3. A. Stroppa, et al. “Tuning the Ferroelectric Polarization in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18126-18130. Times cited:190.
4. A. Stroppa, et al. “Electric-Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in a Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12883-12886. Times cited:23.
5. A. Stroppa, et al.”Tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in tin iodide perovskites”, Nat. Commun., 2014, 5, 5900. Times cited:175 (Highly Cited Paper)
6. A. Stroppa, “Cross coupling between electric and magnetic orders in a multiferroic metal-organic framework”, Sci. Rep., 2014, 4, 6062. Times cited:134.
7. A. Stroppa, et al. “Magneto-Optical Kerr Switching Properties of (CrI3)2 and (CrBr3/CrI3) Bilayers”, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2, 5, 1380-1373. Times cited:1.
8. A. Stroppa et al. “Activating magnetoelectric optical properties by twisting antiferromagnetic bilayers”, Phys. Rev. B, 106, 184408 (2022). Times cited: 0
Selected links (Outreach)
Dr. Beatriz Martín-García received her Ph.D. in Chemical Physics (Cum Laude) from University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2013. Then, she joined Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy) under the Graphene Flagship project working during almost 6 years on the modulation of optoelectronic properties of different materials (nanocrystals, 2D materials and hybrid metal-halide perovskites) by chemical-design and surface-functionalization strategies for their integration in solar cells, photodetectors and memories. She is currently an Ikerbasque researcher and Ramón y Cajal fellow at CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, leading a research line developing tailor-made low-dimensional materials and studying them by Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy techniques to drive the selection of desired properties for their integration in optoelectronic and spintronic devices.
Juan José Palacios Burgos (Full Professor since 2019, UAM) graduated in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 1989 where he also received his PhD in 1993 for his theoretical work on electronic structure and transport properties of semiconductor quantum dots and on various topics related to the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect (QHE). He continued his professional career as a postdoctoral researcher at the National Research Council (Canada), the Indiana University (USA) as a NATO fellow, and the University of Kentucky (USA), where he explored more in depth the many-body physics of the fractional QHE in collaboration with Allan MacDonald, also doing fundamental work on vortex matter and mesoscopic superconductivity in collaboration with Nobel-prize awardee Andre Geim. At the Universidad of Alicante (Spain), where he worked for almost 10 years, he started a new research group on Nanophysics, a new master program in Nanoscience, and pioneered one of the first projects worldwide to compute quantum transport from first principles (Alicante NanoTransport, ANT). Since 2009 he works at the department of Condensed Matter Physics (UAM) where he is exploring the physics of two-dimensional and topological materials with focus on spintronics and optoelectronics applications. He has taught courses at all levels, including master studies. He has supervised 8 master students, 12 PhD students, and is currently supervising 6 PhD students more. In the meantime, in 2014, he co-founded SIMUNE Atomistics, the first company in Spain that offers computational services for material science related industrial needs, and was a Fulbright scholar in 2018 at University of Austin, in Texas. He is currently a member of Spanish as well as several international project evaluation committees.
Shuxia Tao is a compuational materials scientist and she studies how photons, electrons and ions interact with each other and how such interactions determine the formation, function and degradation of materials. Currently, she leads the Computational Materials Physics group at the department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.
Tao's group focuses on multiscale modelling of energy and optoelectronic materials, studying the growth of nanomaterials and developing theory of light-matter interactions. The ultimate goal is perfecting the quality of these materials and maximizing their efficiency for converting and storing energy and information. Her recent contribution to PV materials focuses on halide perovskites, where she made important contribution in the understanding of the electronic structure, the defect chemistry/physics and the nucleation and growth of halide perovskites. Recently, she also expanded the research to the interactions of perovskites with other contact materials in devices and novel optoelectronic properties, such as optical chirality and chiral induced spin selevetivity.
Since 2019, Yana Vaynzof holds the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Technical University of Dresden. Prior to that (2014-2019), she was a juniorprofessor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University (Germany). She received a B.Sc degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) in 2006, and a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, (USA) in 2008. She pursued a Ph.D. degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Sir. Richard Friend at the Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and investigated the development of hybrid polymer solar cells and the improvement of their efficiency and stability. Upon completing her PhD in 2011, she joined the Microelectronics group at the University of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate focusing on the research of surfaces and interfaces in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. Yana Vaynzof was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the ERC Starting Grant, Gordon Y. Wu Fellowship, Henry Kressel Fellowship, Fulbright-Cottrell Award and the Walter Kalkhof-Rose Memorial Prize.
This symposium invites contributions on the development of lead-free perovskites and metal halide systems from complementary perspectives, ranging from the processing of 3D and 2D perovskites to the structural characterization of new low dimensional architectures, crystal engineering with functional templating cations, their photophysical and electrical transport properties, the role of molecular additives and defect passivation strategies in the enhancement of the optoelectronic performances and stability. It will cover the opportunities and challenges of the application of lead-free materials in photovoltaic and photonic devices, including light-emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, scintillators and photodetectors.
- Lead-free perovskites
- Low dimensional metal halide hybrids
- Stability
- Optical and electronic properties
- Morphology
- Photovoltaics
- LEDs
- Memristors
- Photodetectors and photonics
The author was graduated from Osaka University in 1978 and received Ph.D from Osaka University in 1983. He joined R&D Center in Toshiba from 1978 to 2000, during which the author was engaged in development of ULSI lithography, solar cells direct methanol fuel cells, and polysilane. He joined polysilane research in Robert West group of Wisconsin University (US) from 1988 to 1990. He was a professor of Kyushu Institute of Technology (National Institute) since 2001. From 2019, the author is a professor in The University of Electro-Communications in Japan. His research interest is printable solar cells.

Juan P. Martínez-Pastor, Full Prof. at the University of Valencia. PhD in Physics, 1990. Three years of postdoctoral experience at the European Laboratory of Non-Linear Spectroscopy (Florence, Italy) and at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France). Prof. Martínez-Pastor is expert in Semiconductor Physics, particularly optical properties and exciton recombination dynamics in quantum wells, wires and dots based on III-V semiconductors and other compounds since 1990. This research line continues nowadays focused on quantum light produced by quantum dot semiconductors and its management for quantum communications. After 2006 he has leaded/co-leaded several research lines in nanoscience and nanotechnology regarding the development of several types of nanomaterials (metal and quantum dots, multi-functional nanocomposites) and applications to photonics and plasmonics. In the last three years, he focuses his research in optical properties, exciton recombination dynamics and applications in photonics of two-dimensional semiconductors and metal halide perovskites. He has supervised 16 PhD theses and is author/co-author of 220 peer-reviewed publications, other than seven patents and promotor of a spin-off company.
Yong-Young Noh is Chair Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Republic of Korea. He received his PhD in 2005 from GIST, Republic of Korea, and then worked at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, UK, as a postdoctoral associate. Afterwards, he worked at ETRI as a senior researcher, at Hanbat National University as an assistant professor, Dongguk University-Seoul as an associate professor. He has won Merck Young Scientist Award (2013), Korea President Award (2014), IEEE George E. Smith Award (2014), as selected this month as a Scientist from Korea Government (September. 2016), and the Order of Science and Technology Merit, Science Medal from Korea Government (April 2024). He is a fellow of Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology and a Fellow of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He has published over 360 papers in international journals in the field of materials for electronics and optoelectric devices, in particular, OFETs, OLEDs, Metal Halide, perovskites, carbon nanotube 2D layered materials, and oxide TFTs. Selected Recent Papers: Selenium alloyed tellurium oxide for amorphous p-channel transistors, Ao Liu, Yong-Sung Kim, Min Gyu Kim, Youjin Reo, Taoyu Zou, Taesu Choi, Sai Bai, Huihui Zhu, Yong-Young Noh, Nature, 629, pages798–802 (2024), Tin perovskite transistors and complementary circuits based on A-site cation engineering, Huihui Zhu, Wonryeol Yang, Youjin Reo, Guanhaojie Zheng, Sai Bai, Ao Liu, Yong‐Young Noh, Nature Electronics, 6(9), 650-657 (2023), High-performance metal halide perovskite transistors, Ao Liu, Huihui Zhu, Sai Bai, Youjin Reo, Mario Caironi, Annamaria Petrozza, Letian Dou, Yong-Young Noh, Nature Electronics, 6(8), 559-571 (2023), High-Performance Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Transistors, Ao Liu, Huihui Zhu, Sai Bai, Youjin Reo, Taoyu Zou, Myung-Gil Kim, Yong-Young Noh*, Nature Electronics 5(2), 78-83 (2022).
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This symposium is dedicated to exploring the multifaceted aspects of halide perovskite materials with a specific focus on innovative andsustainable fabrication methods, and how their mechanical, optical, and electric properties can be used in the context of sustainable development.
Researchers are encouraged to share their latest findings to advance our understanding of perovskite materials' role in addressing sustainability challenges. The symposium offers a comprehensive platform for interdisciplinary discussions, covering topics such as sustainable synthesis methods, structure-property relationships, and optical/electrical property optimization. Presentations will delve into innovative and sustainable fabrication methods for perovskite materials, emphasizing environmentally friendly approaches that reduce energy consumption, waste generation, and use non-toxic precursors.
Discussions will focus on methods for characterizing the optical and electrical properties of perovskite-based materials, including light absorption, emission, charge transport, and device performance. Topics will include the optimization of optical properties for applications such as lighting, sensors, and displays, as well as strategies for enhancing electrical conductivity and charge carrier mobility for improved performance in electronic devices. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, this symposium aims to accelerate the development of sustainable perovskite materials with enhanced properties, contributing to the advancement of sustainable technologies.
- Materials processes and fabrication
- Photo-physical properties of halide perovskites
- Recycling and recovery of halide perovskite materials and devices
- Perovskite materials fundamentals
- Light Management in perovskites
- Integration and Applications
Motivated by the opportunity to address the challenges of toxicity and instability affecting lead-halide perovskites, researchers have been turning their attention to the development of new inorganic solar absorbers. With advances in the fields of metal halides, chalcogenides, and chalcohalides, a plethora of promising photovoltaic absorbers has been discovered, and their properties have been increasingly well understood. This exciting class of materials includes double perovskites (A2BB’X6), ABZ2 semiconductors, rudorffites, chalcogenide perovskites (ABS3), heavy pnictogen chalcogenides, and chalcohalides.
Our symposium aims to facilitate a comprehensive discussion among experts in the fabrication, simulation, and characterization of this emerging class of semiconducting materials. By bringing together a range of different perspectives and skill sets, we hope to promote a deeper understanding of these new solar absorbers and to accelerate their development.
We invite contributions that cover a broad range of topics, including fabrication methods (such as solution processing and thermal evaporation), characterization and the development of structure-properties relations, and photophysical studies.
- Synthesis and material development of emerging inorganic photoabsorbers
- Dry and wet thin-film processing techniques of emerging inorganic photoabsorbers
- Structural characterization and development of structure-properties relations
- Theoretical predictions of novel inorganic materials
- Charge-carrier dynamics and transport in novel inorganic materials
Thomas Bein received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Hamburg (Germany) and the Catholic University Leuven (Belgium) in 1984. He continued his studies as Visiting Scientist at the DuPont Central Research and Development Department in Wilmington, DE (USA). From 1986 to 1991 he was Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque (USA). In 1991 he joined Purdue University (Indiana) as Associate Professor, and was promoted to Full Professor of Chemistry in 1995. In 1999 he was appointed Chair of Physical Chemistry at the University of Munich (LMU), where he also served as Director of the Department of Chemistry.
He has recently won an ERC Advanced Grant entitled “Electroactive Donor-Acceptor Covalent Organic Frameworks”. Presently he is LMU-Coordinator of the newly funded Excellence Cluster “e-conversion”. Bibliographic data: Over 500 publications, over 38.000 citations, h=115. Since 2018, Thomas Bein is listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate).
His current research interests cover the synthesis and physical properties of functional nanostructures, with an emphasis on porous materials for targeted drug delivery and nanostructured materials for solar energy conversion.
Dr. Sudip Chakraborty is leading Materials Theory for Energy Scavenging (MATES Lab) group in India’s premier theoretical research Institute Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) Allahabad (Prayagraj), Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. After completing his Ph.D. in collaboration between Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and University of Pune, India, he moved to Max Planck Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany in March, 2011 as a Max Planck Postdoctoral Fellow. In February, 2013, he joined Materials Theory Division, Uppsala University, Sweden as a Førskare (Senior Researcher). Since March, 2019, he started leading his group firstly in Department of Physics of IIT Indore and later on in HRI from May, 2021 onwards. He has been awarded the Rising Stars by ACS Materials Au 2021, among 300+ nominations worldwide, while he is the sole recipient from India. He is in the Editorial Board of Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C (ACS), Energy Advances (RSC), Electronic Structure (IOP), Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (Elsevier) and Graphene & 2D Materials (Springer). His works are appeared in Nature Materials, PNAS, Materials Today, ACS Energy Letters, JACS, ACS Nano, ACS Catalysis, AngewChemie, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chem.Mat. etc. He has 174 International publications with total 6500 citations and 45 h-index (

This symposium welcomes submissions on numerical simulation and modeling of emerging technologies in photovoltaic (solar) cells and light-emitting devices. The emphasis is on applications and fundamental explanations of the charge and photon dynamics that underlie the operation of opto-electronic devices for energy-related purposes. Topics of interest include drift-diffusion techniques, optical simulations, machine learning, data management strategies, numerical approaches for device optimization and design, and more. The idea is to bridge the gap between theoreticians and experimentalists, paving the way for more efficient optimization strategies.
- Photovoltaic (solar) cells, including organics, perovskites, dye-sensitized, etc.
- Light-emitting devices (OLED, PeLED, QLED)
- Numerical device modelling and simulation
- Software, methodologies, codes, etc.
- Machine learning methods
Juan A. Anta is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain. He obtained a BA in Chemistry in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and carried out his PhD research at the Physical Chemistry Institut of the National Research Council of Spain. His research focuses on fundamental studies of energy photoconversion processes, especially on dye and perovskite solar cells, using numerical simulation and modelling tools, as well as advanced optoelectronic characterization techniques such as impedance spectroscopy and other small perturbation techniques.
Sandheep Ravishankar is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. He investigates the physics of operation of perovskite solar cells and photoanodes for water splitting. His work involves the development of analysis methods for improved device characterisation and parameter estimation. His areas of expertise include time domain (transient photovoltage and photocurrent measurements (TPV and TPC)) and frequency domain small-perturbation methods (impedance spectroscopy (IS), intensity-modulated photocurrent and photovoltage spectroscopy (IMPS and IMVS), transient photoluminescence (tr-PL) measurements and drift-diffusion simulations.
Chalcogen-containing materials have been used as light absorbers for photovoltaic applications, and some of them (like CIGS or CdTe) are a mature technology, with high efficiency and commercial availability. Beyond these established materials there are numerous chalcogen-based compositions at an early stage of research that show intriguing optoelectronic properties, appealing for energy generation. Despite the shared presence of chalcogen anions, these absorbers can present extremely varied characteristics, hindering the generalisation of new findings across diverse material families. However, these devices often present similar limitations (such as large V losses) which, even if originated by different causes, could be overcome by similar strategies.
This symposium will bring together researchers working on chalcogenide compounds, sharing insights on the basic material properties and resulting photovoltaic devices. Given the variety of compositions involved and their different level of development, several topics will be explored, incorporating both computational and experimental studies.
We hope that bringing the chalcogenide materials community together at this symposium will allow transfer of understanding between these different material systems, accelerating the development of solutions to tackle both the material-specific and group-characteristics issues currently limiting device performance.
- Binary chalcogenides absorbers (PbCh, Cu2Ch, Ag2Ch, Bi2Ch3, Sb2Ch3…)
- Ternary chalcogenide absorbers (CuInCh2, AgBiCh2, Cu2SnCh3…)
- Quaternary chalcogenide absorbers (Cu2ZnSnCh4…)
- Chalcogenide perovskites (BaZrS3, LaYS3…)
- Mixed compositions such as chalcohalides (BiSI, BiOI…)
My research interests are centred around materials used for renewable energy generation. My group uses ab-initio materials modelling to predict the properties of these materials and link the macroscopic observables (such as open circuit voltage or thermodynamic stability) with microscopic processes (such as electron capture or electron-phonon coupling). I am an Assistant Professor of Physics at Northumbria University (UK), a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Open Source Software.
Dr. Edgardo Saucedo studied Chemical Engineering at the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, and received his PhD in Materials Physic at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain in 2007 with a FPU fellowship. In 2007, he joined the Institut de Recherche et Développement sur l’Énergie Photovoltaïque IRDEP (Paris, France), with a CNRS associated Researcher fellowship, working in the development and optoelectronic characterization of CIGS low cost based solar cells. In 2009, he joined NEXCIS, a spin-off created from IRDEP, to further pursue their training in photovoltaic technology. In 2010, he joined the Solar Energy Materials and SystemsGroup at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) under a Juan de la Cierva Fellowship first (2010-2011) and a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship afterwards (2012-2016), with the aim to develop new low cost materials and processes for thin film photovoltaic devices. In 2020 he joined the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) to continuous his scientific and professorhip career.
He holds five patents and has authored or co-authored more than 215 papers in recognized international journals, including: Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, Adv. Energy Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemistry of Materials, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, NanoEnergy, J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Phys. Chem. C, etc. He has more than 350 contributions to the most important Congresses in Physics, Chemistry and Materials, and more than 35 invited talks around the world. He has been involved in more than 25 European and Spanish Projects (Scalenano, Inducis, Pvicokest, KestPV, Larcis, etc.), and he was the Coordinator of the ITN Marie Curie network Kestcell (, the research and innovation project STARCELL (, and the RISE project INFINITE-CELL (, three of the most important initiatives in Europe for the development of Kesterites. In 2019 he was granted with an ERC-Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (SENSATE, 866018, 2020-2025), for the development of low dimensional materials for solar harvesting applications to be developed at UPC. Currently he is also the scientific coordinator of the European project SUSTOM-ART (952982), for the industrialization of kesterite for BIPV/PIPV applications.
He is frequently chairman and invited speakers in the most relevant Conferences in Photovoltaic (E-MRS, MRS, IEEE-PVSC, EUPVSEC, European Kesterite Workshop, etc.). He has supervised 11 PhD Thesis and is currently supervising 5 more. He has an h factor of 38 and more than 5000 citations. In 2020 he has been awarded with the ASEVA-Toyota Award for his contribution to the development of sustainable photovoltaic technologies using vacuum techniques (
This symposium promises to be an enlightening exploration into cutting-edge metal halide perovskites for applications in the photonics field, aiming to showcase the latest innovations in light emitting and detecting materials, with a particular focus on metal halide perovskites in both three-dimensional and low-dimensional forms. Attendees can expect a diverse array of topics, from the optical and optoelectronic properties of these materials as the basis for different devices in the photonics field. Moreover, presentations and discussions will extend to the realm of integrated photonic applications, including waveguides, metasurfaces, amplification, lasing and nonlinear optical properties. Drawing inspiration from recent breakthroughs in metal halide perovskites, this symposium will delve into advanced characterization techniques essential for understanding and optimizing the performance of perovskite-based optoelectronic devices. From optical spectroscopy elucidating charge- carrier dynamics to in-situ structural measurements providing real-time insights into material behavior, this symposium will foster interdisciplinary discussions among physicists, chemists, engineers, and materials scientists. Through collaborative dialogue and knowledge exchange, we aim to accelerate the practical utilization of perovskite materials for different low cost and low-CO2 fingerprint semiconductor technologies:photodetection, lighting, photonics, quantum optics and beyond, ushering in a new era of innovation and advancement.
- 3D and low-dimensional metal halide perovskites with optical/optoelectronic properties for photonics & optoelectronics.
- Visible and infrared emitting LEDs for lighting and telecom.
- Photodetectors, phototransistors and image sensors: near-infrared, visible, UV and X-ray detection.
- Photonics: light waveguiding, metasurfaces, amplification and lasing, polaritonics, nonlinear optical properties and applications, and integrated photonics.
Emmanuelle DELEPORTE, alumni of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (ENS Paris, 1986 – 1990), received her PhD in Physics from Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris in 1992. She was assistant professor at the Physics Department of ENS Paris from 1992 to 2002, where she gained strong experience in optical properties of II-VI and III-V inorganic semiconducting heterostructures. In 2002, she moved to Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay) as a full professor, where she founded her research team about the optical properties of hybrid halide perovskites.
E Deleporte’s team studies experimentally the linear and non-linear, continuous and time-resolved optical properties of hybrid halide perovskites, for applications such as light-emitting devices and photovoltaics. The main topics addressed are related to low-dimensional excitonic effects, carriers relaxation mechanisms, energy and charge transfers, light–matter interaction in cavities containing hybrid perovksites.
E. Deleporte was the head of the Physics Department of ENS Paris-Saclay from 2006 to 2016. Since 2017, she is the head of the Think Tank “Halide Perovskites” (Groupement de Recherche HPERO) supported by CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
Juan P. Martínez-Pastor, Full Prof. at the University of Valencia. PhD in Physics, 1990. Three years of postdoctoral experience at the European Laboratory of Non-Linear Spectroscopy (Florence, Italy) and at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France). Prof. Martínez-Pastor is expert in Semiconductor Physics, particularly optical properties and exciton recombination dynamics in quantum wells, wires and dots based on III-V semiconductors and other compounds since 1990. This research line continues nowadays focused on quantum light produced by quantum dot semiconductors and its management for quantum communications. After 2006 he has leaded/co-leaded several research lines in nanoscience and nanotechnology regarding the development of several types of nanomaterials (metal and quantum dots, multi-functional nanocomposites) and applications to photonics and plasmonics. In the last three years, he focuses his research in optical properties, exciton recombination dynamics and applications in photonics of two-dimensional semiconductors and metal halide perovskites. He has supervised 16 PhD theses and is author/co-author of 220 peer-reviewed publications, other than seven patents and promotor of a spin-off company.
Dr Stefania Cacovich is currently a CNRS researcher working at IPVF. Her research activity lies in the field of the advanced characterization of hybrid and inorganic materials for photovoltaic applications by employing a multi-scale and multi-technique approach.
Her research into hybrid devices started during her doctoral studies (2014-2018), carried out at the Department of Materials Science of the University of Cambridge (UK) under the supervision of Prof Caterina Ducati. Her thesis focused on the study of the chemical, structural and morphological properties of hybrid organic-inorganic thin films and photovoltaic devices using advanced analytical electron microscopy techniques. In 2018, she moved to Paris for a postdoctoral research position at IPVF to work on multidimensional spectrally and time resolved photoluminescence imaging methods. From 2020-2022, she was Marie Curie Individual Post-doctoral fellow in Physics at CNRS (UMR 9006) with a project aimed at exploring the fundamental photophysical processes underlying the operation of advanced optoelectronic devices.
Dr. Tze-Chien Sum is an Associate Professor at the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where he leads the Femtosecond Dynamics Laboratory. He is presently the Associate Dean (Research) at the College of Science. Tze-Chien received his Ph.D. in Physics from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2005, for the work in proton beam writing and ion-beam spectroscopy. His present research focuses on investigating light matter interactions; energy and charge transfer mechanisms; and probing carrier and quasi-particle dynamics in a broad range of emergent nanoscale and light harvesting systems. Tze-Chien received a total of 11 teaching awards from NUS and NTU, including the coveted Nanyang Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2006 and the 2010 SPMS Teaching Excellence Honour Roll Award. Most recently, he received the 2013 SPMS Young Researcher Award; the Institute of Physics Singapore 2014 World Scientific Medal and Prize for Outstanding Physics Research; the 2014 Nanyang Award for Research Excellence (Team); and the 2015 Chemical Society of Japan Asian International Symposium Distinguished Lectureship Award. More information can be found at
Dr. Tze-Chien Sum is an Associate Professor at the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where he leads the Femtosecond Dynamics Laboratory. He is presently the Associate Dean (Research) at the College of Science. Tze-Chien received his Ph.D. in Physics from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2005, for the work in proton beam writing and ion-beam spectroscopy. His present research focuses on investigating light matter interactions; energy and charge transfer mechanisms; and probing carrier and quasi-particle dynamics in a broad range of emergent nanoscale and light harvesting systems. Tze-Chien received a total of 11 teaching awards from NUS and NTU, including the coveted Nanyang Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2006 and the 2010 SPMS Teaching Excellence Honour Roll Award. Most recently, he received the 2013 SPMS Young Researcher Award; the Institute of Physics Singapore 2014 World Scientific Medal and Prize for Outstanding Physics Research; the 2014 Nanyang Award for Research Excellence (Team); and the 2015 Chemical Society of Japan Asian International Symposium Distinguished Lectureship Award. More information can be found at

As we continue our quest for a greener future, the role of energy storage cannot be underestimated. Energy storage system (ESS) is essential for achieving a green future by maximizing the potential of renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and enhancing the resilience and efficiency of our energy systems. Our symposium will serve as a dynamic platform for researchers, industry experts, and leaders to share the latest advancements and insights into electrochemical ESS technology. From exploring novel electrode materials to discussing manufacturing processes, we will delve into the key factors driving the sustainability and efficiency of ESS. Particular emphasis will be placed on lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies, given their central role in modern energy storage technologies. Through focused discussions and knowledge exchange, we aim to accelerate the integration of ESS into everyday applications such as transportation and grid storage, bringing us closer to a sustainable energy landscape.
- Advanced electrochemical techniques for energy conversion and strorage systems
- Strategies for improving LIBs safety
- Interface engineering (electrode/electrolyte, particle/particle, etc.)
- Electrode microstructure engineering
- Battery manufacturing processes: wet & dry processes
- Emerging battery chemistries including all-solid-state batteries

Ungyu Paik is a distinguished HYU professor of Department of Energy Engineering at Hanyang University, Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Ceramic Engineering at Clemson University in 1991. Prior to starting his professor position at Hanyang University in 1999, he conducted postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. His research interest is the synthesis and engineering of nanomaterials for the applications in energy devices. He has abundant academic achievement with more than 390 SCI papers and hold 88 patents. With his knowledge, expertise, and insight, he served as a minister in the ministry of trade, industry, and energy of Korea from 2017 to 2018. Now he is back on an academic career. He was selected in highly cited researchers as part of the “Crossfield” arena in 2020 ~ 2022 by Clarivate Analytics.

Doctor Min Zhou. Lectuer in School of Electrical and electronic engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).
Graduate from Wuhan University in 2014, getting the doctor’s degree. Postdoctoral research in HUST from 2014 to 2016. Research interest in advanced energy storage systems and novel energy storage materials for grid scale energy storage applications. Research work has been published on Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Energy & Environmental Science et al.
Despite the impressive performance of lead halide perovskites in photovoltaics and other optoelectronic applications, their propensity to decompose into harmful lead-based compounds when exposed to humid air highlights the need for less toxic and air-stable alternatives that would replicate the outstanding optoelectronic properties of lead halide perovskites. To this aim, a wide range of perovskite-inspired materials (PIMs) have been proposed as thin films and colloidal nanocrystals. Their rich and complex chemistry and physics is, however, still poorly understood, leaving large room to uncover their untapped potential.
- Synthesis of thin and nanocrystalline halide perovskites and perovskite-inspired materials
- Advanced spectroscopy studies, hot carriers, polarons, excitons
- Computational insights on emerging perovskite derivatives
- Defect chemistry of lead-free perovskite-inspired materials
- Solar cells
- Indoor photovoltaics
- Photocatalysis
- Sustainability potential of lead-free perovskites and derivatives
Dr. Galian received her Ph.D in Chemistry at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina in 2001. Then, she was a postdoc researcher at the Polythecnic University of Valencia, University of Valencia and University of Ottawa. During those years, she has studied photosensibilization processes by aromatic ketones using laser flash photolysis techniques and was involved in photonic crystal fiber/semiconductor nanocrystal interaction projects. In 2007, Dr. Galian came back to Spain with a Ramon y Cajal contract to study the surface chemistry of quantum dots and since 2017 she has a permanent position as Scientist Researcher at the University of Valencia. Her main interest is the design, synthesis and characterization of photoactive nanoparticles and multifunctional nanosystems for sensing, electroluminescent applications and photocatalysis.
After her PhD degree in Telecommunications and Microelectronics Engineering on flexible dye solar cells, awarded by University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ in 2014, Dr De Rossi spent nearly 4 years abroad, working as a Technology Transfer Fellow in SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre at Swansea University (UK). She was part of the PV team led by Prof T.M. Watson, focusing on the upscaling of printable perovskite solar cells, and lead of the stability activity within his group.
She is currently a fixed term researcher (RTDa) in the group led by Prof F. Brunetti, working on smart designed, fully printed flexible perovskite solar cells and photocapacitors.
Laura Herz is a Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. She received her PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge in 2002 and was a Research Fellow at St John's College Cambridge from 2001 - 2003 after which she moved to Oxford. Her research interests lie in the area of organic and organic/inorganic hybrid semiconductors including aspects such as self-assembly, nano-scale effects, energy-transfer and light-harvesting for solar energy conversion.
Lorenzo obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 2003 and since 2008 is Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Pavia. In 2021 he was appointed Full Professor in the same department. He was the recipient of the Young Scientist Award for outstanding work in the field of perovskites at the International Conference on Perovskites held in late 2005 in Zürich, of the “Alfredo di Braccio” Prize for Chemistry 2008 of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded to distinguished under 35-year-old chemists and contributed the Journal Materials Chemistry and Chemical Communications“Emerging Investigator” issues in 2010 and 2011. He is working in several areas of solid state chemistry with particular interest in the investigation of structure–properties correlation in different kinds of functional materials, in particular electrolyte materials for clean energy, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and catalysis materials. He is author of more than 200 papers on international peer-reviewed journals. Since 2018 he is member of Academic Senate and Vice-Director of the Chemistry Department. He is Director of the INSTM Reference Center “PREMIO” devoted to the synthesis of innovative materials and member of the Directive Board of INSTM. Since 2014 he is member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Chemistry of Pavia University. He is Editor of Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
Photovoltaic (PV) technology is essential in sustainable energy transition, with innovative materials and configurations being key for its expansion. This symposia focuses on emerging PV technologies such as Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs), Organic Photovoltaics (OPV), Dye- Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC), Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide (CZTS), antimony sulfide (SbS), silver bismuth sulfide (AgBiS), multijunction cells, and concentrated solar cells, emphasizing the need for sustainable materials.
Topics includes substrate choices between rigid, flexible, and hybrid materials, each offering distinct advantages in application adaptability and integration. Encapsulation strategies for enhancing operational stability and extending device lifespan are critical for the advancements that mitigate environmental degradation.
Further exploration covers the robustness and durability essential for long-term applications of emerging PV technologies. Unconventional applications such as Building-Applied Photovoltaics (BAPV), Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), agrivoltaic systems, floating PV installations, indoor PV solutions, and space-based solar power are examined for their transformative potential in energy infrastructures and green building practices.
Finally, the push for sustainability leads to the exploration of lead-free perovskites, indium-free devices, and carbon-based electrodes, promising reduced environmental impact and enhanced applicability in diverse environments.
- Emerging PV: PSCs, OPV, DSSC CZTS, SbS, AgBiS, multijunction cells, concentrated solar cells
- Substrate choice: rigid, flexible or hybrid
- Encapsulation strategy
- Device stability and durability
- Unconventional application (BAPV, BIPV, Agrivoltaic, Floating PV, Indoor PV, Space)
- Sustainable materials (lead free perovskite, Indium free device, carbon based electrodes)
Luigi Angelo Castriotta is a post-Doctoral fellow from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, focusing on flexible perovskite solar cells and modules. He joined Prof. Huang's group at UNC (USA) in June 2023, as a Global Marie-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow and as a Principal Investigator of the "EFESO" Project. He got his Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering in 2021 from University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) as a Marie-Curie Fellow as part of the Innovative Training Network MAESTRO; He did his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) and Masters’ in "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" at Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) and in "Organic Molecular Electronics" at Technische Universitat Dresden (Germany).
After her PhD degree in Telecommunications and Microelectronics Engineering on flexible dye solar cells, awarded by University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ in 2014, Dr De Rossi spent nearly 4 years abroad, working as a Technology Transfer Fellow in SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre at Swansea University (UK). She was part of the PV team led by Prof T.M. Watson, focusing on the upscaling of printable perovskite solar cells, and lead of the stability activity within his group.
She is currently a fixed term researcher (RTDa) in the group led by Prof F. Brunetti, working on smart designed, fully printed flexible perovskite solar cells and photocapacitors.
Erkan Aydın is leading the “Aydin Group” in the Chemistry Department of LMU Munich. His research group is focusing on the development of “realistic ultra-efficient tandem photovoltaic solutions for earth and space applications“ by currently prioritizing multijunction solar cells, specifically perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells and all-perovskite tandem solar cells. Erkan Aydın obtained his PhD (2016) degree from the Micro and Nanotechnology Program at TOBB ETU (University of Economics and Technology) in 2016 and he pursued his postdoctoral research at the KAUST for seven and half years before establishing his team at LMU Munich. His extensive work at KAUST led to several record-breaking efficiencies in perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells. Erkan Aydın is the principal investigator of the INPERSPACE ERC StG Project.
Dr. Clara Aranda Alonso, received her doctorate degree in Science from University Jaume I in 2019 at the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) (Castellón, Spain). She worked as postdoctoral researcher at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and Institute for Photovoltaics (ipv) at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) for two years. Then she moved to the Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV) at the University of Valencia (Spain) as a Margarita Salas fellow. Currently, she is working at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville (Spain). Her work is focused on the synthesis and characterization of wide band gap perovskite materials, both in thin film and single crystal configuration, for photoconversion devices such as solar cells, photodetectors and memristors, using impedance spectroscopy as the main characterization tool.
Prof. Marina Freitag is a Professor of Energy and a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Newcastle University. She is developing new light-driven technologies that incorporate coordination polymers to solve the most important challenges in the research area, including issues of sustainability, stability and performance of hybrid PV. The development of such highly innovative concepts has given Marina international recognition, including recipient of the prestigious 2022 Royal Society of Chemistry Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize 2022.
Her research into hybrid molecular devices, began during her doctoral studies (2007-2011, Rutgers University, NJ, USA) where she was awarded an Electrochemical Society Travel Award and Dean Dissertation Fellowship 2011. Dr Freitag moved to Uppsala University (2013-2015) for a postdoctoral research position, which focused on the implementation of alternative redox mediators, leading to a breakthrough today known as “zombie solar cells”. Dr Freitag was invited to further develop this work at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with Prof. Anders Hagfeldt ( 2015-2016). From 2016-2020 she was appointed as Assistant Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden, where she received the Göran Gustaffsson Young Researcher Award 2019.
Dr. Edgardo Saucedo studied Chemical Engineering at the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, and received his PhD in Materials Physic at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain in 2007 with a FPU fellowship. In 2007, he joined the Institut de Recherche et Développement sur l’Énergie Photovoltaïque IRDEP (Paris, France), with a CNRS associated Researcher fellowship, working in the development and optoelectronic characterization of CIGS low cost based solar cells. In 2009, he joined NEXCIS, a spin-off created from IRDEP, to further pursue their training in photovoltaic technology. In 2010, he joined the Solar Energy Materials and SystemsGroup at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) under a Juan de la Cierva Fellowship first (2010-2011) and a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship afterwards (2012-2016), with the aim to develop new low cost materials and processes for thin film photovoltaic devices. In 2020 he joined the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) to continuous his scientific and professorhip career.
He holds five patents and has authored or co-authored more than 215 papers in recognized international journals, including: Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, Adv. Energy Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemistry of Materials, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, NanoEnergy, J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Phys. Chem. C, etc. He has more than 350 contributions to the most important Congresses in Physics, Chemistry and Materials, and more than 35 invited talks around the world. He has been involved in more than 25 European and Spanish Projects (Scalenano, Inducis, Pvicokest, KestPV, Larcis, etc.), and he was the Coordinator of the ITN Marie Curie network Kestcell (, the research and innovation project STARCELL (, and the RISE project INFINITE-CELL (, three of the most important initiatives in Europe for the development of Kesterites. In 2019 he was granted with an ERC-Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (SENSATE, 866018, 2020-2025), for the development of low dimensional materials for solar harvesting applications to be developed at UPC. Currently he is also the scientific coordinator of the European project SUSTOM-ART (952982), for the industrialization of kesterite for BIPV/PIPV applications.
He is frequently chairman and invited speakers in the most relevant Conferences in Photovoltaic (E-MRS, MRS, IEEE-PVSC, EUPVSEC, European Kesterite Workshop, etc.). He has supervised 11 PhD Thesis and is currently supervising 5 more. He has an h factor of 38 and more than 5000 citations. In 2020 he has been awarded with the ASEVA-Toyota Award for his contribution to the development of sustainable photovoltaic technologies using vacuum techniques (
Dr. Roberto Speranza is a postoctoral researcher at Politechnic of Turin where he obtained his Ph.d. in Electronic Engineering with a thesis entitled "Integrated Energy Harvesting and Storage Systems for a Sustainable Future". His main research interest are design, fabrication, and characterization of electrochemical technologies for energy harvesting and storage. Third-generation photovoltaic cells, with a focus on photoelectrochemical cells like dye-sensitized solar cells. Characterization and optimization of photovoltaic devices under non-standard illumination conditions (artificial lighting, indoor environments). Supercapacitors and their direct integration with photovoltaic technologies. Fabrication and characterization of photo-capacitors for direct energy harvesting and storage from natural and artificial light sources. Production and characterization of nanostructured materials for electrochemical devices. Polymer electrolytes.
Since the first synthesis of nearly monodisperse quantum dots (QDs) in 1993, commercially relevant QDs have been produced on kilogram scales for luminescent devices, ranging from displays to lighting. Recently, there has been a significant surge in interest specifically in III-V QDs and their core-shell structures. This interest is largely due to their unique properties and growing applications in the field, especially in the near- infrared region, which promises to open a plethora of new applications. This surge has been fueled by new synthesis protocols that have made III-V QDs more readily accessible. The precise size control achievable with these materials have provided a new platform for exploring semiconductor interfaces and understanding the optical properties of defects. Advanced synthesis precursors, more covalent materials, surface functionalization, and doping have emerged as the frontier areas in III-V QD research. In these endeavors, many exciting discoveries are being made. This symposium will bring together leading scientists in these forefront areas, focusing particularly on the advancements and applications of III-V QDs and their core-shell structures.
- Core-shell structures: III-V@III-V and III-V@II-VI
- Precursor Chemistry and Nucleation
- Theoretical characterization of surfaces/interfaces and optical properties
- Doping and alloying
Bio Professional Preparation M.S. in Chemistry, with Honours, University of Bari, Italy, 1996 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy, 2001 Research interests Prof. L. Manna is an expert of synthesis and assembly of colloidal nanocrystals. His research interests span the advanced synthesis, structural characterization and assembly of inorganic nanostructures for applications in energy-related areas, in photonics, electronics and biology.
Prof. Z. Hens received his PhD in applied physics from Ghent University in 2000, worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Utrecht University and was appointed professor at the Ghent University department of inorganic and physical chemistry in 2002. His research concerns the synthesis, processing and characterization of colloidal nanocrystals.
Jonathan Owen received a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from CalTech. As a graduate student in the lab of Professor John Bercaw he studied the kinetics and mechanism of methane C-H activation. In 2005 he joined the lab of Professor Paul Alivisatos as a Petroleum Research Fund Alternative Energy Fellow to study the crystallization and derivatization of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. In 2009 he joined the faculty at Columbia University as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry where his group continues to study the synthesis and surface chemistry of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals. For this work, he has received early career awards from the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, 3M, and DuPont.
Peter Reiss is researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG), France, and Head of the Laboratory Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Functional Materials (STEP). He graduated from University of Karlsruhe (Germany), and earned his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Dieter Fenske (2000). His research activities focus on the synthesis and properties of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots and metal halide perovskites (nanoparticles and thin films). The studied applications range from biological imaging / detection over LEDs and displays to new strategies for energy conversion (photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, photocatalysis) and storage. Dr. Reiss acts as Associate Editor for Nanoscale Research Letters and Frontiers in Materials - Energy Materials, and is Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports. He co-organizes the biennial conference NaNaX – Nanoscience with Nanocrystals (cf.
Alex earned his Ph.D. in physics of semiconductors from Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine for his work on electronic properties of nitride semiconductor alloys.
In 2004 he joined the Quantum Semiconductors and Bionanophotonics lab at University of Sherbrooke as a postdoc, working on theoretical modeling of laser-assisted quantum well intermixing and self-assembly processes of organic monolayers on metal and semiconductor surfaces for applications in bio-sensing.
In 2008 he moved to Quantum Theory Group at National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa, where he worked on many-body problems in epitaxial and colloidal semiconductor and graphene quantum dots; in particular, simulations of multi-exciton generation, Auger processes and optical properties of nanocrystals used in hybrid polymer-semiconductor solar cells.
Alex joined Ted Sargent’s Nanomaterials for Energy Group in 2011 and worked on characterization and modeling of the semiconductor nanocrystal surfaces and developing the synthesis methods for nanomaterials with improved optical and transport properties for photovoltaics.
In 2018, Alex joined the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto, Scarborough as an Assistant Professor in Clean Energy. His topics of interest are materials for energy storage and novel materials discovery using high-throughput experiments and machine learning.
Metal halide perovskites have emerged as one of the most exciting classes of semiconductors suitable for a range of optical and optoelectronic applications. The understanding of their photophysics is highly important not only from the fundamental point of view, but also as a path for the development of novel applications. In this symposium, we bring together experts from theory and experiment that focus on the investigation of the various photophysical phenomena in metal halide perovskites. These include the study of the excitonic structure of metal halide perovskites, the characterization and control over their ionic and electronic defects and their interaction with light. In addition, we aim to highlight novel photonic applications of metal halide perovskites beyond photovoltaics that rely on their rich photophysics. These include for example devices that utilize the chiroptical properties of chiral 2D perovskites or photonic memory devices
- Light-matter interactions in metal halide perovskites
- Perovskite defect chemistry and physics
- New modeling and theoretical approaches
- Chiroptical properties of perovskites
- Excitons and many-body photophysics of perovskites
- Photochemistry of metal halide perovskites
- Emerging photonic applications of perovskites
Ivan Scheblykin obtained Ph.D. in 1999 from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences on exciton dynamics in J-aggregates. After a postdoctoral stay in the KU Leuven, Belgium, he moved to Sweden to start the single molecule spectroscopy group at the Division of Chemical Physics in Lund University where he became a full professor in 2014. His interests cover fundamental photophysics of organic and inorganic semiconductors and, in particular, energy transfer, charge migration and trapping. The general direction of his research is to comprehend fundamental physical and chemical processes beyond ensemble averaging in material science and chemical physics using techniques inspired by single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and single particle imaging.
Since 2019, Yana Vaynzof holds the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Technical University of Dresden. Prior to that (2014-2019), she was a juniorprofessor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University (Germany). She received a B.Sc degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) in 2006, and a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, (USA) in 2008. She pursued a Ph.D. degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Sir. Richard Friend at the Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and investigated the development of hybrid polymer solar cells and the improvement of their efficiency and stability. Upon completing her PhD in 2011, she joined the Microelectronics group at the University of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate focusing on the research of surfaces and interfaces in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. Yana Vaynzof was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the ERC Starting Grant, Gordon Y. Wu Fellowship, Henry Kressel Fellowship, Fulbright-Cottrell Award and the Walter Kalkhof-Rose Memorial Prize.
Sascha is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL (Switzerland), while he is also maintaining strong ties with the Harvard community and in particular Winthrop House which he regularly visits as NRT and SCR member.
His team employs light-matter interactions to understand the next generation of soft semiconductors with the overarching goal of maximizing energy efficiency for a sustainable future by unlocking applications ranging from flexible light-weight solar cells & displays all the way to entirely new applications in quantum information processing.
Previously, he was a research group leader and Rowland Fellow at Harvard University’s Rowland Institute. Before starting his lab at Harvard, Sascha studied Chemistry at Heidelberg University (Germany) and completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he subsequently worked as EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow.
Laura Herz is a Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. She received her PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge in 2002 and was a Research Fellow at St John's College Cambridge from 2001 - 2003 after which she moved to Oxford. Her research interests lie in the area of organic and organic/inorganic hybrid semiconductors including aspects such as self-assembly, nano-scale effects, energy-transfer and light-harvesting for solar energy conversion.
Paulina Plochocka, Directrice de recherché de 2e classe (DR2) in Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI), CNRS in Toulouse.
P. Plochocka obtained her PhD cum-laude in 2004 at the University of Warsaw working on the dynamics of many-body interactions between carriers in doped semi-magnetic quantum wells (QW). During her first post doc at Weizmann Institute of science, she started working on the electronic properties of a high mobility 2D electron gas in the fractional and integer quantum Hall Effect regime. She continued this topic during second post doc in LNCMI Grenoble, where she was holding individual Marie Curie scholarship. At the same time, she enlarged her interest of 2D materials towards graphene and other layered materials as TMDCs or black phosphorus. In 2012 she obtained permanent position in LNCMI Toulouse, where she created the Quantum Electronics group, which investigates the electronic and optical properties of emerging materials under extreme conditions of high magnetic field and low temperatures. Examples include semiconducting layer materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides, GaAs/AlAs core shell nanowires and organic inorganic hybrid perovskites.
Sam Stranks is Professor of Energy Materials Optoelectronics in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology and the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. He obtained his DPhil (PhD) from the University of Oxford in 2012. From 2012-2014, he was a Junior Research Fellow at Worcester College Oxford and from 2014-2016 a Marie Curie Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He established his research group in 2017, with a focus on the optical and electronic properties of emerging semiconductors for low-cost electronics applications.
Sam received the 2016 IUPAP Young Scientist in Semiconductor Physics Prize, the 2017 Early Career Prize from the European Physical Society, the 2018 Henry Moseley Award and Medal from the Institute of Physics, the 2019 Marlow Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry, the 2021 IEEE Stuart Wenham Award and the 2021 Philip Leverhulme Prize in Physics. Sam is also a co-founder of Swift Solar, a startup developing lightweight perovskite PV panels, and an Associate Editor at Science Advances.
This symposium invites contributions on pioneering methods of collaboration and the cooperative development of novel techniques. Technology is disrupting and democratising both scientific research and education, from the emergence of free online courses to the increasing availability of scalable solutions for laboratory automation. Open sourcing of data and analysis tools can help increase transparency, accelerate development of new techniques, lower barriers to access, accelerate scientific dissemination, improve reproducibility and manage information overload. This symposium will focus on several key areas: the development and utilization of open-source software and hardware, the
construction of community-driven databases, the standardization of experimental protocols, and the propagation and adoption of new methodologies. These focal points are anchored in the broader context of advancing materials science research through open science
methodologies, because the easier it is to understand, trust, and seamlessly build on each other’s work, the more materials scientists can accomplish as a community. We invite submissions that highlight the application of these open-source principles or demonstrate the impact of new approaches in materials science.
- Open source software
- Open source hardware
- Development and dissemination of new techniques
- Benchmarking and standardization
- Meta-analysis
- Databases
This symposium invites contributions on understanding the approaches to enhance the performance and stability of organic solar cells (OPV). It will consider challenges in novel types of non-fullerene acceptor and matching donor molecules to afford simultaneous high efficiency, long lifetime and low environmental impact at a low cost of synthesis and good scalability. It will also provide new insights on the advanced machine learning concepts for optimization and upscaling of these devices, as well as on new OPV application areas, such as indoor light cells, agrivoltaics, integrated IOT solutions, and more.
- Organic solar cells
- Non-fullerene acceptors
- Conjugated polymers
Vida Engmann obtained her Dr. rer. nat in 2014 from the Ilmenau University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gobsch. In 2014 she joined the OPV group at Mads Clausen Institute of University of Southern Denmark as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2017 she was appointed assistant professor and in 2020 as associate professor, with the focus on degradation and additive-assisted stabilization of organic solar cells. Her international research stays include Uppsala University, University of Colorado Boulder / NREL, and Russian Academy of Sciences Chernogolovka. In 2019 she received the Danish UNESCO-L'Oréal For Women in Science award and in 2020 the UNESCO L'Oréal International Rising Talent award.
Mariano Campoy Quiles´s research is devoted to the understanding and development of solution processed semiconductors for energy and optoelectronic applications. He and his team have built substantial research efforts in two application areas, solar photovoltaic (light to electric) and thermoelectric (heat to electric) energy conversion based on organic and hybrid materials. He studied physics at the Univesity of Santiago de Compostela, obtained his PhD in experimental physics from Imperial College London, and since 2008 he leads his team at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona.
Ji-Seon Kim is Professor of Solid State Physics and Director of the Plastic Electronics Centre for Doctoral Training ( at Imperial College London. She has previously taken up an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, obtained a PhD in Physics in 2000. Her research focuses on the basic science and technology of Nanoscale Functional Materials such as organics, organic/ inorganic hybrids, nanomaterials and their related applications, as well as developing novel Nanometrology for these functional materials (
Morten Madsen, Professor wsr at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU NanoSYD.
My field of expertise is thin-film growth, integration and devices for energy conversion and storage applications. In 2010-2011, I worked with high performance transistors from III-V nanoscale membranes at the Javey research lab, UC Berkeley, California. In 2011, I established the OPV group at SDU NanoSYD, where we work on improving the performance and stability of organic and hybrid solar cells, including thin film synthesis, metal oxide interlayers and interfaces, organic and hybrid active layers as well as film and device degradation. Since 2016, we also have a focus on device up-scaling through Roll-to-Roll (R2R) printing technology at the SDU R2R facility. Vist out site for more details:
Professor of Materials Physics at Karlstad University, Sweden, since 2011. Research interests: morphology of conjugated polymer thin films, photodegradation of OPV materials, energy level allignment in organic and perovskite multilayer structures. Employed at Karlstad university since 2000. Previously Research Scientist at Cambridge Display Technology in Cambridge,UK, and Research Assistant at University of Cambridge. Post-doc at EPFL Lausanne (1996-98) and TU Delft (1995-1996). PhD degree from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.
Prof. Dieter Neher studied physics at the University of Mainz. In 1990 he gained his PhD with Prof. G. Wegner. From 1990-1992 he was a research associate at the Optical Sciences Centre, Tucson, Arizona and at the Centre for Research in Electrooptics and Lasers, Orlando, Florida with Prof. G. Stegeman. 1992 he joined again Prof. G. Wegner at the MPI-P, heading the group Electrooptical Phenomena in Polymers. Following his habilitation in November 1998, he became Professor of Soft Matter Physics at the Institute for Physics and Astronomy at the University of Potsdam. Current research interests are electrical, optical and optoelectronic processes in conjugated materials.
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen is a professor in the Center for Polymers and Organic Solids and the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She received her Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2001 under the supervision of Professor Benjamin Schwartz. Her thesis focused on photophysics of conducting polymers. She was a research associate in the Department of Chemistry and the Nanocenter at Columbia University working with Professors Louis Brus and Colin Nuckolls on molecular self-assembly, nanoscale characterization and molecular electronics. She also spent time at IBM Research Center at T. J. Watson (Yorktown Heights, NY) working with Richard Martel and Phaedon Avouris. Her current research interests are structure-function-property relationships in organic semiconductors, sustainable semiconductors, doping in organic semiconductors, interfaces in optoelectronic devices, bioelectronics, and device physics of OPVs, photodetectors, and electrochemical transistors. Recognition for her research includes 2005 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 2006 NSF CAREER Award, 2007 Harold Plous Award, 2008 Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award, the 2009 Alfred Sloan Research Fellows, 2010 National Science Foundation American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellows, 2015 Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award, 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015-2019 World’s Most InfluentialScientific Minds; Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science by Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics, 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2023 Wilhelm Exner Medal from Austria, 2023 Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors, 2023 de Gennes Prize in Materials Chemistry from the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023 Elected Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, 2024 Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, and 2025 ACS Henry H. Storch Award in Energy Chemistry.
Over the last decade, metal halide perovskite materials have ushered in a new era for next-generation optoelectronics, primarily in photovoltaic and lighting applications. However, widespread concerns related to lead toxicity and material and device stability have spawned efforts to explore alternative lead-free perovskite and perovskite-inspired materials guided by a combination of theoretical prediction and experimental trials. Depending on the chemical composition, processing routes, and structural and electronic dimensionality, these lead-free perovskites exhibit distinctive properties when compared to their lead-based analogues. This symposium will bring together the community to discuss the exploration of novel lead-free alternatives and their unique structure-composition-property relationship. Our discourse will cover the current state-of-the-art in the performance and stability of lead-free perovskite solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs) as well as brainstorm on the outstanding challenges that need to be tackled to improve these performance parameters significantly. Parallelly, we will focus on the notable strides demonstrated in the area of lasers and photo- and X-ray detectors where the performance of lead-free perovskite devices is comparable or even superior to their lead-based counterparts. Finally, the recent application of these novel materials to indoor photovoltaics (PV), transistors, thermoelectrics, water splitting, and CO reduction will also be presented.
- Synthesis of lead-free perovskites (including Sn, Ge, Bi, Sb and Cu-based perovskites, double and vacancy-ordered double perovskites, chalcogenide and chalcohalide perovskites).
- Synthesis of Lead-free perovskite-inspired materials (0D, 1D, 2D, 3D).
- Fundamental understanding of lead-free perovskites and perovskite-inspired materials (using structural, optoelectronic, chemical and electrical characterization).
- Different deposition routes of thin films (solution and vapour-based).
- Solar cells and indoor PV.
- LEDs and lasing.
- Photo and X-ray detectors.
- Transistors and thermoelectrics.
- Water splitting and CO2 reduction.
- Discovery and understanding of novel materials using density functional theory (DFT) and machine learning.
Iván Mora-Seró (1974, M. Sc. Physics 1997, Ph. D. Physics 2004) is researcher at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain). His research during the Ph.D. at Universitat de València (Spain) was centered in the crystal growth of semiconductors II-VI with narrow gap. On February 2002 he joined the University Jaume I. From this date until nowadays his research work has been developed in: electronic transport in nanostructured devices, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, making both experimental and theoretical work. Currently he is associate professor at University Jaume I and he is Principal Researcher (Research Division F4) of the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM). Recent research activity was focused on new concepts for photovoltaic conversion and light emission based on nanoscaled devices and semiconductor materials following two mean lines: quantum dot solar cells with especial attention to sensitized devices and lead halide perovskite solar cells and LEDs, been this last line probably the current hottest topic in the development of new solar cells.
Dr. Galian received her Ph.D in Chemistry at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina in 2001. Then, she was a postdoc researcher at the Polythecnic University of Valencia, University of Valencia and University of Ottawa. During those years, she has studied photosensibilization processes by aromatic ketones using laser flash photolysis techniques and was involved in photonic crystal fiber/semiconductor nanocrystal interaction projects. In 2007, Dr. Galian came back to Spain with a Ramon y Cajal contract to study the surface chemistry of quantum dots and since 2017 she has a permanent position as Scientist Researcher at the University of Valencia. Her main interest is the design, synthesis and characterization of photoactive nanoparticles and multifunctional nanosystems for sensing, electroluminescent applications and photocatalysis.
Lorenzo obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 2003 and since 2008 is Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Pavia. In 2021 he was appointed Full Professor in the same department. He was the recipient of the Young Scientist Award for outstanding work in the field of perovskites at the International Conference on Perovskites held in late 2005 in Zürich, of the “Alfredo di Braccio” Prize for Chemistry 2008 of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded to distinguished under 35-year-old chemists and contributed the Journal Materials Chemistry and Chemical Communications“Emerging Investigator” issues in 2010 and 2011. He is working in several areas of solid state chemistry with particular interest in the investigation of structure–properties correlation in different kinds of functional materials, in particular electrolyte materials for clean energy, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and catalysis materials. He is author of more than 200 papers on international peer-reviewed journals. Since 2018 he is member of Academic Senate and Vice-Director of the Chemistry Department. He is Director of the INSTM Reference Center “PREMIO” devoted to the synthesis of innovative materials and member of the Directive Board of INSTM. Since 2014 he is member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Chemistry of Pavia University. He is Editor of Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
We are a multidisciplinary and collaborative research team with the overarching goal to establish structure-function relationships by understanding and advancing the fundamental knowledge rooted in the physics, chemistry and engineering of next generation materials for optoelectronics, sustainable, energy conversion, quantum computing, sensing and environmental preservation. Our philosophy is to develop creative and out-of-the-box approaches to solve fundamental scientific problems and apply this knowledge to demonstrate technologically relevant performance in devices.
Pablo P. Boix, Ph.D. in Nanoscience, is a Research Scientist at Instituto de Tecnologia Química (CSIC). He led a pioneer perovskite research team at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2012-2016) with relevant contributions to materials and devices’ development (such as the first use of formamidinium cation in perovskite solar cells). His track record has more than 100 publications, which resulted in his selection as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2020 (Cross-Field) by Clarivate Web of Science, with an h index of 57. Dr. Boix is the co-inventor of 3 patents in the field of perovskite optoelectronics. Prior to his current position, he worked as a research group leader in a perovskite solar cell company (Dyesol Ltd, Switzerland), focusing on product R&D, and at Universitat de València. Currently, he is the PI of 2 research projects and the coPI of 3, including regional, national, and European funding.
Prof. Qing Shen received her Bachelor’s degree in physics from Nanjing University of China in 1987 and earned her Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1995. In 1996, she joined the University of Electro-Communications, Japan and became a full professor in 2016. In 1997, she got the Young Scientist Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. In 2003, she got the Best Paper Award of the Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties and the Young Scientist Award of the Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics of Japan. In 2014, she got the Excellent Women Scientist Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. She has published nearly 140 peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters. Her current research interests focus on solution processed nano-materials and nanostructures, semiconductor quantum dot solar cells and perovskite solar cells, and especially the photoexcited carrier dynamics (hot carrier cooling, multiple exciton generation, charge transfer at the interface) in perovskite solar cells, quantum dot and dye sensitized solar cells, organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells.

Radiation detectors play a crucial role in society, with extensive applications from communications and security scanning to medical imaging, including radiography, computer tomography scans and positron emission tomography. Although existing commercial technologies provide adequate results, they come with inherent drawbacks, including slow response times, suboptimal luminescence efficiencies, and limited tunability over a range of energies. They also typically rely on costly and energy-intensive production processes at elevated temperatures. Emerging materials such as halide perovskites (and derivatives), organic semiconductors and porous networks have recently attracted attention as promising materials for a new generation of radiation detectors, covering from optical wavelengths and beyond to ionising radiation such as X-rays and high energy particles, which can revolutionise technology by taking advantage of their light-weight, low temperature, low-dose and fast response character. The rapid progress in the field, with photon counting detection capabilities recently demonstrated, is in conjunction with several open questions that drive an active debate. This symposium will attract the work of a broad interdisciplinary research community comprised of synthetic chemists, spectroscopists, device engineers and theoreticians focused on designing, developing and characterising emerging radiation detectors.
- Photodetectors
- Optical and IR communications
- X- and Gamma ray detectors
- Particle detectors
- Dosimeters
- Scintillators
Silvia Colella is a researcher at the National research council, CNR-NANOTEC, in Bari, Italy. She received her PhD in “Nanoscience” at National Nanotechnology Laboratory in Lecce (Italy), in 2010. She has been visiting student in the group of professor Luisa De Cola at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität of Münster (Germany), where she dealt with the synthesis and photophysical characterization of electroluminescent metal complexes. In 2010 she joined BASF – The Chemical Company (Strasbourg) with a Marie Curie fellowship as experienced researcher in the frame of the EU project ITN SUPERIOR, working on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. She continued as post-doc researcher at the Institut de science et ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg, France. In 2012 she started her independent research in Lecce (Italy) at the University of Salento in collaboration with CNR-NANOTEC, the team focused on the conception and optoelectronic characterization of innovative optoelectronic devices based on hybrid halide perovskites. Many high impact publication were produced in this time interval, among them one of the first report in halide perovskite for PV exploitation (Colella et al, Chemistry of Materials, 2013 25, 4613-4618).
Silvia Colella is author of >70 peer-reviewed publications in renowned international journals (including Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, ACS Energy Letters).
Her scientific production led to >3000 total citations and a h-index of 28 (;
From 2019, A.M. serves as Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Physics at Department of Materials Science. His research is focused on the development of advanced hybrid functional nanomaterials for applications in photonics and theranostics in collaboration with several national and international universities and research institutes. He started his research by working on hybrid organic/inorganic light NIR emitters based on lanthanides ions and photonic crystals for lighting and telecom, in the framework of several national and international project and networks. The topic of the current research is the design and study of advanced materials and nanostructured materials for photon managing and scintillation applications. The experimental activity is centered on CW and ultrafast TRPL photoluminescence spectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy, confocal imaging, IR and FT-IR spectroscopy to tackle both fundamental and applicative aspects aimed at the development of materials to implemented real-world technologies.

This symposium invites contributions on latest advancements in the synthesis and practical applications of microporous materials, with a special focus on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent-organic frameworks (COFs). We are particularly interested in cutting-edge synthetic methods that pave the way for advanced materials tailored for specific uses, as well as in-depth studies highlighting the application of these materials in various fields. We welcome submissions on innovative synthetic methods, application-driven research such as biotechnology, nanomedicine, catalysis, electronics, or energy storage. We encourage contributions that demonstrate interdisciplinary approaches and explore novel or unconventional applications of MOFs, COFs and derived composites. By bridging the gap between synthesis and application, this symposium aims to foster a deeper understanding of the structural properties of nanomaterials and explore the new possibilities these materials offer in a wide range of applications.
- Innovations in Synthesis Techniques for MOFs and COFs
- MOFs and COFs for Energy Storage and Conversion
- Catalysis Enabled by MOFs and COFs
- Biomedical Applications of MOFs and COFs
- Environmental Remediation with Microporous Materials
- Biomedical applications of nanomaterials; from sensing to drug delivery
- Electronic and Photonic Applications of MOFs and COFs
- Frontiers in MOFs and COFs: Emerging Concepts and Applications
Dr. Carolina Carrillo Carrión is a Tenured Scientist of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since 2022, working at the Institute for Chemical Research (IIQ, CSIC-University of Seville). In 2023 she started her own group “NanoChemistry with Metal-Organic Frameworks (NanoChemMOFs)” at the IIQ.
Short CV: degree in Chemistry (2006), M.Sc. in Fine Chemistry (2007) and European PhD degree (2011) in the Analytical Chemistry Department of the University of Córdoba (UCO); responsible of the analytical department and R&D projects at Biomedal company (2012-2013); Humboldt postdoc Fellow (2013-2015) in @Parak Biophotonics group (Philipps-University of Marburg); Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación contract (2015-2017) at @CIC biomaGUNE; Marie Curie postdoc Fellow (2018-2020) at the CiQUS@USC; JIN/RETOS-project as PI at the University of Córdoba (09/2020-03/2021); Ramon y Cajal contract (04/2021-12/2021, University of Seville); Tenured Scientist of CSIC at IIQ (since 2022).
Research interests: Her scientific career has been focused at the interface between (bio)analytical chemistry, nanotechnology and material science, and biomedicine. She has expertise in the design, synthesis, and characterization of functional hybrid nanomaterials for (bio)applications. Since 2018 she focused her research on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), including two main research lines: i) the study of the unique characteristic of MOFs, not found in other porous materials, such as the structural changes/transformations upon an external stimulus (e.g., light irradiation, heat treatment, high-pressure, gas/water adsorption), including thermal diffusion, gate-opening phenomena, phase-to-phase transitions; and ii) the development of MOF-based nanoplatforms for specific target applications in different fields. In the biomedical field, the most relevant examples focus on designing MOFs for light-triggered intracellular release of bioactive compounds, bioorthogonal catalysis in living cells, renal therapies (MOF-modified kidney scaffolds or enhanced adsorbents for hemodialysis), and Glyco-MOFs for improved therapies. In other research fields, MOF-based systems have been designed for biomass valorisation, sensing, and energy-related applications.
Carlos Martí-Gastaldo was initially trained in Coordination Chemistry and Molecular Magnetism in E. Coronado´s group at the ICMol-University of Valencia (PhD 2009), before shifting focus to apply his training to the design of Metal-Organic Frameworks during my postdoctoral stage as a Marie Curie Fellow in M. J. Rosseinsky's group at the University of Liverpool (2010-2012). He began his independent career in 2013 in Liverpool, with the award of a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. In 2014, he returned to the ICMol with a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship to lead the design of highly stable MOFs, one of the strategic research lines of the 1st ‘María de Maeztu’ Excellence program awarded to the center. With the award of an ERC Starting Grant in 2016, he established his own research group at the ICMol. The Functional Inorganic Materials team (FuniMat; is focused on the design and processing of porous inorganic materials for biological and environmental-related applications. He has founded the start-ups ‘Porous Materials for Advanced Applications’ S. L. (2018) and ‘Porous Materials in Action’ S. L. (2021) ( to accelerate the transfer of research results into socially useful products and services. He received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2021 and is one of the guarantor investigators of the 2nd ‘María de Maeztu’ Excellence program of ICMol (2021-2024), and main responsible of the implementation of a new research line for the Molecular Design of Biomaterials in the center.
Since the beginning of his independent career, he has built an international reputation for world leading research recognised with awards, Spanish/European fellowships, invited presentations, talented young scientists attracted/supervised and a sustained competitive funding record as PI near to 8 M€.

I earned my PhD in Chemistry from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 2000, focusing on the activation of carbon-oxygen and carbon-sulfur bonds by low-valent transition metal complexes. Following this, I joined the Université Pierre et Marie Curie as a postdoctoral researcher, where I worked on the design and synthesis of organometallic complexes with non-linear optical (NLO) properties. In 2001, I was honored with a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship, which provided me the opportunity to collaborate with Prof. J. A. Gladysz at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. There, I conducted research in organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. In 2003, I transitioned to the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB), where I collaborated with Profs. F. Teixidor and C. Viñas as part of the I3P Postdoctoral Program (2003-2006) on various projects on the synthesis of functional boron cluster based molecular materials. This was followed by a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (2007-2008), culminating in my appointment as a tenured researcher in 2008.
Since 2024, I have co-led the Inorganic Materials and Catalysis Laboratory (LMI) at ICMAB, where I coordinate research activities centered on boron-cluster-based molecular and polymeric materials, including metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), and their diverse applications. My current work focuses on exploring the limits of boron clusters based polymeric materials in the fields of optics, magnetism, (electro/photo)catalysis and biomedicine, thus bridging various research areas, including chemistry, physics, material science and biomedicine.
Manuel Souto Salom (Valencia, 1988) is an Oportunius Research Professor and Principal Investigator at CIQUS (University of Santiago de Compostela). He is also a Guest/Visiting Professor at the University of Aveiro. He holds a double degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Valencia (Spain) and from the École de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (ECPM) de Strasbourg (France), respectively, doing a research internship at PLAPIQUI (Argentina). He also earned a Master’s degree in Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry (2011) from the University of Strasbourg conducting his Master thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Lisbon). He obtained his PhD in Materials Science at Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) with Prof. Jaume Veciana in 2016 conducting two research stays at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and at the University of Antwerp. In 2017, he started to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol-UV) with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. In 2019, he started his independent research career as an Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials. In 2022 he was promoted to Principal Researcher (tenure, Permanent Researcher/Assoc. Prof.) at the same institution. His research interests encompass molecular electronics, electroactive polymers and organic batteries. His main current research interest is the design and synthesis of new functional electroactive porous frameworks (e.g., COFs & MOFs) based on redox-active organic building blocks for energy storage applications. In 2021, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant with the project ELECTROCOFS, which aims to design new redox-active COF-based electrodes for rechargeable batteries. He received, among other distinctions, the NanoMatMol PhD award, the PhD Extraordinary award, and the European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis. He is member of the RSEQ (GENAM) and SPQ chemical societies and Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe.
Quantum engineering is a vital breeding ground for future key technologies, from quantum computing and energy-efficient optoelectronics to medical applications. However, the search for suitable material platforms is lagging. Guidelines may be performance-based, e.g., related to the efficiency and reliability of quantum-state preparation, transfer, and read-out. On the other hand, a more widespread deployment of quantum technology may also need to consider aspects such as scalability, tunability, integrability, versatility, or cost-efficiency. In this respect, halide perovskites and other metal halides of various dimensionalities invite the question whether their solution-processability, spectral tunability, strong light-matter interaction, and generally intriguing set of optical and structural properties could indeed represent a suitable material platform for quantum-engineered devices.
PeroQuant25 will provide a forum for discussing the latest scientific discoveries in the field of halide perovskites and perovskitoids with the aim of jointly exploring emerging opportunities in the realm of quantum information science and quantum technology. We invite both experimental and theoretical advances to better create, understand, and utilize metal halides as tunable and scalable materials for quantum-engineered devices.
- From low dimensional metal halides (0D to 1D, 2D) to 3D perovskite networks
- Synthesis, from colloidal nanocrystals and assemblies to bulk materials
- Static and dynamic structural properties, including ultrafast diffraction/ultrafast dynamics
- Photophysics: optical/NLO/pump-probe/ultrafast/terahertz spectroscopies
- Spin dynamics
- Control of light and matter via chirality and light polarization
- Coherent/Collective phenomena/correlated physics
- Many-body physics (Exciton, multi-excitons; fine structure, exciton-phonon; exciton-photon)
- Polaritonics and strong light-matter interaction
- Quantum-engineered devices, including quantum-light sources
Grigorios Itskos obtained a B.Sc. in Physics in 1997 from University of Thessaloniki, Greece and carried out his PhD studies at SUNY at Buffalo, USA (Ph.D. in Physics 2003), under the supervision of Prof. Athos Petrou within the newly-born field of semiconductor spintronics. He worked as postdoctoral researcher (Imperial College London, 2003-2007) under the supervision of Profs. Donal Bradely and Ray Murray, focusing on photophysical studies of hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors. In September 2007 he was hired as a faculty member at the Department of Physics, University of Cyprus (Lecturer 2007-2011, Assistant Professor 2011- 2017, Associate Professor 2017- now). His group research activities focus on optical studies of inorganic, organic and hybrid solution-processed semiconductors, with recent emphasis on the characterization and optoelectronic applications of semiconductor nanocrystals.
Claudine Katan (born Hoerner) received her Ph.D. in physics (nonlinear optics) from the University of Strasbourg (ULP), France in 1992. She subsequently served as a lecturer in physics at the University of Rennes (UR1), France, before being appointed as a CNRS Research Investigator in the Physics Department at Rennes in 1993. Until 2003, her research interests concerned the properties of molecular charge-transfer crystals and the topology of electron densities mainly through approaches based on density functional theory (e.g. the CP-PAW code by P. E. Blöchl, IBM-Zurich). She then joined the Chemistry Department at Rennes and turned her research interests toward the structural, electronic and linear/nonlinear optical properties of molecular and supramolecular chromophores using various theoretical approaches—from modeling to state-of-the-art electronic structure calculations (e.g. CEO methodology by S. Tretiak, LANL) . Since the end of 2010, her research has also been devoted to 3D and 2D crystalline materials of the family of halide perovskites based on solid-state physics concepts. Overall, her theoretical work is closely related to the experimental research developed in-house and through international collaboratorations.
Jacky Even was born in Rennes, France, in 1964. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris VI, Paris, France, in 1992. He was a Research and Teaching Assistant with the University of Rennes I, Rennes, from 1992 to 1999. He has been a Full Professor of optoelectronics with the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Rennes,since 1999. He was the head of the Materials and Nanotechnology from 2006 to 2009, and Director of Education of Insa Rennes from 2010 to 2012. He created the FOTON Laboratory Simulation Group in 1999. His main field of activity is the theoretical study of the electronic, optical, and nonlinear properties of semiconductor QW and QD structures, hybrid perovskite materials, and the simulation of optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. He is a senior member of Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
Sascha is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL (Switzerland), while he is also maintaining strong ties with the Harvard community and in particular Winthrop House which he regularly visits as NRT and SCR member.
His team employs light-matter interactions to understand the next generation of soft semiconductors with the overarching goal of maximizing energy efficiency for a sustainable future by unlocking applications ranging from flexible light-weight solar cells & displays all the way to entirely new applications in quantum information processing.
Previously, he was a research group leader and Rowland Fellow at Harvard University’s Rowland Institute. Before starting his lab at Harvard, Sascha studied Chemistry at Heidelberg University (Germany) and completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he subsequently worked as EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow.
Prof. Z. Hens received his PhD in applied physics from Ghent University in 2000, worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Utrecht University and was appointed professor at the Ghent University department of inorganic and physical chemistry in 2002. His research concerns the synthesis, processing and characterization of colloidal nanocrystals.
Maksym Kovalenko has been a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at ETH Zurich since July 2011 and Associate professor from January 2017. His group is also partially hosted by EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) to support his highly interdisciplinary research program. He completed graduate studies at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria, 2004-2007, with Prof. Wolfgang Heiss), followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago (USA, 2008-2011, with Prof. Dmitri Talapin). His present scientific focus is on the development of new synthesis methods for inorganic nanomaterials, their surface chemistry engineering, and assembly into macroscopically large solids. His ultimate, practical goal is to provide novel inorganic materials for optoelectronics, rechargeable Li-ion batteries, post-Li-battery materials, and catalysis. He is the recipient of an ERC Consolidator Grant 2018, ERC Starting Grant 2012, Ruzicka Preis 2013 and Werner Prize 2016. He is also a Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (by Clarivate Analytics).
We are a multidisciplinary and collaborative research team with the overarching goal to establish structure-function relationships by understanding and advancing the fundamental knowledge rooted in the physics, chemistry and engineering of next generation materials for optoelectronics, sustainable, energy conversion, quantum computing, sensing and environmental preservation. Our philosophy is to develop creative and out-of-the-box approaches to solve fundamental scientific problems and apply this knowledge to demonstrate technologically relevant performance in devices.

Dr. Xinyu Shen is a Postdoctoral Researcher in School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University, specializing in the nano materials and their light-emitting devices. She recieived her Ph.D. from Jilin University, where she focused on highly efficient perovskite nanocrystal light-emitting diodes.
Kaifeng Wu obtained his B.S. degree in materials physics from University of Science and Technology of China (2010) and his PhD degree in physical chemistry from Emory University (2015). After his postdoc training at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he moved to China to start his independent research in 2017. His current work focuses on the ultrafast spectroscopy of carrier and spin dynamics in low-dimensional optoelectronic materials, as well as relevant applications in quantum information and energy conversion technologies. He is the winner of the 2022 Distinguished Lectureship Award by the Chemical Society of Japan, 2021 Future of Chemical Physics Lectureship Award by the American Physical Society, 2020 Chinese Chemical Society Prize for Young Scientists, 2019 Robin Hochstrasser Young Investigator Award by the Chemical Physics journal, and 2018 Victor K. LaMer Award by the American Chemical Society. He also serves as the Editorial Advisory Board of J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
Sustainability is the fundamental motivation to develop metal halide perovskite photovoltaic, as the rapid expansion of solar cell technologies is crucial for climate change mitigation. The symposium serves as a platform to discuss the manyfold aspects of sustainability in perovskite PV research, manufacturing, operation, and end-of-life. This includes strategies to overcome environmental and health issue, e.g. related to solvent and lead toxicity, life cycle and supply criticality assessments, or recycling with the perspective of a circular economy.
- Environmental impact and LCA of halide perovskite materials and devices
- On-device Pb sequestration
- Recycling and recovery of halide perovskite materials and devices
- Pb-free halide perovskites
- Green manufacture of halide perovskite devices
- Economic sustainability and supply criticalities

Dr. Annalisa Bruno is a Principal Scientist at the Energy ResearchInstitute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) coordinating a team working on perovskite high-efficiency solar cells and modules by thermal evaporation. Annalisa is also a tenured Scientist at Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). Previously Annalisa was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London. Annalisa received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Degrees in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include perovskite light-harvesting and charge generation properties and their implementation in solar cells and optoelectronic devices.

Kai Zhu is currently a senior scientist in the Chemistry and Nanoscience Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). He received his PhD degree in physics from Syracuse University in 2003. Before this position, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Basic Science Center at NREL, focusing on fundamental charge carrier conduction and recombination in photoelectrochemical cells, especially dye-sensitized solar cells. Dr. Zhu’s research on dye-sensitized solar cells involves the development of advanced electrode materials/architectures, basic understanding of charge transport and recombination processes in these electrodes, and thin-film solar cell development/characterization/modeling. His recent research has centered on both basic and applied research on perovskite solar cells, including perovskite material development, device fabrication and characterization, and basic understanding of charge carrier dynamics in these cells. In addition to solar conversion applications, his research interests have also included III-Nitride wide-bandgap semiconductors for high-power blue and UV light emitting diodes and ordered nanostructured electrodes for Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors.
Semiconducting colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) form an extremely versatile family of nanomaterials offering potential applications ranging from optoelectronics, via photocatalysis, to bioimaging and drug delivery. The materials most thoroughly studied are lead and cadmium chalcogenides and lead halide perovskites. However, in recent years, chalcopyrite-type compounds built from group I-III-VI elements (e.g., CuInS , AgInS ,
CuInSe ) have emerged as potentially more sustainable and less toxic alternatives. The aim of this symposium is to bring together experts leveraging the advantages and opportunities that I-III-VI NCs and their derivatives offer for diverse applications. The symposium will provide an opportunity to discuss recent developments in synthesis, toxicity studies, spectroscopy, theoretical investigations, and device applications of these materials. Key issues related to the basic understanding of structure-properties relationships will be addressed. Recent achievements in establishing the toxicity risks will be assessed and new device developments will be discussed. Crucially, directions of future research into tailoring the properties of I-III-VI NCs will be advanced. The symposium aims at connecting researchers from different scientific backgrounds, expertise, and geographic locations to forge synergistic collaborations.
- Synthetic strategies for novel morphologies
- Synthetic strategies for tailoring optical properties
- Alloyed and core/shell architectures
- Ensemble and single QD level optical spectroscopy
- Degradation, stability, toxicity
- Bio-imaging
- Optoelectronic applications: LEDs, photodetectors, scintillators, photovoltaics
- Photocatalysis
- Theoretical studies of band structure, luminescent excited states, electron-phonon coupling, exciton self-trapping

Teresa Pellegrino since 2014 is tenured team leader of the group of “Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications” at the Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy. She received her PhD in Chemical synthesis in 2005 from the University of Bari. Her current research interests focus on the development of inorganic nanostructures for drug delivery, magnetic hyperthermia, photo-thermal treatment and radiotherapy applications. She is coauthor of 150 papers in peer review international journals. She is the recipient of H2020 ERC Consolidator grant “ Magnetic Hyperthermia for Metastasized Tumor Treatment and Remote Manipulation of Microdevice -GIULIa” N. 101044020 and the Investigator Grant received by the Italian Association of Cancer Research IG-AIRC-2023’ entitled ‘Magnetic scaffolds for tumor treatment: combining immunotherapy, differentiation therapy and mild magnetic hyperthermia’
Nanocrystals are revolutionising our understanding of physics, unlocking a realm of untapped technological possibilities. Chalcogenide and halide perovskite nanocrystals have proven their potential across a spectrum of applications from photon management to clean energy. Yet, fundamental questions persist regarding their photophysics and technological applications, sparking a collaborative effort across disciplines.
This symposium aims to bring together the multifaceted nanoscience community to share the latest developments in nanocrystals synthesis, manipulation and photophysics, including related 1D and 2D materials. The symposium will explore the impact of chemical composition, synthesis routes and defect control on nanocrystal photophysics and device performance, bridging experimental results and computational insights.
- Nanocrystals synthesis, characterization and manipulation: defects control, polymer embedding, morphology, doping.
- Nanocrystals fundamentals: photophysical mechanisms, plasmonics, theory and simulations.
- Nanocrystals applications: catalysis, photon management, scintillation, quantum emitters, lasing.

Matteo Zaffalon is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Materials Science of the University of Milano-Bicocca (IT), where he earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Nanotechnology in 2022. In 2020 he collaborated with the Nanotechnology & Advanced Spectroscopy group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM, USA) working on the spectroscopic investigation of solution grown functional nanostructures for application in photonic and optoelectronic devices. His research is now focused on the spectroscopic investigation and development of novel nanomaterials for the ultrafast detection and conversion of ionising radiation for energy and medical imaging applications.

Bio Professional Preparation M.S. in Chemistry, with Honours, University of Bari, Italy, 1996 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy, 2001 Research interests Prof. L. Manna is an expert of synthesis and assembly of colloidal nanocrystals. His research interests span the advanced synthesis, structural characterization and assembly of inorganic nanostructures for applications in energy-related areas, in photonics, electronics and biology.
Debora Pierucci is a CNRS researcher at Sorbonne University, France. She earned her Ph.D. from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2013. Her research focuses on exploring the electronic properties of heterostructures composed of low-dimensional materials, using advanced photoemission techniques.
Kaifeng Wu obtained his B.S. degree in materials physics from University of Science and Technology of China (2010) and his PhD degree in physical chemistry from Emory University (2015). After his postdoc training at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he moved to China to start his independent research in 2017. His current work focuses on the ultrafast spectroscopy of carrier and spin dynamics in low-dimensional optoelectronic materials, as well as relevant applications in quantum information and energy conversion technologies. He is the winner of the 2022 Distinguished Lectureship Award by the Chemical Society of Japan, 2021 Future of Chemical Physics Lectureship Award by the American Physical Society, 2020 Chinese Chemical Society Prize for Young Scientists, 2019 Robin Hochstrasser Young Investigator Award by the Chemical Physics journal, and 2018 Victor K. LaMer Award by the American Chemical Society. He also serves as the Editorial Advisory Board of J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
Organic semiconductors are excellent candidates for large-area solution-processed optoelectronics because they offer high potential for low-cost manufacturing and their compatibility with lightweight and flexible substrates. Advancing the market of organic semiconducting electronics would require transforming to greener manufacturing protocols without relying on highly toxic halogenated and aromatic solvents. This symposium will focus on sustainable organic optoelectronics, including new materials, novel device architectures and their integration for real-world applications.
- Solar cells
- Photodetectors
- Thin film transistors
- Color-selective and infrared photodetection
- Image sensors with new generation semiconductors
- Thermodynamic limit of the sensitivity of next-generation photodetectors
- Photomultiplication and amplification
- New materials for photodetection
- Special applications: X-ray detection, biological applications and wearable sensors
- Large area manufacturing
Thomas D. Anthopoulos is a Professor of Emerging Electronics at the University of Manchester in the UK. Following the award of his BEng and PhD degrees, he spent two years at the University of St. Andrews (UK), where he worked on organic semiconductors for application in light-emitting diodes before joining Philips Research Laboratories in The Netherlands to focus on printable microelectronics. From 2006 to 2017, he held faculty positions at Imperial College London (UK), first as an EPSRC Advanced Fellow and later as a Reader and full Professor of Experimental Physics. From 2017 to 2023, he was a Professor of Material Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia.

Jenny Nelson is a Professor of Physics at Imperial College London, where she has researched novel varieties of material for use in solar cells since 1989. Her current research is focussed on understanding the properties of molecular semiconductor materials and their application to organic solar cells. This work combines fundamental electrical, spectroscopic and structural studies of molecular electronic materials with numerical modelling and device studies, with the aim of optimising the performance of plastic solar cells. She has published around 200 articles in peer reviewed journals, several book chapters and a book on the physics of solar cells.
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen is a professor in the Center for Polymers and Organic Solids and the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She received her Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2001 under the supervision of Professor Benjamin Schwartz. Her thesis focused on photophysics of conducting polymers. She was a research associate in the Department of Chemistry and the Nanocenter at Columbia University working with Professors Louis Brus and Colin Nuckolls on molecular self-assembly, nanoscale characterization and molecular electronics. She also spent time at IBM Research Center at T. J. Watson (Yorktown Heights, NY) working with Richard Martel and Phaedon Avouris. Her current research interests are structure-function-property relationships in organic semiconductors, sustainable semiconductors, doping in organic semiconductors, interfaces in optoelectronic devices, bioelectronics, and device physics of OPVs, photodetectors, and electrochemical transistors. Recognition for her research includes 2005 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 2006 NSF CAREER Award, 2007 Harold Plous Award, 2008 Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award, the 2009 Alfred Sloan Research Fellows, 2010 National Science Foundation American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellows, 2015 Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award, 2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015-2019 World’s Most InfluentialScientific Minds; Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science by Thomson Reuters and Clarivate Analytics, 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2023 Wilhelm Exner Medal from Austria, 2023 Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors, 2023 de Gennes Prize in Materials Chemistry from the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023 Elected Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, 2024 Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, and 2025 ACS Henry H. Storch Award in Energy Chemistry.
Memristor devices have received significant attention in recent years, offering several promising features, such as ultra-high scalability and low energy operation with CMOS compatible materials. These characteristics make memristors strong candidates for future semiconductor device technologies and enable new computing paradigms, such as neuromorphic computing, which aims to emulate brain-like processing. Distinguished by their ability to retain memory without power and their potential for mimicking synaptic functions, memristor technology has been spreading out into various fields, from non-volatile memory to neuromorphic computing.
This symposium will delve into the latest advancements in memristor technology, encompassing the entire spectrum from novel materials -device modelling and simulation, to innovative device architectures and real-world applications. It aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and industry experts to discuss breakthroughs in memristor-based memory, logic devices, neuromorphic computing, and emerging applications. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the fundamental mechanisms, improving performance and scalability, and exploring integration strategies with existing semiconductor technologies. Through a series of technical presentations, poster sessions, and panel discussions, this symposium will foster collaboration and inspire new directions in memristor research and development.
- Novel Materials and Device Engineering for Memristors
- Device Reliability and Failure Accessment
- Device Modeling and Simulation
- Heterogeneous Integration with CMOS Device
- Conventional Memory and In-Memory Computing Technology
- Memristor for Hardware Security Devices
- Neuromorphic and Probabilistic Computing
- Logic and Steep-Slope Devices
Juan Bisquert (pHD Universitat de València, 1991) is a Professor of applied physics at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain. He is the director of the Institute of Advanced Materials at UJI. He authored 360 peer reviewed papers, and a series of books including . Physics of Solar Cells: Perovskites, Organics, and Photovoltaics Fundamentals (CRC Press). His h-index 95, and is currently a Senior Editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. He conducts experimental and theoretical research on materials and devices for production and storage of clean energies. His main topics of interest are materials and processes in perovskite solar cells and solar fuel production. He has developed the application of measurement techniques and physical modeling of nanostructured energy devices, that relate the device operation with the elementary steps that take place at the nanoscale dimension: charge transfer, carrier transport, chemical reaction, etc., especially in the field of impedance spectroscopy, as well as general device models. He has been distinguished in the 2014-2019 list of ISI Highly Cited Researchers.

Asal Kiazadeh, PhD in Electronics and Optoelectronics, leads the Memristor Group at CENIMAT/i3N and serves as a lecturer at the University of Nova de Lisboa, Faculty of Engineering. She has extensive expertise in flexible oxide electronics and has secured five project grants as a Principal Investigator and key team member, funded by national government agencies and the European Commission. Her research focuses on memristor technology for advanced communication systems, such as THz non-volatile RF switches, and computational domains, including neuromorphic vision and brain-inspired low-power neural network hardware. She has authored over 40 research articles, with 30 of them dedicated to memristor technology.
Miguel Muñoz Rojo received his PhD (2015) in Condensed Matter Physics & Nanotechnology from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and M.S./B.S. in Physics from the Autonomous University of Madrid. He obtained a JAE pre-doctoral Fellowship from CSIC to study during his PhD how the reduction of dimensionality affects the transport properties of organic and inorganic thermoelectric materials. During this period of time, he carried out scientific stays at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (New York, USA), the University of Bordeaux (France) and the University of California Berkeley (USA). In 2012, he participated in the 62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physics after qualifying in an international competition among young talent scientists. From 2016 to 2018, he became a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, studying two dimensional (2D) materials and devices based on them for thermal, electrical, and thermoelectric applications. From 2018 to 2021, he was a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the University of Twente. He has been successful in obtaining funding for his research in USA and Europe, including the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant 2023, in the field of thermal conversion and management processes with national and international academic and industrial partners. He is now a permanent researcher at the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) working at the Institute of Materials Science in Madrid (ICMM) with double affiliation as associate professor to the University of Twente. He is currently a Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe. His research focuses on multiscale thermal engineering, thermal management, energy harvesting, nano- and micro-scale thermometry and thermal sensing.

Perovskite based photovoltaics have the potential to play a key role as future technology in the renewable generation of electricity from sunlight. Besides scalability and reproducibility of fabrication processes, stability of perovskite-based single or multi-junction devices is a requirement to demonstrate their industrial feasibility. To this end, device encapsulation strategies need to be implemented to realize long lifetimes while being commercially viable and ultimately enabling recycling of materials after the products’ end of life. In this symposium, the stability testing of encapsulated perovskite based solar cells under accelerated stress testing and field testing will be discussed, complemented by insights into the current status of perovskite PV recycling aspects and circularity.
- Perovskite-based solar cells
- Stability
- Accelerated stress tests
- Field reliability
- Degradation pathways
- Circularity
- Life-cycle analysis
Dr. Hadjipanayi is a research scientist at the Photovoltaic Technology group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus working on the investigation of the optoelectronic characteristics and photovoltaic performance of novel solar cell devices and her latest work focuses on the characterization of perovskite-based PV and measurement protocol development.
She has received her BSc in Physics (2001) from the University of Cyprus and her DPhil (PhD) in Condensed Matter Physics (2006) from the University of Oxford. Her employment record includes a Post-Doctoral Research Associate position at the Quantum Information Processing Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (QIP IRC), Department of Physics, University of Oxford (2006-2009) and an Associate Research Scientist post at the Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute (2009-2012). Her research interests lie within the area of fundamental and applied physics of novel materials which are promising for future energy-efficient technological applications, especially in the field of solar energy. More specifically and more recently, these include: Investigation of optoelectronic properties and degradation mechanisms of novel solar cell devices including multi-junction solar cells, nanostructured silicon cells, perovskites; Development of accurate standardized and non-standardised testing protocols for new solar cell technologies.
Maria has over 10 years’ experience in national and European research projects as a partner and as a Coordinator covering the full project life-cycle involvement: from initiation to implementation, monitoring and reporting. She led the efforts to attract funds and develop a new strategic infrastructure unit at the University of Cyprus, the DegradationLab, which focuses in the accurate characterization of new and emerging solar cells, and is currently the Head of this new lab (
Markus Kohlstädt is a project manager and senior scientist at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy (ISE) and the Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF) of University of Freiburg. He studied Chemistry and was awarded a PhD by University of Freiburg in 2009. By now, he has more than 13 years experience in in the fabrication and characterization of Organic and Perovskite solar cells and modules, with focus on cell stack development and upscaling. In 2022, he was appointed leader of the team “Thin-Film Perovskite Photovoltaics” at Fraunhofer ISE.
Dr. Anurag Krishna is an R&D Project Leader at Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) and EnergyVille, Belgium, where his research activities focus on developing perovskite module technology. Previously, he has been a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Anders Hagfeldt and Prof. Michael Graetzel at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He obtained Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The noble mission of his research is to facilitate sustainable and affordable low-carbon and green technology solutions for the world. On the fundamental side, his research interests focus on developing hybrid materials suitable for photovoltaic, optoelectronic, and nanoelectronic devices
Eugene A. Katz received his MSc degree (1982) in Semiconductor Materials Science and Ph. D. (1990) in solid state physics from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. In 1995, he joined the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and has been working in the Department for Solar Energy and Environmental Physics ever since (now as a full professor). His research interests include a wide range of photovoltaic materials and devices, such as organic and perovskite-based photovoltaics, concentrator solar cells operated at ultra-high solar concentration (up to 10,000 suns), etc. He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed papers on these topics. In 2018 Prof. Katz was awarded the IAAM Medal (by the International Association of Advanced Materials) for the outstanding research in the field of New Energy Materials & Technology.
Emmanuel Kymakis is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) and Director of the Institute of Emerging Technologies of the HMU Center for Research & Innovation. He received his B.Eng. (First Class Honors) degree in Electrical Engineering & Electronics from Liverpool University in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cambridge University in 2003. He and Prof. Gehan Amaratunga are the inventors of the polymer-nanotube solar cell. Before joining HMU, he was a technical consultant offering engineering and consultancy services in the realization of photovoltaic and solar thermal power plants. His multidisciplinary research lies at the interface between nanotechnology and electrical engineering and is centred on the development of printed optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. He has published more than 140 research articles, which have attracted over 13.000 citations and an h-index of 62, while he has an extensive experience in the management of research and industrial projects (9,5 M€ research funding, design & implementation of 67 MWp of PV parks). Ηe is also included in the list of the top 2% of scientists in their respective fields by citation impact (PLoS Biol 17(8), e3000384). He serves also as scientific evaluator and member of panels of experts of various international governmental and nongovernmental agencies, member of scientific committee of various international congresses, and have been invited to give invited talks in more than 50 occasions. He has been an honorary lecturer at UConn and a recipient of an Isaac Newton and an EPSRC studentship. He was named as a 2014 ChemComm Emerging Investigator and has received two National Excellence Awards. He has served as a member of the founding General Assembly of the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI), a member of the Engineering sectoral scientific council of the National Council for Research & Innovation of Greece (NCRI) and a member of the Engineering thematic advisory council of HFRI. He is currently the Director of the interinstitutional Post-Graduate Program “Nanotechnology for Energy Applications” and serves as the work package leader of Energy Generation of the EU FET-Flagship Initiative Graphene.

Marko Topič received PhD degree from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1996. He has been a Full Professor and the Head of the Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics, University of Ljubljana since 2006 and an Affiliate Professor at the Colorado State University since 2011.
Prof. Topič has acted as the Chairman of the European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics (2014-2022) and is a Member of the Slovenian and the International Academy of Engineering as well as the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Senol Öz obtained his diploma in chemistry in 2013 at the University of Cologne
(Germany). Completing his PhD under supervision of Prof. Sanjay Mathur in 2018 at
University of Cologne (Merck KGaA PhD scholarship). In 2019 he joined Prof.
Tsutomu Miyasaka`s group as a post-doctoral fellow at Toin University of Yokohama
under a JSPS scholarship. His research interests include the synthesis, chemical
engineering, and solution processing of inorganic-organic hybrid metal halide
perovskite materials for photovoltaic application. He is currently a senior R&D project
leader at Saule Technologies and managing director of Solaveni GmbH.
Lithium metal is considered a promising anode material for high-energy-density batteries due to its exceptional specific capacity and low electrochemical potential. Recent advancements in electrolyte materials have made the use of lithium metal as an anode more feasible. However, significant challenges remain, particularly regarding the aggressive chemical nature of lithium metal, which has historically limited its practical application. Addressing these issues necessitates the development of compatible electrolyte materials that can form electrochemically stable interfaces, preventing undesired interfacial reactions and mitigating lithium dendrite growth, which poses potential long-term safety risks. Additionally, breakthroughs in processing and manufacturing are crucial for realizing the full potential of Li-metal all-solid-state batteries in diverse applications, from electric vehicles to IoT devices. This symposium aims to bring together the latest experimental advancements in understanding the electrolyte/anode interface, as well as innovations in processing and manufacturing technologies that are key to the widespread adoption of Li-metal all-solid-state batteries.
- Processing and manufacturing techniques for sulfide, oxide, and polymer solid electrolyte materials and their compatibility with lithium metal architectures.
- Innovative methods for producing solid-state electrolytes and batteries, including thin-film fabrication, additive manufacturing, and wet-chemistry approaches.
- Techniques for processing and manufacturing lithium metal anodes.
- Advanced characterization techniques for studying the electrolyte/anode interface.
- In-situ and operando methodologies for investigating Li-metal all-solid-state batteries.
- Strategies for mitigating lithium dendrite formation.
- Performance evaluation of battery architectures utilizing lithium metal anodes.
- Application of high-throughput synthesis and characterization techniques, including machine learning, in solid-state battery research.
- Technical, economic, and ecological assessments of solid-state battery production.
Juan Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo obtained holds a M.Sc. in Materials Science and Nanotechnology and a PhD in Materials Science from the University Autonomous of Barcelona. He performed his MSc and PhD research (2011-2017) at the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), where he studied the relation of the resistive switching properties of metallic perovskite oxides with their intrinsic metal-insulator transitions for memristive devices and novel computation paradigms. He also was a visiting researcher at the University of Geneva (CH) and Forschungszentrum Jülich (DE). Then he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) for a postdoctoral position (2017-2020) working on the memristive properties of lithium-based oxides for neuromorphic computing and processing of next-generation solid-state electrolyte thin films for All-Solid-State Batteries and Microbatteries. Juan Carlos has been awarded with a Tecniospring postdoctoral fellowship to join IREC and to develop thin film microbattery architectures to power micro- and nanodevices for the Internet of Things revolution
Ainara is a Tenured Scientist at the Intituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC and Visiting Reader in Energy Materials in the Department of Materials, Imperial College London. Her research focuses on the quantitative anlysis and optimisation of ion and electron dynamics in complex oxides, bulk surfaces and interfaces. She uses a combination of structural, chemical and electrochemical analysis including surface sensitive techniques and operando characterisation to develop the next generation of solid-state electrochemical devices such as metal anode all-solid-state batteries, low and intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysers. She has been awarded with fellowships and grants as PI up to €3,3M and is involved in several UK , Spanish and European Commission projects. She has published over 80 (>3.2k citations h=29, i10=52) research papers in this field and holds 2 patents on their applications.
Julia Amici has a PhD in Material Science and Technology from Politecnico di Torino (Italy), focused on polymers and polymeric coatings. She conducted her Post Doc in the Electrochemistry Group at Politecnico di Torino DISAT, on post Li-ion technologies, in particular Li-Air and Li-Sulfur (Li-S) batteries. She participated to different European and national projects on Li-Air, Li-S and Li-ion systems, preparing, testing and optimizing electrode materials and various electrolytes. She is currently Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino and her research activities are focused on synthesis and characterization of highly efficient composite polymer electrolytes for Li-ion, Li-air and Li-S batteries. She is the P.I. for Politecnico di Torino in the EU funded projects SUBLIME (H2020) and ADVAGEN (Horizon Europe), both on all solid-state Li-ion batteries. She is actively participating in Battery2030+ initiative (co-author of the Roadmap: “Inventing the Batteries of the Future, Research Needs and Future Actions”) and has been selected as an expert in WG1:” New and Emerging Battery Technologies” of ETIP EBA Batteries Europe Platform. She is author of above 60 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, on materials, Li-ion, Li-Air and Li-S systems and 2 patents.

Following the success of PerFut symposiums at MatSus 2023 and MatSus 2024, Perfut25 aims at becoming a platform to discuss the future research directions of the metal halide perovskite field, bringing together from fundamental research groups to industrial partners. While this family of materials is considered a solid candidate to develop future technologies, there is an increasing urge to overcome the technological problems that hinder their full commercial expansion, such as large area production, stability, and feasibility. On the other hand, the fundamental research that can become a key tool to solve these issues is also elucidating exciting new properties and frontier phenomena that suggest a vast potential beyond current objectives, including further halide perovskites applications, such as hot-carrier, multiband or multiple exciton generation photovoltaics.
In this situation, the symposium PerFut25 will cover both the main topics related to halide perovskite technological applications, as well as the fundamental approaches that can facilitate this expansion and beyond. This combination will bring together a diverse community encouraging the proposal of versatile approaches to ensure the future of halide perovskites.
- Optoelectronics applications
- Technological feasibility
- Materials processes and fabrication
- Beyond optoelectronics
- Perovskite materials fundamentals
- Frontier phenomena
Dr. Annalisa Bruno is a Principal Scientist at the Energy ResearchInstitute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) coordinating a team working on perovskite high-efficiency solar cells and modules by thermal evaporation. Annalisa is also a tenured Scientist at Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). Previously Annalisa was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London. Annalisa received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Degrees in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include perovskite light-harvesting and charge generation properties and their implementation in solar cells and optoelectronic devices.
Pablo P. Boix, Ph.D. in Nanoscience, is a Research Scientist at Instituto de Tecnologia Química (CSIC). He led a pioneer perovskite research team at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2012-2016) with relevant contributions to materials and devices’ development (such as the first use of formamidinium cation in perovskite solar cells). His track record has more than 100 publications, which resulted in his selection as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2020 (Cross-Field) by Clarivate Web of Science, with an h index of 57. Dr. Boix is the co-inventor of 3 patents in the field of perovskite optoelectronics. Prior to his current position, he worked as a research group leader in a perovskite solar cell company (Dyesol Ltd, Switzerland), focusing on product R&D, and at Universitat de València. Currently, he is the PI of 2 research projects and the coPI of 3, including regional, national, and European funding.
Dr. Clara Aranda Alonso, received her doctorate degree in Science from University Jaume I in 2019 at the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) (Castellón, Spain). She worked as postdoctoral researcher at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and Institute for Photovoltaics (ipv) at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) for two years. Then she moved to the Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV) at the University of Valencia (Spain) as a Margarita Salas fellow. Currently, she is working at Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville (Spain). Her work is focused on the synthesis and characterization of wide band gap perovskite materials, both in thin film and single crystal configuration, for photoconversion devices such as solar cells, photodetectors and memristors, using impedance spectroscopy as the main characterization tool.
Silvia Colella is a researcher at the National research council, CNR-NANOTEC, in Bari, Italy. She received her PhD in “Nanoscience” at National Nanotechnology Laboratory in Lecce (Italy), in 2010. She has been visiting student in the group of professor Luisa De Cola at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität of Münster (Germany), where she dealt with the synthesis and photophysical characterization of electroluminescent metal complexes. In 2010 she joined BASF – The Chemical Company (Strasbourg) with a Marie Curie fellowship as experienced researcher in the frame of the EU project ITN SUPERIOR, working on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. She continued as post-doc researcher at the Institut de science et ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg, France. In 2012 she started her independent research in Lecce (Italy) at the University of Salento in collaboration with CNR-NANOTEC, the team focused on the conception and optoelectronic characterization of innovative optoelectronic devices based on hybrid halide perovskites. Many high impact publication were produced in this time interval, among them one of the first report in halide perovskite for PV exploitation (Colella et al, Chemistry of Materials, 2013 25, 4613-4618).
Silvia Colella is author of >70 peer-reviewed publications in renowned international journals (including Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, ACS Energy Letters).
Her scientific production led to >3000 total citations and a h-index of 28 (;
Antonio Guerrero is Associate Professor in Applied Physics at the Institute of Advanced Materials (Spain). His background includes synthesis of organic and inorganic materials (PhD in Chemistry). He worked 4 years at Cambridge Dispaly Technology fabricating materiales for organic light emitting diodes and joined University Jaume I in 2010 to lead the fabrication laboratory of electronic devices. His expertise includes chemical and electrical characterization of several types of electronic devices. In the last years he has focused in solar cells, memristors, electrochemical cells and batteries.
Iván Mora-Seró (1974, M. Sc. Physics 1997, Ph. D. Physics 2004) is researcher at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain). His research during the Ph.D. at Universitat de València (Spain) was centered in the crystal growth of semiconductors II-VI with narrow gap. On February 2002 he joined the University Jaume I. From this date until nowadays his research work has been developed in: electronic transport in nanostructured devices, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, making both experimental and theoretical work. Currently he is associate professor at University Jaume I and he is Principal Researcher (Research Division F4) of the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM). Recent research activity was focused on new concepts for photovoltaic conversion and light emission based on nanoscaled devices and semiconductor materials following two mean lines: quantum dot solar cells with especial attention to sensitized devices and lead halide perovskite solar cells and LEDs, been this last line probably the current hottest topic in the development of new solar cells.
Ivan Scheblykin obtained Ph.D. in 1999 from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences on exciton dynamics in J-aggregates. After a postdoctoral stay in the KU Leuven, Belgium, he moved to Sweden to start the single molecule spectroscopy group at the Division of Chemical Physics in Lund University where he became a full professor in 2014. His interests cover fundamental photophysics of organic and inorganic semiconductors and, in particular, energy transfer, charge migration and trapping. The general direction of his research is to comprehend fundamental physical and chemical processes beyond ensemble averaging in material science and chemical physics using techniques inspired by single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and single particle imaging.
Since 2019, Yana Vaynzof holds the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Technical University of Dresden. Prior to that (2014-2019), she was a juniorprofessor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University (Germany). She received a B.Sc degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) in 2006, and a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, (USA) in 2008. She pursued a Ph.D. degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Sir. Richard Friend at the Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and investigated the development of hybrid polymer solar cells and the improvement of their efficiency and stability. Upon completing her PhD in 2011, she joined the Microelectronics group at the University of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate focusing on the research of surfaces and interfaces in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. Yana Vaynzof was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the ERC Starting Grant, Gordon Y. Wu Fellowship, Henry Kressel Fellowship, Fulbright-Cottrell Award and the Walter Kalkhof-Rose Memorial Prize.
The electronic structure and chemical state of an interface/surface is determined by the surrounding environment, which in last term rules its properties. These properties, as chemical composition and chemical state, are of main importance because they determine the performance of the electrode under relevant working conditions. However, there are many difficulties, ascribed to the complexity of these systems, that hinder the total understanding of the electrochemical processes. Synchrotron X-ray based techniques have emerged as an important tool for the characterization, being non-destructive methods that provide relevant information of a material of interest in an element specific way. Unfortunately, these techniques present sometimes a lot of challenges to overcome when applied to the study of electrochemical systems under operando conditions. They are hardly compatible with liquids especially in the soft X-ray regime and when using electrons. However, in the last years there have been a lot of efforts to use these state-of-theart techniques for different electrochemical studies with a huge potential impact in our society, i.e. for H generation/storage, CO valorization, batteries etc. This symposium will focus on in situ/operando techniques developed for the investigation of electrochemical energy materials under relevant working conditions using X-ray synchrotron-based techniques.
- Electrochemical energy storage
- Synchrotron X-ray radiation
- In situ-operando
Rosa Arrigo (WoS Researcher ID L-6676-2016) is lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Salford in Manchester (UK) and honorary research scientist at the UK’ s synchrotron facility Diamond Light Source. Her research interests are focused on the design of innovative processes and nanostructured systems for decarbonization technologies in green chemistry and energy storage and conversion. Her research strategy consists of establishing molecular level structure-function relationships through the controlled synthesis of tailored materials, testing and thorough structural characterisation, including but not limited to the extensive use of innovative in situ synchrotron-based techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Current projects focus the conversion of carbon dioxide and H2 production. Recently, she is investigating the host/guest chemistry in metal-organic frameworks for the delivery of Aspergillus derived drugs and in CO2 capture.
Selected Publications of Relevance to Catalysis Science.
Dynamics at Polarized Carbon Dioxide–Iron Oxyhydroxide Interfaces Unveil the Origin of Multicarbon Product Formation, R. Arrigo, R. Blume, V. Streibel, C. Genovese, A. Roldan, M. E. Schuster, C. Ampelli, S. Perathoner, J. J. Velasco Vélez, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, G. Centi , ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 1, 411–430
Elucidating the mechanism of the CO2 methanation reaction over Ni/hydrotalcite-derived catalysts via surface sensitive in situ XPS and NEXAFS, G. Giorgianni, C. Mebrahtu, M. E. Schuster, A. I. Large, G. Held, P. Ferrer, F. Venturini, D. Grinter, R. Palkovits, S. Perathoner, G. Centi, S. Abate, R. Arrigo, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00622J.
Operando X-ray absorption fine structure study of the electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide over Ferrihydrite on nitrogen-doped carbon, C. Genovese, M. E. Schuster, E. K. Gibson, D. Gianolio, V. Posligua, R. Grau-Crespo, G. Cibin, P. P. Wells, D. Garai, V. Solokha, S. Krick Calderon, J. Velasco Velez, C. Ampelli, S. Perathoner, G. Held, G. Centi, R. Arrigo, Nat. Comms. 9, 2018, 935. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03138-7.
In situ observation of reactive oxygen species forming on oxygen-evolving iridium surfaces, V. Pfeifer, T. E. Jones, J. J. Velasco Vélez, R. Arrigo, S. Piccinin, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, Chem. Sci. 8, 2017, 2143-2149. DOI: 10.1039/C6SC04622C.
Recent Press Releases
“Take a Tour of the Diamond Light Source” in Chemistry world,
“Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Hydrocarbon: Thinking Big to See Small Things”, Nature Blog and "Beyond the Paper".
Carlo Marini studied at University of Roma “Sapienza” (Italy) where he defended the PhD in Physics in 2010. In the same year he joined the ESRF synchrotron of Grenoble (France) first as post-doc and then as junior scientist (2013) at the BM23 and ID24 beamlines. In February 2014 he joined ALBA synchrotron as second scientist at CLAESS beamline. Since 2023 he is beamline responsible of NOTOS. His scientific activity has been initially focused on the characterization of 3d metal functional materials and then it opened to the study of catalysis and in particular bimetallic nanoparticles, with a special interest to the interplay between structural and electronic properties shown by these systems. During his research, he developed a multi techniques approach which includes X ray absorption, X ray emission, X ray diffraction, Raman, Infrared, High Pressure and theoretical simulations. In 17 years of research, he produced more than 140 publications in international journals reaching a final H-index 30.
Peter Strasser is the chaired professor of �Electrochemistry for energy conversion and storage� at the Chemical Engineering Division of the Department of Chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin. Prior to his appointment, he was Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston. Before moving to Houston, Prof. Strasser served as Senior Member of staff at Symyx Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, USA. In 1999, Prof. Strasser earned his doctoral degree in Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry from the �Fritz-Haber-Institute� of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany, under the direction of the 2007 Chemistry Nobel Laureate, Professor Gerhard Ertl. In the same year, he was awarded the �Otto-Hahn Research Medal� by the Max-Planck Society. In 1996, Dr. Strasser was visiting scientist with Sony Central Research, Yokohama, Japan. He studied chemistry at Stanford University, the University of Tuebingen, and the University of Pisa, Italy. Professor Strasser is interested in the fundamental Materials Science and Catalysis of electrified liquid solid interfaces, in particular for renewable energy conversion, energy storage, production of fuels and chemicals.
Nowadays, more than 180 million tons of ammonia are produced annually from N2 world-wide based on the Haber-Bosch process, and the rapid growth of the world’s population would not have been possible without this industrial “artificial N2 conversion”. Downsides of this technology are however the high energy demand, the large CO2 emissions associated to this process (for 1 ton of ammonia 20-40 GJ are required, and 1.5 tons of CO2 are produced) and the need of large centralized production sites, impeding decentralization. In view of the increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and the development of alternative concepts for the activation of small molecules, more sustainable approaches for artificial N2 conversion are in demand. This symposium invites contributions on new challenges in the field of photocatalytic, photoelectrochemical and electrochemical dinitrogen conversion using heterogeneous catalysts. This can include reduction reactions towards ammonia or oxidation towards e.g. nitrate. The symposium will further consider contributions on nitrate reduction, nitrogenase applications, and incorporation of dinitrogen into organic molecules. Related to this topic are new catalyst developments, new reactor and reaction engineering concepts, and novel theoretical insights. This symposium will be organized by the German DFG Priority Program SPP2370.
- Heterogeneous photocatalytic dinitrogen conversion
- Heterogeneous electrocatalytic dinitrogen conversion
- Reactor concepts for heterogeneous dinitrogen reduction and oxidation
- Nitrate reduction
Dr. Roland Marschall obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Leibniz University Hannover in 2008, working on mesoporous materials for fuel cell applications. After a one year postdoctoral research at the University of Queensland in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials, he joined in 2010 the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC as project leader. In 2011, he joined the Industrial Chemistry Laboratory at Ruhr-University Bochum as young researcher. From 07/2013 to 08/2018, he was Emmy-Noether Young Investigator at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen. Since 08/2018, he is Full Professor at the University of Bayreuth, Germany. His current research interests are heterogeneous photocatalysis, especially photocatalytic water splitting and nitrogen reduction using semiconductor mixed oxides, and synthesis of oxidic mesostructured materials for energy applications.
Victor Mougel completed his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Chemistry at the ENS of Lyon, and obtained his PhD at the University of Grenoble under the supervision of Prof. Marinella Mazzanti. He then joined ETH Zürich as an ETH/Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow before starting his independent career as a CNRS associate researcher at Collège de France in 2016. Since December 2018, he is a tenure track assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zürich.
Ifan is Professor in Electrocat Imperial College London. Prior to Ifan's appointment at Imperial in 2017, he was Asssociate Professor and Leader of the Electrocatalysis Group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).In 2015, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) appointed Ifan as the Peabody Visiting Associate Professor.
Ifan leverages the insight from fundamental electrochemistry experiments to discover new catalyst materials with unprecedented performance. Ifan’s research ultimately aims to enable the large-scale electrochemical conversion of renewable energy to fuels and valuable chemicals and vice versa. He has 62 peer reviewed publications, 2 patents, 4 patent applicaitons and is cofounder of the spinout company, HPNow.