Motivated by the opportunity to address the challenges of toxicity and instability affecting lead-halide perovskites, researchers have been turning their attention to the development of new inorganic solar absorbers. With advances in the fields of metal halides, chalcogenides, and chalcohalides, a plethora of promising photovoltaic absorbers has been discovered, and their properties have been increasingly well understood. This exciting class of materials includes double perovskites (A2BB’X6), ABZ2 semiconductors, rudorffites, chalcogenide perovskites (ABS3), heavy pnictogen chalcogenides, and chalcohalides. Our symposium aims to facilitate a comprehensive discussion among experts in the fabrication, simulation, and characterization of this emerging class of semiconducting materials. By bringing together a range of different perspectives and skill sets, we hope to promote a deeper understanding of these new solar absorbers and to accelerate their development. We invite contributions that cover a broad range of topics, including fabrication methods (such as solution processing and thermal evaporation), characterization and the development of structure-properties relations, and photophysical studies.
- Synthesis and material development of emerging inorganic photoabsorbers
- Dry and wet thin-film processing techniques of emerging inorganic photoabsorbers
- Structural characterization and development of structure-properties relations
- Theoretical predictions of novel inorganic materials
- Charge-carrier dynamics and transport in novel inorganic materials
- Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices
This symposium brings together leading researchers, scientists, and industry professionals to discuss the latest developments in the circular economy for energy materials. With the increasing deployment of sustainable energy technologies, it is critical to explore the security of supply chains and how the devices will be handled at the end of life. For example, PV waste generation by 2050 is estimated to be above 70 million tonnes according to IRENA (S. Weckend, et al., IRENA/IEA-PVPS, 978-92-95111-99-8, (2016)) The discussions will focus on key aspects of resource efficiency, circularity by design, metrics and assessments, traceability and policy. Attendees will also gain insights into the latest advancements in sustainable approaches to renewable energy materials and their role in achieving a circular economy to support the transition to net zero. The session will align with the following UN SDGs: GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.
This symposium aims to inspire new ideas and collaborations that will propel advancements in efficient and sustainable renewable energy technologies, accelerating the global transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. We invite researchers of different career stages and expertise, students, and industry professionals from around the world to join us for what promises to be an informative and exciting symposium on the latest developments in sustainable energy materials.
- LCA & circular economy
- Existing PV tech
- Emerging PV tech
- Energy storage
Bening pursued his PhD degree at Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Specifically, he spent four years working at Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERIAN) under supervisions of Assoc Prof Leong Wei Lin and Assoc Prof Andrew Grimsdale with the aim to improve interfacial and bulk stabilities of perovskite solar cells.
Bening obtained MSc degree in polymer materials science and engineering from The University of Manchester and BSc (Hons) in Chemistry and Biological Chemistry with Minor in Physics from NTU. Currently, he works as Research Associate in Emerging Photovoltaics at Energy Materials Lab, Newcastle University, UK.
Achieving efficient perovskite based solar cells requires a comprehensive understanding of the performance limiting processes. This symposium covers the optical characterization of the state-of-the-art solar cells evaluating the photophysical properties. The aim is to unravel the critical components for further optimization and elucidate various parameters influencing the photophysics of solar cells. This will aid the understanding of charge generation and recombination and provide future design rules for efficient and stable devices towards commercialization. We invite contributions targetting the device efficiency, optical transient spectroscopy, evaluation of interfacial recombination, selectivity of various charge collection layers and their limitations.
- Perovskite solar cells
- Photophysics of hybrid devices
- Optical spectroscopy of perovskite solar cells
- Charge Recombination in perovskite solar cells
- Photophysics of hybrid solar cells
Dr. Annalisa Bruno is a Principal Scientist at the Energy ResearchInstitute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) coordinating a team working on perovskite high-efficiency solar cells and modules by thermal evaporation. Annalisa is also a tenured Scientist at Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). Previously Annalisa was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London. Annalisa received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Degrees in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include perovskite light-harvesting and charge generation properties and their implementation in solar cells and optoelectronic devices.
Chirality arises from the spatial arrangement of building blocks such that the final structure is not superimposable with its mirror image. In molecules and materials that result in the appearance of optical activity, as was famously demonstrated over a century ago by Pasteur through the correlation of crystal shapes with left and right rotations of plane-polarized light. Nowadays, the ability to break the symmetry of building blocks through chemistry and nanofabrication provides a wide range of nanomaterials and nanostructures exhibiting circular dichroism and birefringence, polarized photoluminescence, and electron transport. There is a growing interest in understanding the emergence of chiral response, its optimization, and applications. The Chiral24 symposium aims to bring together leading scientists exploring the synthesis, structure, and properties of chiral nanomaterials through experiments and simulations.
- Synthesis and self-assembly of chiral nanomaterials
- Chiral surface modification of nanocrystals
- Optical activity of plasmons, excitons, and charge carriers (CD, polarized photoluminescence, spin-polarized electron transport)
- Applications of chiral phenomena in optoelectronics (hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors, chiral photodetectors, light sources, and transistors)
Sascha is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL (Switzerland), while he is also maintaining strong ties with the Harvard community and in particular Winthrop House which he regularly visits as NRT and SCR member.
His team employs light-matter interactions to understand the next generation of soft semiconductors with the overarching goal of maximizing energy efficiency for a sustainable future by unlocking applications ranging from flexible light-weight solar cells & displays all the way to entirely new applications in quantum information processing.
Previously, he was a research group leader and Rowland Fellow at Harvard University’s Rowland Institute. Before starting his lab at Harvard, Sascha studied Chemistry at Heidelberg University (Germany) and completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he subsequently worked as EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow.
Alicia Forment-Aliaga (Valencia, 1976) is a researcher at the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) and a senior lecturer in the School of Chemistry at the University of Valencia (UVEG), Spain. She graduated in Chemistry and carried out her PhD on molecular magnetism at the UVEG, supervised by Prof. E. Coronado and Prof. F.M. Romero. Between 2004-2008 she joined Prof. K. Kern’s group as a postdoctoral researcher at Max-Planck Institute for Solid Sate Research in Stuttgart, Germany. During this period, she was awarded with different competitive postdoctoral grants for developing her research on molecular electronics. Since July 2008 she works at ICMol at the UVEG, in Prof. E. Coronado’s group. This period comprises a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva contract and a tenure-track Ramón y Cajal contract, both competitive contracts granted by the Spanish Government, and her current position as senior lecturer. At the ICMol she has developed a line of research in molecular surface engineering and in the last years, she has also started working on 2D materials. Particularly, she has driven her research into four specific goals: (1) Non-conventional lithographies for the organization of molecular systems; (2) formation of self-assembled monolayers for molecular spintronics; (3) scanning force microscopies for surface modification and characterization and (4) 2D materials, targeting their exfoliation, molecular functionalization and application in different areas.
Prof. R. Robinson received his PhD in Applied Physics from Columbia University. After his PhD, Prof. Robinson was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at University of California, Berkeley/LBNL in the research group of Paul Alivisatos. There, he worked on nanoparticle synthesis, chemical transformations of nanoparticles, and advanced property characterizations of nanoparticles. In 2008 Richard began a faculty position at Cornell University in the Materials Science Department, and is currently an associate professor. His primary research interests are: (I) Synthesis and chemical transformations in nanocrystals, (II) Nanocrystals in energy applications, and (III) Synchrotron x-ray characterization of nanomaterials.
Sara Skrabalak received her B.A. in chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis in 2002 where she conducted research with Professor William E. Buhro. She then moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she completed her Ph.D. in chemistry in fall of 2006 under the tutelage of Professor Kenneth S. Suslick. After conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Washington – Seattle with Professors Younan Xia and Xingde Li, she began on the faculty at Indiana University – Bloomington in 2008. She is currently a James H. Rudy Professor at Indiana University. She was appointed Editor-in-Chief for the ACS journals Chemistry of Materials and ACS Materials Letters in 2020.
She is a recipient of both NSF CAREER and DOE Early Career Awards. She is a 2012 Research Corporation Cottrell Scholar, a 2013 Sloan Research Fellow, a 2014 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar and 2017 Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellows. In 2014, she received the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry and in 2017 was the recipient of the Frontiers in Research Excellence & Discovery Award from Research Corporation. She served as an Associate Editor for the RSC journals Nanoscale from 2017-2020 and Nanoscale Horizons from 2018-2020. Her group is developing new synthetic methods to solid materials with defined shapes and architecture then studying the properties of the materials as they are applied to applications in energy science, chemical sensing, and secured electronics.
Alessandro Stroppa (July 14th 1976) is a Research Director of the CNR-SPIN Institute (Italy) and deputy director of the research unit in L’Aquila (Italy). He received his PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from University of Trieste (Italy) in 2006 and he continued his research in computational materials science at University of Vienna in the group of Prof. Georg Kresse (VASP Team). After 2009, he joined the CNR in Italy where he became permanent staff in 2012. He is contract professor at University of L’Aquila (Italy), and invited professor at Shanghai and South East University (China).
His current research areas deal with solid-state physics and materials science. Specifically, he is interested in 3D and 2D hybrid inorganic-organic perovskites, non-magnetic and magnetic 2D systems with special focus on photo-ferroic, multiferroic, magnetoelectric, twistronic, topological, magneto-optical and non-linear optical properties, skyrmions, etc. He has great experience with Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods for the study of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties using all-electrons as well as pseudopotential approaches implemented in numerical codes. He has published about 138 peer-reviewed papers (h-index=43, Total citations 6744) in theoretical condensed matter also in collaboration with experimentalists. In 2017, 5 of his papers were Highly Cited (Source: Web of Science). He is on the World’s top 2% scientists lists published by Stanford University since 2019. He received honors such as the ‘Best 2008 New Journal of Physics Collection’; Research Highlight talk at EUROMAT 2013; Best oral talks at Italian Physical Society conferences in 2005 and 2011; Certificate of appreciation for “his important contributions to the theoretical understanding of microscopic mechanisms of multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in perovskite metal-organic frameworks” by Nature Conference (Nankai University, 2019). He is carrying out an intense outreach activity for primary schools. [Last update Sept 04th 2023]
Selected papers
1. A. Stroppa, et al.“Electric Control of Magnetization and Interplay between Orbital Ordering and Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 2011, 50, 5847-5850. Times cited:192.
2. A. Stroppa, et al. “Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in a Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Metal-Organic Framework”, Adv. Mat., 2013, 25, 2284-2290. Times cited:215.
3. A. Stroppa, et al. “Tuning the Ferroelectric Polarization in a Multiferroic Metal-Organic Framework”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18126-18130. Times cited:190.
4. A. Stroppa, et al. “Electric-Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in a Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 12883-12886. Times cited:23.
5. A. Stroppa, et al.”Tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in tin iodide perovskites”, Nat. Commun., 2014, 5, 5900. Times cited:175 (Highly Cited Paper)
6. A. Stroppa, “Cross coupling between electric and magnetic orders in a multiferroic metal-organic framework”, Sci. Rep., 2014, 4, 6062. Times cited:134.
7. A. Stroppa, et al. “Magneto-Optical Kerr Switching Properties of (CrI3)2 and (CrBr3/CrI3) Bilayers”, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2, 5, 1380-1373. Times cited:1.
8. A. Stroppa et al. “Activating magnetoelectric optical properties by twisting antiferromagnetic bilayers”, Phys. Rev. B, 106, 184408 (2022). Times cited: 0
Selected links (Outreach)
This symposium aims to bring together key academic and industrial researchers in the field of to discuss the remaining challenges to advance the status of organic photovoltaics to a mature technology. Rather than focusing on performance materials that demonstrate high efficiency in lab-scale devices only, a high priority will be set to materials and process developments that facilitate the upscaling of lab cells to large-area modules with reduced losses. Key R&D aspects that demand more attention from an industrial and product development perspective may be found along the whole value chain. Relevant topics include, for instance, the scale-up synthesis of photoactive, interlayer and electrode materials, rapid material screening methodologies, interconnect strategies and module layout, roll-to-roll manufacturing and in-line characterisation techniques, module lifetime studies, aesthetical aspects, or new application sectors for OPV.
- Scaling-up of functional materials for OPV
- Synthetic complexity of OPV materials
- Roll-to-roll processable interlayers and electrodes
- Advanced manufacturing processes, high throughput screening and characterisation techniques
- Device engineering, module layout, panel customisation
- Operational stability of OPV, field studies
- Transparency and colour in OPV: materials, management, quality, and assessment
- Niche markets for OPV
Mariano Campoy Quiles´s research is devoted to the understanding and development of solution processed semiconductors for energy and optoelectronic applications. He and his team have built substantial research efforts in two application areas, solar photovoltaic (light to electric) and thermoelectric (heat to electric) energy conversion based on organic and hybrid materials. He studied physics at the Univesity of Santiago de Compostela, obtained his PhD in experimental physics from Imperial College London, and since 2008 he leads his team at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona.
Stelios A. Choulis is Professor of Material Science and Engineering at the Cyprus University of Technology (2008-present). He was the Organic Photovoltaic Device group leader of Konarka Technologies (2006-2008) and research and development (R&D) engineer of the Osram Opto-Semiconductors Inc, Organic Light Emitting Diode R&D team (2004-2006). During his PhD and first post-doc research associate (PDRA) position at Advanced Technology Institute (1999-2002, University of Surrey) he investigated the optical properties of quantum electronic materials and opto-electronic devices. In 2002 he joined the center of electronic materials and devices (Imperial College London, UK) as PDRA and work on the transport and recombination dynamics properties of molecular semiconductors (2002-2004). His current research interest focuses on the development of functional materials and devices for advanced optoelectronic applications.
Morten Madsen, Professor wsr at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU NanoSYD.
My field of expertise is thin-film growth, integration and devices for energy conversion and storage applications. In 2010-2011, I worked with high performance transistors from III-V nanoscale membranes at the Javey research lab, UC Berkeley, California. In 2011, I established the OPV group at SDU NanoSYD, where we work on improving the performance and stability of organic and hybrid solar cells, including thin film synthesis, metal oxide interlayers and interfaces, organic and hybrid active layers as well as film and device degradation. Since 2016, we also have a focus on device up-scaling through Roll-to-Roll (R2R) printing technology at the SDU R2R facility. Vist out site for more details:
Jie Min obtained his PhD degree from the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg in 2015. After obtaining his PhD degree, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, Erlangen, Germany (2016–2017). In 2017, he joined Wuhan University as a full professor. His current research interests relate to the reduction of the efficiency-stability-cost gap of organic photovoltaics. He also aimed to explore the emerging applications of building integrated photovoltaics. For more information, please see the lab website: http://jie
RnD manager at Epishine AB
The power conversion efficiency of single-junction solar cells is limited by transmission and thermalization losses. (Sensitized) triplet fusion and singlet fission has emerged as promising strategies to circumvent these efficiency losses in solar cells. Some major challenges remain, including; development of (near-)infrared absorbing sensitizer materials for triplet fusion and infrared emitter materials for singlet fission, improved organic materials for singlet fission and triplet fusion, fundamental understanding of excitonic conversion processes, energy migration, and energy transfer across hybrid interfaces, as well as device integration. The symposium will bring together experts in singlet fission and triplet fusion to discuss fundamental understanding of the excitonic conversion processes and development of new materials towards solar energy applications.
- Fundamentals of singlet fission and triplet fusion
- Understanding energy migration and energy transfer across hybrid interfaces
- Novel organic and inorganic materials for (sensitized) triplet fusion and singlet fission
- Nontoxic and abundant materials
- Role of molecular oxygen
- Device implementation for solar cells and solar fuels
Seiichiro Izawa is an associate professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, since 2023. He received his Ph.D. from Department of Applied Chemistry in the University of Tokyo in 2015 and worked at RIKEN in Japan and University of California, Santa Barbara as a postdoctoral fellow, and Institute for Molecular Science in Japan as an assistant professor. His research interests are optoelectronic properties at organic semiconductor interface for efficient organic electronics devices such as photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes.
From 2019, A.M. serves as Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Physics at Department of Materials Science. His research is focused on the development of advanced hybrid functional nanomaterials for applications in photonics and theranostics in collaboration with several national and international universities and research institutes. He started his research by working on hybrid organic/inorganic light NIR emitters based on lanthanides ions and photonic crystals for lighting and telecom, in the framework of several national and international project and networks. The topic of the current research is the design and study of advanced materials and nanostructured materials for photon managing and scintillation applications. The experimental activity is centered on CW and ultrafast TRPL photoluminescence spectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy, confocal imaging, IR and FT-IR spectroscopy to tackle both fundamental and applicative aspects aimed at the development of materials to implemented real-world technologies.
Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are attracting a great interest in several optoelectronic applications due to their superior optical properties and their rich structural and chemical tunability. Their high extinction coefficients, optimal band gaps, high photoluminescence quantum yields, and long electron–hole diffusion lengths make them suitable candidates in photocatalytic applications. As a matter of fact, MHPs have been successfully applied in the field of water splitting, CO2 reduction, pollutant degradation, and organic synthesis. Together with these promising results several issues related to their instability have partially restricted their widespread application in photocatalysis and, at the same time, a more detailed investigation of the mechanism underlying their photocatalytic activity is required. This symposium explores the synthesis, properties, and applications of MHPs in the field of photocatalysis. We invite contributions discussing novel and optimized perovskites and heterojunctions including perovskites, challenges associated with stability issues, structure, property relationships, modelling of the photocatalytic mechanisms and further expansion of the scope of MHPs use in photocatalysis.
- Use of metal halide perovskites in photocatalysis
- Challenges in material stability
- Applications: water splitting, CO2 reduction, pollutant degradation, and organic synthesis
Lorenzo obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 2003 and since 2008 is Assistant Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Pavia. In 2021 he was appointed Full Professor in the same department. He was the recipient of the Young Scientist Award for outstanding work in the field of perovskites at the International Conference on Perovskites held in late 2005 in Zürich, of the “Alfredo di Braccio” Prize for Chemistry 2008 of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei awarded to distinguished under 35-year-old chemists and contributed the Journal Materials Chemistry and Chemical Communications“Emerging Investigator” issues in 2010 and 2011. He is working in several areas of solid state chemistry with particular interest in the investigation of structure–properties correlation in different kinds of functional materials, in particular electrolyte materials for clean energy, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and catalysis materials. He is author of more than 200 papers on international peer-reviewed journals. Since 2018 he is member of Academic Senate and Vice-Director of the Chemistry Department. He is Director of the INSTM Reference Center “PREMIO” devoted to the synthesis of innovative materials and member of the Directive Board of INSTM. Since 2014 he is member of the Academic Board of the PhD in Chemistry of Pavia University. He is Editor of Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids.
Haowei Huang graduated and received his Ph.D. in Bioscience Engineering from the Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions, KU Leuven (Belgium), in 2020, where he studied metal halide perovskite photocatalysis. After that, he continued his postdoctoral research with financial support from the Belgium government (FWO) with Prof.Maarten Roeffaers at KU Leuven and Prof. Peidong Yang at UC Berkeley. His research focuses on the development of optically active materials and their application on photo(electro)catalysis.
In stark contrast to their 3D counterparts, two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites can incorporate a large library of organic compounds,[En. Environ. Sci. 13, 1154] enabling the design of materials with tailored properties and functionalities. For example, fluorination of the organic spacers was reported to improve the material’s stability upon exposure to moisture,[Chem. Mater. 30, 8211] while the development of chiral spacers enabled unique spin-selectivity with immense possibilities for spintronics.[Nat. Comm., 12, 4982] Alternatively, the use of conjugated organic spacers allows to realise new functionalities, associated to charge/energy transfer processes between the organic and inorganic components.[Nat. Chem. 11, 1152; Inorg. Chem. 38, 26, 6246]. While 2D perovskites have already found applications in solar cells, LEDs and FETs, their incredible chemical versatility makes them a unique platform to not only study their fundamental photophysics, but also develop entirely new types of devices. For example, recently mobile trions have been demonstrated in 2D perovskites, opening the path to new applications such as exciton transistors.[10.1002/adma.202210221] This symposium aims to bring together experts from the fields of synthetic chemistry, spectroscopy, photophysics, device design and simulations to fully unleash the potential of 2D perovskites.
Sponsored by:
- Organic cations for 2D perovskites
- Film formation processes
- Photophysics of 2D perovskites
- Chirality and spin-selectivity
- Applications of 2D perovskites in solar cells
- Applications of 2D perovskites in LED
- Applications of 2D perovskites in FET
- Stability of 2D perovskites and related devices
- Theory and simulations
Since 2019, Yana Vaynzof holds the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Technical University of Dresden. Prior to that (2014-2019), she was a juniorprofessor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University (Germany). She received a B.Sc degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) in 2006, and a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, (USA) in 2008. She pursued a Ph.D. degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Sir. Richard Friend at the Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and investigated the development of hybrid polymer solar cells and the improvement of their efficiency and stability. Upon completing her PhD in 2011, she joined the Microelectronics group at the University of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate focusing on the research of surfaces and interfaces in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. Yana Vaynzof was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the ERC Starting Grant, Gordon Y. Wu Fellowship, Henry Kressel Fellowship, Fulbright-Cottrell Award and the Walter Kalkhof-Rose Memorial Prize.
Volker Blum is an Associate Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University, Durham, NC. He obtained his doctoral degree from University of Erlangen, Germany in 2001 and then pursued his post-doctoral research at National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO, from 2002-2004. From 2004-2013, he was a scientist and group leader at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin, Germany. He develops computational methods and software for electronic structure simulations, data analysis and data sharing in materials science and in computational chemistry, including as the lead developer of the FHI-aims electronic structure code. His current applied research focuses on novel semiconductor materials as well as molecular spectroscopy. In particular, his group is working on hybrid perovskite materials and chalcogenide semiconductors.
Giulia is Associate Professor at Physical Chemistry Unit at University of Pavia, leading the PVsquared2 team, and running the European Grant ERCStG Project “HYNANO”aiming at the development of advanced hybrid perovskites materials and innovative functional interfaces for efficient, cheap and stable photovoltaics. Within this field, Giulia contributed to reveal the fundamental lightinduced dynamical processes underlying the operation of such advanced optoelectronic devices whose understanding is paramount for a smart device development and for contributing to the transition of a green economy.
Giulia received an MS in Physical Engineering in 2008 and obtained her PhD in Physics cum laude in 2012 at the Politecnico of Milan. Her experimental thesis focused on the realisation of a new femtosecond-microscope for mapping the ultrafast phenomena at organic interfaces. During her PhD, she worked for one year at the Physics Department of Oxford University where she pioneered new concepts within polymer/oxide solar cell technology. From 2012-2015, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Milan. In 2015, she joined the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with a Co-Funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. From 2016 to 2019, she has been awarded by the Swiss Ambizione Energy Grant providing a platform to lead her independent research group at EPFL focused on the developemnt of new generation hybrid perovskite solar cells.
She is author of 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers bringing her h-index to 44 (>13’000 citations), focused on developement and understanding of the interface physics which governs the operation of new generation solar cells.
Recently, she received the USERN prize in Physical Science, the Swiss Physical Society Award in 2018 for Young Researcher and the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics. She is currently USERN Ambassador for Italy and board member of the Young Academy of Europe.
More can be found at
Dr. Jovana V. Milić obtained her PhD in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich in July 2017. Her research interests encompass (supra)molecular engineering of bioinspired organic materials with the aim of developing functional nanotechnologies. Since October 2017, she has worked as a scientist with Prof. Michael Graetzel in the Laboratory for Photonics and Interfaces at EPFL in Switzerland on the development of novel photovoltaic materials, with the focus on dye-sensitized and hybrid perovskite solar cells. In September 2020, she has taken on a position of a Group Leader in the Soft Matter Physics Group of the Adolphe Merkle Institute at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. For more information, refer to her LinkedIn profile (, ORCID 0000-0002-9965-3460, and Twitter (@jovana_v_milic).
Julian obtained his B.S. in chemical engineering from the University of New Mexico and his M.Phil. in chemistry from the University of Cambridge, where he studied electrocatalytic materials. He recieved his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Stanford University under the supervision of Profs. Hemamala Karunadasa and Michael Toney, focusing on synthesis, defect chemistry, and X-ray characterization of halide perovskite semiconductors. Julian is currently a Schmidt Science Fellow at the Unviersity of California, Berkeley; his present research concerns applying chemical design principles to next-generation electronics.
This symposium invites contributions on the emerging challenges to organic/perovskite-based transistor memoristors and synapses, including device performance and long-term stability, from the perspective of meterials design, device engineering, and memory characteriization. In addtion to the development of typical transistor-based memoristors, this symposium will further consider the electronic and photonic challenges of these devices in terms of mutiple memory behaviors, artificial synapses, and neuromorphic computing, as it is an emerging area of reasearch for Artificial Intelligence (AI). Any topics related to the developoment of organic/perovskite-based transistor memoristors and synapses are welcome.
- Transistor Memory
- Synapic Transistor
- Photomemory
Prof. Jung-Yao Chen received her Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University under the supervision of Prof. Wen-Chang Chen in 2016. She joined Prof. Alex Jen's research team at University of Washington in 2015. Currently, she is the assistant professor in Dept. of Photonics of National Cheng Kung University. Her research interests are the process design, morphology analysis and optoelectronic applications of photoactive material including conjugated polymer, phosphorescent material and perovskite. Recently, Prof. Jung-Yao Chen's research activity is focused on the developement of non-volatile photomemory on artificial synapses and photonic integrated circuits. The main objective is to explore the mechanisms behind the photo-recording functionality and develope ultrafast responsive photomemory with multi-level memory behavior.
Prof. Lee is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology at Taipei Tech. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2009. Prior to joining Taipei Tech, he continued his postdoc research at Stanford University from 2012 to 2014. He is devoted to the field of soft electronic materials. His present research interests covered stretchable polymer-based field-effect transistors, e-Skin, artificial synapses, non-volatile memory, and wearable electronics.
Juan Bisquert (pHD Universitat de València, 1991) is a Professor of applied physics at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain. He is the director of the Institute of Advanced Materials at UJI. He authored 360 peer reviewed papers, and a series of books including . Physics of Solar Cells: Perovskites, Organics, and Photovoltaics Fundamentals (CRC Press). His h-index 95, and is currently a Senior Editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. He conducts experimental and theoretical research on materials and devices for production and storage of clean energies. His main topics of interest are materials and processes in perovskite solar cells and solar fuel production. He has developed the application of measurement techniques and physical modeling of nanostructured energy devices, that relate the device operation with the elementary steps that take place at the nanoscale dimension: charge transfer, carrier transport, chemical reaction, etc., especially in the field of impedance spectroscopy, as well as general device models. He has been distinguished in the 2014-2019 list of ISI Highly Cited Researchers.
Antonio Guerrero is Associate Professor in Applied Physics at the Institute of Advanced Materials (Spain). His background includes synthesis of organic and inorganic materials (PhD in Chemistry). He worked 4 years at Cambridge Dispaly Technology fabricating materiales for organic light emitting diodes and joined University Jaume I in 2010 to lead the fabrication laboratory of electronic devices. His expertise includes chemical and electrical characterization of several types of electronic devices. In the last years he has focused in solar cells, memristors, electrochemical cells and batteries.
Do Hwan Kim is currently a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Hanyang University, South Korea. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology in 2005. From 2006 to 2010, he worked at the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology as a senior researcher. He also worked at Stanford University, United States, as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering (2011–2012) and worked as an Assistant Professor at Soongsil University, South Korea (2012–2017). His research interests are in the field of organic optoelectronics, electronic skins, and multimodal synaptic devices.
Tae-Woo Lee is an associate professor in Materials Science and Engineering at the Seoul National University, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the KAIST, Korea in 2002. He joined Bell Laboratories, USA as a postdoctoral researcher and worked at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology as (2003-2008). He was an associate professor in Materials Science and Engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea until August 2016. His research focuses on printed flexible electronics based on organic, carbon, and organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials for displays, solar cells, and bio-inspired neuromorphic electronics.
Yong-Young Noh is Chair Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Republic of Korea. He received his PhD in 2005 from GIST, Republic of Korea, and then worked at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, UK, as a postdoctoral associate. Afterwards, he worked at ETRI as a senior researcher, at Hanbat National University as an assistant professor, Dongguk University-Seoul as an associate professor. He has won Merck Young Scientist Award (2013), Korea President Award (2014), IEEE George E. Smith Award (2014), as selected this month as a Scientist from Korea Government (September. 2016), and the Order of Science and Technology Merit, Science Medal from Korea Government (April 2024). He is a fellow of Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology and a Fellow of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He has published over 360 papers in international journals in the field of materials for electronics and optoelectric devices, in particular, OFETs, OLEDs, Metal Halide, perovskites, carbon nanotube 2D layered materials, and oxide TFTs. Selected Recent Papers: Selenium alloyed tellurium oxide for amorphous p-channel transistors, Ao Liu, Yong-Sung Kim, Min Gyu Kim, Youjin Reo, Taoyu Zou, Taesu Choi, Sai Bai, Huihui Zhu, Yong-Young Noh, Nature, 629, pages798–802 (2024), Tin perovskite transistors and complementary circuits based on A-site cation engineering, Huihui Zhu, Wonryeol Yang, Youjin Reo, Guanhaojie Zheng, Sai Bai, Ao Liu, Yong‐Young Noh, Nature Electronics, 6(9), 650-657 (2023), High-performance metal halide perovskite transistors, Ao Liu, Huihui Zhu, Sai Bai, Youjin Reo, Mario Caironi, Annamaria Petrozza, Letian Dou, Yong-Young Noh, Nature Electronics, 6(8), 559-571 (2023), High-Performance Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Transistors, Ao Liu, Huihui Zhu, Sai Bai, Youjin Reo, Taoyu Zou, Myung-Gil Kim, Yong-Young Noh*, Nature Electronics 5(2), 78-83 (2022).
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Joon Hak OH is a professor of School of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University, Korea. He received his B.S, M.S, Ph.D degrees from Seoul National University. He worked as a senior engineer at Samsung Electronics. He then continued his postdoctoral research at Stanford University. He was a faculty at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST, 2010-2014) and Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, 2014-2018), before moving to Seoul National University in 2018. His research focuses on synthesis of organic and polymeric nanomaterials and carbon nanomaterials, enhancement of their electrical and optical functions by controlling the physical and chemical features, and applications to flexible electronic devices and energy devices, such as organic field-effect transistors, chemical/bio/physical sensors, and organic solar cells.
Perovskite-based tandem solar cells have emerged as one of the most promising technologies for next-generation photovoltaics. Reported efficiencies for some representatives already surpass the Detailed Balance Limit for single junctions. This symposium aims to provide a platform that brings together the perspective of cutting edge fundamental research with visionaries from industry R&D to discuss the 1 , 2 and potentially 3 generation of perovskite tandem solar technology. As such, the symposium targets tandem technologies that combine perovskite with established solar technologies (e.g. silicon), as well as tandem concepts that are solely based on emerging technologies (all-perovskite, perovskite-organic, ...). A dedicated focus will also be on light management as well as challenges and prospects of 4-terminal tandem concepts. Further, the process of tandem solar cell commercialization will be addressed. Besides scaling up to larger areas, device stability is key for terawatt scale application. We hence will focus on issues that are intimately linked with the concept of tandem solar cell technology (challenges of wide and low-gap solar cells, impact of the interconnect, …). Finally, we want to open the floor to confer about the next step for perovskite-based multi-junction solar cell technologies starting with triple[1]junctions to entirely new concepts.
- Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
- All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
- Perovskite-Organic Tandem Solar Cells
- Light Management in Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
- 4-Terminal Perovskite Tandem Concepts
- Road Towards Commercialization: Upscaling, Stability and Outdoor Testing
- Beyond Two Junctions & Novel Tandem Concepts

Dr. Fan Fu is a group leader at Empa-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in materials science from the Wuhan University of Technology in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He joined Prof. Ayodhya N. Tiwari's group as a Ph.D. student in 2014 and earned his Ph.D. degree from ETH Zürich with distinction in 2017. His doctoral thesis on perovskite-CIGS thin-film tandem solar cells was awarded ETH Medal. From January 2018 to May 2019, he worked as a postdoc researcher in Prof. Christophe Ballif's group at EPFL. In June 2019, he joined Empa as a group leader. He is currently leading a research team investigating novel perovskite semiconductors for energy and optoelectronics applications. In particular, his group's recent research efforts focus on upscaling high-performance perovskite-based tandem solar cells and mini-modules on flexible substrates.
René Janssen is university professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He received his Ph.D. in 1987 from the TU/e for a thesis on electron spin resonance and quantum chemical calculations of organic radicals in single crystals. He was lecturer at the TU/e since 1984, and a senior lecturer in physical organic chemistry since 1991. In 1993 and 1994 he joined the group of Professor Alan J. Heeger (Nobel laureate in 2000) at the University of California Santa Barbara as associate researcher to work on the photophysical properties of conjugated polymers. Presently the research of his group focuses on functional conjugated molecules and macromolecules as well as hybrid semiconductor materials that may find application in advanced technological applications. The synthesis of new materials is combined with time-resolved optical spectroscopy, electrochemistry, morphological characterization and the preparation of prototype devices to accomplish these goals. René Janssen has co-authored more than 600 scientific papers. He is co-recipient of the René Descartes Prize from the European Commission for outstanding collaborative research, and received the Research Prize of The Royal Institute of Engineers and in The Netherlands for his work. In 2015 René Janssen was awarded with the Spinoza Prize of The Dutch Research Council.

Quantum engineering is a vital breeding ground for future key technologies, from quantum computing and energy-efficient optoelectronics to medical applications. However, the search for suitable material platforms is lagging. Guidelines in the search may be performance-based, e.g., related to the efficiency and reliability of quantum-state preparation, transfer, and read-out. On the other hand, a more widespread deployment of quantum technology may also need to consider aspects such as scalability, tunability, integrability, versatility, or cost-efficiency. In this respect, halide perovskites and their related compounds of various dimensionalities invite the question whether their solution-processability, spectral tunability, strong light-matter interaction, and generally intriguing set of optical and structural properties could indeed represent a suitable material platform for quantum-engineered devices.
- Synthesis of novel halide perovskites - from colloidal nanocrystals to bulk materials (1D, 2D, and 3D)
- Static and dynamic structural properties
- Photophysics
- Spin dynamics and coherence
- Control of light and matter via chirality and light polarization
- Polaritonics and strong light-matter interaction
- Quantum-enhanced microscopy
- Quantum-engineered devices, incl. quantum-light sources
Sascha is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry and Head of the Laboratory for Energy Materials at EPFL (Switzerland), while he is also maintaining strong ties with the Harvard community and in particular Winthrop House which he regularly visits as NRT and SCR member.
His team employs light-matter interactions to understand the next generation of soft semiconductors with the overarching goal of maximizing energy efficiency for a sustainable future by unlocking applications ranging from flexible light-weight solar cells & displays all the way to entirely new applications in quantum information processing.
Previously, he was a research group leader and Rowland Fellow at Harvard University’s Rowland Institute. Before starting his lab at Harvard, Sascha studied Chemistry at Heidelberg University (Germany) and completed a PhD in Physics at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he subsequently worked as EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow.
Maksym Kovalenko has been a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at ETH Zurich since July 2011 and Associate professor from January 2017. His group is also partially hosted by EMPA (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) to support his highly interdisciplinary research program. He completed graduate studies at Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria, 2004-2007, with Prof. Wolfgang Heiss), followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago (USA, 2008-2011, with Prof. Dmitri Talapin). His present scientific focus is on the development of new synthesis methods for inorganic nanomaterials, their surface chemistry engineering, and assembly into macroscopically large solids. His ultimate, practical goal is to provide novel inorganic materials for optoelectronics, rechargeable Li-ion batteries, post-Li-battery materials, and catalysis. He is the recipient of an ERC Consolidator Grant 2018, ERC Starting Grant 2012, Ruzicka Preis 2013 and Werner Prize 2016. He is also a Highly Cited Researcher 2018 (by Clarivate Analytics).

Luisa De Marco received her PhD in Nanoscience from Università del Salento in 2010 working on nanostructured semiconductors for photovoltaics. Since 2016 she is researcher at CNR NANOTEC leading a 6-person team working on the development of low-dimensional inorganic and hybrid nanomaterials. She is author of more than 70 papers that collectively have received more than 2600 citations, with an h-index of 31. Among the publications stand out Advanced Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Energy & Environmental Science, ACS Nano and Science Advances.
Her research interests focus on the development and engineering of hybrid and inorganic low-dimensional semiconductors having specifically tailored functional properties and on design and fabrication of optoelectronic devices.
Jacky Even was born in Rennes, France, in 1964. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris VI, Paris, France, in 1992. He was a Research and Teaching Assistant with the University of Rennes I, Rennes, from 1992 to 1999. He has been a Full Professor of optoelectronics with the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Rennes,since 1999. He was the head of the Materials and Nanotechnology from 2006 to 2009, and Director of Education of Insa Rennes from 2010 to 2012. He created the FOTON Laboratory Simulation Group in 1999. His main field of activity is the theoretical study of the electronic, optical, and nonlinear properties of semiconductor QW and QD structures, hybrid perovskite materials, and the simulation of optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. He is a senior member of Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
Bio Professional Preparation M.S. in Chemistry, with Honours, University of Bari, Italy, 1996 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy, 2001 Research interests Prof. L. Manna is an expert of synthesis and assembly of colloidal nanocrystals. His research interests span the advanced synthesis, structural characterization and assembly of inorganic nanostructures for applications in energy-related areas, in photonics, electronics and biology.
Barbara Piętka received a doctorate at the University of Warsaw in Poland and at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France as part of international co-tutelle. She gained professional experience working in France, Switzerland and Germany. She has built a research group focused on the study of non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton-polaritons at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw in Poland, where she has been working since 2010.
The main topic of her interests are quantum phenomena occurring in the regime of nonlinear light-matter coupled systems. She is concentrated on semiconductor materials, two-dimensional layered materials, perovskites and dielectric structures. The most important recent success is the demonstration of a device composed of a dielectric cavity filled with liquid crystal and perovskite demonstrating a tunable non-zero Berry curvature and chiral lasing. She is looking for efficient, room-temperature solutions for non-linear information processing, single-photon computing, and photonic accelerators.
Dr. Thilo Stöferle has been a permanent Research Staff Member at the IBM Research – Zurich Laboratory since August 2007. His current research interests are quantum simulation and quantum fluids, Bose-Einstein condensates with exciton-polaritons, integrated high Q/V cavities, nanophotonic lasers and switches. Another focus is on hybrid nanocomposite quantum materials for strong-light matter interaction and opto-electronic applications.
Following the success of PerFut symposium at MatSus 2023, Perfut24 aims at becoming a platform to discuss the future research directions of the metal halide perovskite field, bringing together from fundamental research groups to industrial partners. While this family of materials is considered a solid candidate to develop future technologies, there is an increasing urge to overcome the technological problems that hinder their full commercial expansion, such as large area production, stability, and feasibility. On the other hand, the fundamental research that can become a key tool to solve these issues is also elucidating exciting new properties and frontier phenomena that suggest a vast potential beyond current objectives, including further halide perovskites applications, such as hot-carrier, multiband or multiple exciton generation photovoltaics. In this situation, the symposium PerFut24 will cover both the main topics related to halide perovskite technological applications, as well as the fundamental approaches that can facilitate this expansion and beyond. This combination will bring together a diverse community encouraging the proposal of versatile approaches to ensure the future of halide perovskites.
- Technological feasibility
- Optoelectronics applications
- Beyond optoelectronics: neuromorphic, detection…
- Materials processes and fabrication
- Perovskite materials fundamentals
- Frontier phenomena
Dr. Annalisa Bruno is a Principal Scientist at the Energy ResearchInstitute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N) coordinating a team working on perovskite high-efficiency solar cells and modules by thermal evaporation. Annalisa is also a tenured Scientist at Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). Previously Annalisa was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London. Annalisa received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Degrees in Physics from the University of Naples Federico II. Her research interests include perovskite light-harvesting and charge generation properties and their implementation in solar cells and optoelectronic devices.
Iván Mora-Seró (1974, M. Sc. Physics 1997, Ph. D. Physics 2004) is researcher at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain). His research during the Ph.D. at Universitat de València (Spain) was centered in the crystal growth of semiconductors II-VI with narrow gap. On February 2002 he joined the University Jaume I. From this date until nowadays his research work has been developed in: electronic transport in nanostructured devices, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, making both experimental and theoretical work. Currently he is associate professor at University Jaume I and he is Principal Researcher (Research Division F4) of the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM). Recent research activity was focused on new concepts for photovoltaic conversion and light emission based on nanoscaled devices and semiconductor materials following two mean lines: quantum dot solar cells with especial attention to sensitized devices and lead halide perovskite solar cells and LEDs, been this last line probably the current hottest topic in the development of new solar cells.
Pablo P. Boix, Ph.D. in Nanoscience, is a Research Scientist at Instituto de Tecnologia Química (CSIC). He led a pioneer perovskite research team at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2012-2016) with relevant contributions to materials and devices’ development (such as the first use of formamidinium cation in perovskite solar cells). His track record has more than 100 publications, which resulted in his selection as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2020 (Cross-Field) by Clarivate Web of Science, with an h index of 57. Dr. Boix is the co-inventor of 3 patents in the field of perovskite optoelectronics. Prior to his current position, he worked as a research group leader in a perovskite solar cell company (Dyesol Ltd, Switzerland), focusing on product R&D, and at Universitat de València. Currently, he is the PI of 2 research projects and the coPI of 3, including regional, national, and European funding.
Juan Bisquert (pHD Universitat de València, 1991) is a Professor of applied physics at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain. He is the director of the Institute of Advanced Materials at UJI. He authored 360 peer reviewed papers, and a series of books including . Physics of Solar Cells: Perovskites, Organics, and Photovoltaics Fundamentals (CRC Press). His h-index 95, and is currently a Senior Editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. He conducts experimental and theoretical research on materials and devices for production and storage of clean energies. His main topics of interest are materials and processes in perovskite solar cells and solar fuel production. He has developed the application of measurement techniques and physical modeling of nanostructured energy devices, that relate the device operation with the elementary steps that take place at the nanoscale dimension: charge transfer, carrier transport, chemical reaction, etc., especially in the field of impedance spectroscopy, as well as general device models. He has been distinguished in the 2014-2019 list of ISI Highly Cited Researchers.
Silvia Colella is a researcher at the National research council, CNR-NANOTEC, in Bari, Italy. She received her PhD in “Nanoscience” at National Nanotechnology Laboratory in Lecce (Italy), in 2010. She has been visiting student in the group of professor Luisa De Cola at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität of Münster (Germany), where she dealt with the synthesis and photophysical characterization of electroluminescent metal complexes. In 2010 she joined BASF – The Chemical Company (Strasbourg) with a Marie Curie fellowship as experienced researcher in the frame of the EU project ITN SUPERIOR, working on Dye Sensitized Solar Cells. She continued as post-doc researcher at the Institut de science et ingénierie supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg, France. In 2012 she started her independent research in Lecce (Italy) at the University of Salento in collaboration with CNR-NANOTEC, the team focused on the conception and optoelectronic characterization of innovative optoelectronic devices based on hybrid halide perovskites. Many high impact publication were produced in this time interval, among them one of the first report in halide perovskite for PV exploitation (Colella et al, Chemistry of Materials, 2013 25, 4613-4618).
Silvia Colella is author of >70 peer-reviewed publications in renowned international journals (including Energy and Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, ACS Energy Letters).
Her scientific production led to >3000 total citations and a h-index of 28 (;
Lioz Etgar obtained his Ph.D. (2009) at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and completed post-doctoral research with Prof. Michael Grätzel at EPFL, Switzerland. In his post-doctoral research, he received a Marie Curie Fellowship and won the Wolf Prize for young scientists. Since 2012, he has been a senior lecturer in the Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University. On 2017 he received an Associate Professor position. Prof. Etgar was the first to demonstrate the possibility to work with the perovskite as light harvester and hole conductor in the solar cell which result in one of the pioneer publication in this field. Recently Prof. Etgar won the prestigious Krill prize by the Wolf foundation. Etgar’s research group focuses on the development of innovative solar cells. Prof. Etgar is researching new excitonic solar cells structures/architectures while designing and controlling the inorganic light harvester structure and properties to improve the photovoltaic parameters.
Prof. Mónica Lira-Cantú is Group Leader of the Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy Group at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ( located in Barcelona (Spain). She obtained a Bachelor in Chemistry at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, ITESM Mexico (1992), obtained a Master and PhD in Materials Science at the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB) & Autonoma University of Barcelona (1995/1997) and completed a postdoctoral work under a contract with the company Schneider Electric/ICMAB (1998). From 1999 to 2001 she worked as Senior Staff Chemist at ExxonMobil Research & Engineering (formerly Mobil Technology Co) in New Jersey (USA) initiating a laboratory on energy related applications (fuel cells and membranes). She moved back to ICMAB in Barcelona, Spain in 2002. She received different awards/fellowships as a visiting scientist to the following laboratories: University of Oslo, Norway (2003), Riso National Laboratory, Denmark (2004/2005) and the Center for Advanced Science and Innovation, Japan (2006). In parallel to her duties as Group Leader at ICN2 (Spain), she is currently visiting scientist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, CH). Her research interests are the synthesis and application of nanostructured materials for Next-generation solar cells: Dye sensitized, hybrid, organic, all-oxide and perovskite solar cells. Monica Lira-Cantu has more than 85 published papers, 8 patents and 10 book chapters and 1 edited book (in preparation).
Efficient, sensitive and wavelength-selective light detection has become central to modern consumer electronics, and also in science and technology. Photodetectors based on crystalline inorganic elemental materials such as silicon and compound semiconductors are the core of today’s photodetectors. However, a new trend has begun: next generation semiconductors such as organics, perovskites, and nanocrystals are now becoming increasingly interesting candidates for low noise, color-selective, efficient photodetection. This symposium will focus on next-generation photodetectors. New materials, device architectures and characterisation protocols for photodetectors will be foci
- Perovskite photodetectors
- Organic photodetectors
- Nanocrystals and low dimensional systems for photodetection
- Color-selective and infrared photodetection
- Image sensors with new generation semiconductors
- Thermodynamic limit of the sensitivity of next generation photodetectors
- Photodetector characterisation methods
- Noise, from theory to experiment
- Photomultiplication and amplification
- New compound semiconductors for photodetection
- LiFi and optical wireless communication
- Special applications: X-ray detection, biological applications and wearable sensors
- Pixelation techniques and imaging
The quest for sustainable and renewable energy sources has led to significant advances in the development of advanced functional nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage with a particular emphasis on light-driven processes. The use of solar power to drive such energy conversion is quite appealing to develop efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to address the current energy and environmental crisis. This symposium will cover a wide range of topics related to photo-driven energy conversion and storage, including but not limited to photocatalysis, solar fuel generation, photovoltaics, and energy storage devices. It will delve into the fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions, the design and synthesis of novel photoactive materials, as well as the development of efficient devices for energy conversion and storage. By bringing together scientists from various disciplines, the symposium aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations to advance the development of efficient photoactive energy technologies and drive the transition towards a greener and more sustainable future. It will also serve as a platform for young researchers and students to showcase their work and gain insights from established researchers.
- Design and development of new photoactive nanomaterials
- CO2 reduction
- Hydrogen generation
- Nitrogen reduction
- Methane conversion
- H2O2 generation
Dr. Villa obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Then, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) on the conversion of methane to methanol and at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) within an ERC-Proof-of-concept (MICROCLEANERS). In 2018, she joined the Advanced Functional Nanorobots center at the University of Chemistry and Technology (Czech Republic), where she worked as Senior Scientist for three years. Since 2021, she is leading a research group on advanced photocatalytic materials for energy and environmental applications at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ).
Katherine has a strong multidisciplinary profile gained by working at 8 research centers, Colombia, Spain, Czech Republic, and Belgium. Her research areas span from water decontamination, hydrogen generation, selective oxidation processes to light-driven micro/nanoswimmers. She has received important recognitions (MSCA-UNIPD-COFUND, Beatriu de Pinós, Ramón y Cajal, la Caixa Junior Leader, etc) as well as national and international competitive funding, including an ERC Starting Grant 2022 for her project (PhotoSwim).
Her research interests include photocatalysis, nanomaterials, renewable energy, micro/nanomotors, and environmental remediation.
James Durrant is Professor of Photochemistry in the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London and Ser Cymru Solar Professor, University of Swansea. His research addresses the photochemistry of new materials for solar energy conversion targeting both solar cells (photovoltaics) and solar to fuel (i.e.: artificial photosynthesis. It is based around employing transient optical and optoelectronic techniques to address materials function, and thereby elucidate design principles which enable technological development. His group is currently addressing the development and functional characterisation of organic and perovskite solar cells and photoelectrodes for solar fuel generation. More widely, he leads Imperial's Centre for Processable Electronics, founded the UK�s Solar Fuels Network and led the Welsh government funded S�r Cymru Solar initiative. He has published over 500 research papers and 5 patents, and was recently elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
Our group focus on physical chemistry, materials science, and the application of materials for energy production, studying the synthesis-structure-property relationship of functional materials for energy production. We emphasize developing novel syntheses for advanced materials and devices for solar energy into useful forms of sustainable energy & fuels. Our research lies at the intersection between innovative approaches, fundamental studies, and applying advanced materials for solar energy conversion.
Sophia Haussener is a Professor heading the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Her current research is focused on providing design guidelines for thermal, thermochemical, and photoelectrochemical energy conversion reactors through multi-physics modelling and experimentation. Her research interests include: thermal sciences, fluid dynamics, charge transfer, electro-magnetism, and thermo/electro/photochemistry in complex multi-phase media on multiple scales. She received her MSc (2007) and PhD (2010) in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Joint Center of Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) between 2011 and 2012. She has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and 2 books. She has been awarded the ETH medal (2011), the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation award (2011), the ABB Forschungspreis (2012), the Prix Zonta (2015), the Global Change Award (2017), and the Raymond Viskanta Award (2019), and is a recipient of a Starting Grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2014).
Kevin Sivula obtained a PhD in chemical engineering from UC Berkeley in 2007. In 2011, after leading a research group in the Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces at EPFL, he was appointed tenure track assistant professor. He now heads the Laboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomaterials ( at EPFL.
Roel van de Krol is head of the Insitute for Solar Fuels at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie (HZB), and professor at the Chemistry Department of TU Berlin. After earning his PhD from TU Delft in 2000 and a postdoctoral stay at M.I.T. (USA), he returned to TU Delft where he was an assistant professor until 2012. At HZB, his research focuses on the development of materials and devices for the photoelectrochemical conversion of sunlight to chemical fuels. Understanding how surface and bulk defects in thin films and nanomaterials affect light absorption, charge transport, recombination and catalytic activity is at the heart of these efforts.
Sulfur cathodes are promising due to their high theoretical energy density, low price and improved sustainability and safety with respect to conventional lithium-ion batteries. However, several challenges need to be overcome before sulfur-based batteries can be deployed commercially. These challenges include the low utilization of active materials, a poor cycle life and low system efficiency. To overcome these challenges and achieve next-generation high-energy Li–S, Na-S or alternative S-based batteries, new components and further cell development and characterization are required.
- New composite nanomaterials as the cathode to enhance the battery cycle life and kinetics
- Anode materials and anode-electrolyte interface engineering
- Electrolytes and additives to improve electrochemical performance (and safety)
- Solid electrolytes (gels, solid polymers, inorganic ceramics and inorganic–organic composites)
- Insights into the sulfur reaction mechanism(s) using in situ or ex situ characterization techniques.
- Pouch cell manufacturing, including high-loading electrode fabrication, electrolyte filling or cell activation.
- Modeling of the electrochemical performance or aging mechanisms
- Recycling and self-healing of batteries and components
- Sustainable materials for sulfur-based batteries and life cycle assessment
Andreu Cabot received his PhD from the University of Barcelona in 2003. From 2004 to 2007, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. A. Paul Alivisatos group in the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 2009 he joined the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research – IREC, where he is currently ICREA Research Professor. His research interests include the design and preparation of nanomaterials, the characterization of their functional properties and their use in energy technologies.
Pascale Chenevier is a research professor (« directrice de recherche ») at CEA in Grenoble, where she designs nanomaterials for the new technologies of energy (thermoelectrics, fuel cells, hydrogen production and batteries). She acquired her expertise in nanochemistry first in nanomedicine and biophysics, during her PhD at Bordeaux and a postdoc at Cornell University. Joining CEA in Paris-Saclay in 2003, she turned to printed electronics and electrocatalysis for hydrogen production. She started developing silicon-rich anode nanomaterials for batteries after her moving to Grenoble in 2013, and participated in the creation of a start-up company, Enwires, from 2014 to 2016. She is now part of a wide research team devoted to active material development and operando battery characterization for Li-ion, Li-S and solid-state batteries.
PhD in planning and public policies for transition (energy, ecology and urban future). Research and Development interests in next generation batteries, circular economy, sustainable value chains to address multiple risks and impacts of BEVs.
Christophe Aucher holds a doctorate in Energy and Material Sciences from both the University of Québec at Montréal (Canada, UQAM) and the Material Institute of Nantes (France, IMN). He is developing his career in the LEITAT R&D department since 2011. LEITAT is a private Technological Centre based in Barcelona and dedicated to R&D activities in the areas of biomedicine, biotechnologies, environment, surface treatments, material science, nanotechnology and energies with deep knowledge and experience in technological transfers to several industrial sectors. Christophe is leading the Energy Storage team working on solid state, lithium sulfur, metal air and lithium recovery. His team is currently involved in National and European initiatives for electrical mobility, stationary, printed electronic and batteries recycling.
Dr Jordi Jacas obtained his PhD in Materials at Sheffield University, working on the electrical and electrochemical characterisation of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries. During his postdoc at ISIS neutron spallation source and Stockholm University, he developed new tools to characterise batteries in-situ using neutron diffraction. Dr Jacas is currently a leading researcher for the battery section at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research. His research aims to develop new electrode materials for next-generation batteries, including Co-free, Li-S and solid-state batteries. Since 2020, he has been the coordinator of the COBRA project (H2020-875568) devoted to fabricating generation 3b Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles.
Giulia Pezzin graduated from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, with a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Land Engineering (2022).
Currently, she is a Research Fellow at Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy), where she is part of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) research group.
The Nanotechnology Research Group at the Bernal Institute is led by Professor Kevin M. Ryan who holds a Personal Chair in Chemical Nanotechnology and is Course Director of the Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry Degree at the Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences (CES), University of Limerick. Previous affiliations included Marie Curie Fellowship positions at the University of California, Berkeley, USA and Merck Chemicals Southampton, UK following BSc and PhD degrees at University College Cork. The group research Interests are in Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Nanowires with emphasis on Synthesis, Assembly and Device Applications in Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Applications. The group also studies nucleation and growth in both hard (metal, semiconductor) and soft (pharmaceutical) nanocrystal materials with emphasis on size, shape and crystal phase control.
Marc Walter received his PhD in Chemistry from ETH Zurich in 2016. From 2016 to 2021, he worked as R&D and Application Manager at Wacker Chemie, mostly focusing on silicon-based anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Since 2021 he is a Senior Manager for Technology at BASF Stationary Energy Storage pursuing the joint development of sodium-sulfur (NAS®) batteries with NGK Insulators.
Dr. Zhang Chaoqi graduated with a Ph.D. in Nanoscience from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Fuzhou University, China. His research interests are primarily in the electrochemical energy storage applications of functionalized nanomaterials. In his studies related to lithium-sulfur batteries, he has developed a range of functionalized nanomaterials to serve as cathode hosts in lithium-sulfur batteries, which have led to rapid lithium-sulfur reaction kinetics and suppression of the shuttle effect. To date, he has published over 30 academic papers in this field and has garnered more than 1,400 citations.
Solution-processable two-dimensional nanomaterials (nanosheets) are attracting increasing research efforts due to their extraordinary electronic, phononic, optical, and mechanical properties, which makes them promising materials for a myriad of applications (spintronic devices, field-effect transistors, nanoscale sensors, batteries, inexpensive photodetectors, LEDs, and lasers). 2D nanomaterials can be obtained by exfoliation of bulk crystals or grown on substrates by MBE or CVD. However, these methods are not suitable to produce large amounts of free-standing 2D nanosheets and lack control over their shape and lateral dimensions. Solution-based "bottom-up" colloidal chemical methods offer an appealing alternative and are emerging as promising routes for fundamental insights as well as for applications. This symposium intends to bring together the multidisciplinary scientific community working on this nascent field and will address not only the bottom-up solution synthesis of 2D nanomaterials, but also their chemistry, physics and applications in devices.
- Advanced solution-based bottom-up synthesis of 2D nanomaterials (colloidal methods, exfoliation, metal-organic approaches)
- Physical properties of solution-based 2D nanomaterials (spectroscopy, mechanical and electronic properties, electron and spin transport)
- Chemical properties of solution-based 2D nanomaterials (chemical stability, chemical selforganization, photocatalytic activity, interaction of organic and inorganic materials)
- Self-organization of 2D nanomaterials into superstructures
- Devices based on solution-processed 2D nanomaterials (transistors, photodetectors, solar cells, LEDs, lasers)
- Theory of 2D materials (DOS, optical properties, growth mechanisms)
Celso de Mello Donega is an Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His expertise is in the field of synthesis and optical spectroscopy of luminescent materials. His research is focused on the chemistry and optoelectronic properties of nanomaterials, with particular emphasis on colloidal nanocrystals and heteronanocrystals.
Christian Klinke studied physics at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) where he also obtained his diploma degree in the group of Thomas Schimmel. In March 2000 he joined the group of Klaus Kern at the Institute of Experimental Physics of the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland). Then from 2003 on he worked as Post-Doc at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center (Yorktown Heights, USA) in the group of Phaedon Avouris. In 2006 then he became member of the Horst Weller group at the Universitiy of Hamburg (Germany). In 2007 he started as assistant professor at the University of Hamburg. In 2009 he received the German Nanotech Prize (Nanowissenschaftspreis, AGeNT-D/BMBF). His research was supported by an ERC Starting Grant and a Heisenberg fellowship of the German Funding Agency DFG. Since 2017 he is an associate professor at the Swansea University and since 2019 full professor at the University of Rostock.
David J. Norris received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from the University of Chicago (1990) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1995), respectively. After an NSF postdoctoral fellowship with W. E. Moerner at the University of California, San Diego, he led a small independent research group at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton (1997). He then became an Associate Professor (2001–2006) and Professor (2006–2010) of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota, where he also served as Director of Graduate Studies in Chemical Engineering (2004–2010). In 2010, he moved to ETH Zurich where he is currently Professor of Materials Engineering. From 2016 to 2019 he served as the Head of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. He has received the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teacher at ETH, twice the Golden Owl Award for Best Teacher in his department, the Max Rössler Research Prize, an ERC Advanced Grant, and the ACS Nano Lectureship Award. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and an editorial board member for ACS Photonics and Nano Letters. His research focuses on how materials can be engineered to create new and useful optical properties.
Laurens Siebbeles (1963) is leader of the Opto-Electronic Materials Section and deputy head of the Dept. of Chemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. His research involves studies of the motion of electrons in novel nanostructured materials that have potential applications in e.g. solar cells, light-emitting diodes and nanoelectronics. Materials of interest include organic nanostructured materials, semiconductor quantum dots, nanorods and two-dimensional materials. Studies on charge and exciton dynamics are carried out using ultrafast time-resolved laser techniques and high-energy electron pulses in combination with quantum theoretical modeling.
Vanmaekelbergh's research started in the field of semiconductor electrochemistry in the 1980s; this later evolved into the electrochemical fabrication of macroporous semiconductors as the strongest light scatterers for visible light, and the study of electron transport in disordered (particulate) semiconductors. In the last decade, Vanmaekelbergh's interest shifted to the field of nanoscience: the synthesis of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots and self-assembled quantum-dot solids, the study of their opto-electronic properties with optical spectroscopy and UHV cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy, and electron transport in electrochemically-gated quantum-dot solids. Scanning tunnelling spectroscopy is also used to study the electronic states in graphene quantum dots. More recently, the focus of the research has shifted to 2-D nano structured semiconductors, e.g. honeycomb semiconductors with Dirac-type electronic bands.
One of the challenges in developing halide perovskite optoelectronics into low cost and highly efficient commercial applications is their sustainability and environmental impact, especially with respect to the presence of lead (Pb) in the perovskite materials and to the use of toxic solvents in device fabrication. Various strategies were suggested to address this issue, from replacing toxic substances to methodologies for limiting their pollution. This symposium is aimed at bringing together researchers addressing this challenge from different angles and perspectives, towards fruitful collaborations.
- Environmental impact and LCA of halide perovskite materials and devices
- On-device Pb sequestration
- Recycling and recovery of halide perovskite materials and devices
- Pb-free halide perovskites
- Green manufacture of halide perovskite devices
The author was graduated from Osaka University in 1978 and received Ph.D from Osaka University in 1983. He joined R&D Center in Toshiba from 1978 to 2000, during which the author was engaged in development of ULSI lithography, solar cells direct methanol fuel cells, and polysilane. He joined polysilane research in Robert West group of Wisconsin University (US) from 1988 to 1990. He was a professor of Kyushu Institute of Technology (National Institute) since 2001. From 2019, the author is a professor in The University of Electro-Communications in Japan. His research interest is printable solar cells.
Since 2019, Yana Vaynzof holds the Chair for Emerging Electronic Technologies at the Technical University of Dresden. Prior to that (2014-2019), she was a juniorprofessor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Heidelberg University (Germany). She received a B.Sc degree (summa cum laude) in electrical engineering from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) in 2006, and a M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, (USA) in 2008. She pursued a Ph.D. degree in physics under the supervision of Prof. Sir. Richard Friend at the Optoelectronics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK), and investigated the development of hybrid polymer solar cells and the improvement of their efficiency and stability. Upon completing her PhD in 2011, she joined the Microelectronics group at the University of Cambridge as a Postdoctoral Research Associate focusing on the research of surfaces and interfaces in organic and hybrid optoelectronics. Yana Vaynzof was the recipient of a number of fellowships and awards, including the ERC Starting Grant, Gordon Y. Wu Fellowship, Henry Kressel Fellowship, Fulbright-Cottrell Award and the Walter Kalkhof-Rose Memorial Prize.
Senol Öz obtained his diploma in chemistry in 2013 at the University of Cologne
(Germany). Completing his PhD under supervision of Prof. Sanjay Mathur in 2018 at
University of Cologne (Merck KGaA PhD scholarship). In 2019 he joined Prof.
Tsutomu Miyasaka`s group as a post-doctoral fellow at Toin University of Yokohama
under a JSPS scholarship. His research interests include the synthesis, chemical
engineering, and solution processing of inorganic-organic hybrid metal halide
perovskite materials for photovoltaic application. He is currently a senior R&D project
leader at Saule Technologies and managing director of Solaveni GmbH.
Electrochemistry plays a focal role in the development of better and more efficient catalytic processes for the use of electricity to form or break chemical bonds. This discipline is closely associated with the development of new renewable energy solutions, such as energy storage (electrolysers, ammonia and other renewable fuels) and chemical production (from CO2 or biomass). In particular, electrocatalysis has allowed in recent years to achieve significant development on material development and reaction optimization for processes aiming at the synthesis of value-added chemicals and renewable fuels. With this symposium, we want to highlight the scientific excellence in this field. We will bring together the researchers that are currently leading topics such as CO2 electrochemical conversion, electrochemical ammonia synthesis, electrochemical activation and conversion of methane, and electrosynthesis of high-value chemicals. We aim at a symposium with several renowned keynote speakers, excellent invited speakers followed by a session of contributed talks, with ample time for questions and discussions. We will strongly encourage abstract submission for contributed talks and Posters, which will allow for a wide variety of researchers to share their exciting work. We will ensure the diversity of our speakers.
- Materials and electrochemistry of carbon dioxide reduction
- Electrocatalytic synthesis of high-value compounds: new routes and materials
- lectrochemistry for the valorization of biomass
- Materials and electrochemistry of N-containing compounds
- Materials and electrochemistry of methane activation and conversion
Corina Andronescu received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania) in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Her Ph.D. title she received from the same university in 2014. In 2016 she joined the group of Prof. W. Schuhmann (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany) first as postdoctoral researcher and later as group leader. December 2018, she was appointed Junior Professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen, where she is currently leading the group of Electrochemical Catalysis in the Faculty of Chemistry. Her research interests include development of hybrid electrocatalysts for the CO2 electroreduction reaction, alcohol electrooxidation as well as investigation of electrocatalysts at nanoscale using Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy.
Marta Hatzell is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to starting at Georgia Tech in August of 2015, she was a Post-Doctoral researcher in the Department of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois - Urbana-Campaign. During her post doc, she worked in the Braun Research group on research at the interface between colloid science and electrochemistry. She completed her PhD at Penn state University in the Logan Research Group. Her PhD explored environmental technology for energy generation and water treatment. During graduate school she was an NSF and PEO Graduate Research Fellow.
Currently her research group focuses on exploring the role photochemistry and electrochemistry may play in future sustainable systems. She is an active member of the American Chemical Society, the Electrochemical Society, ASEEP, AICHE, and ASME. Dr. Hatzell has also been awarded the NSF Early CAREER award in 2019, the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship in Chemistry in 2020, the ONR Young Investigator Award in 2020, the ECS Toyota Young Investigator award in 2021, and the Moore Inventor Fellow in 2021.
Marc T.M. Koper is Professor of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He received his PhD degree (1994) from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) in the field of electrochemistry. He was an EU Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ulm (Germany) and a Fellow of Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) at Eindhoven University of Technology, before moving to Leiden University in 2005. His main research interests are in fundamental aspects of electrocatalysis, proton-coupled electron transfer, theoretical electrochemistry, and electrochemical surface science.
I am currently an Full Professor at the University of Bonn (Germany), Department of Chemistry. My overarching motivation is to discover and implement the chemistry necessary to transition to a sustainable energy-based society. Specifically, I am developing materials to convert electrical energy to fuels and chemicals.
Dr. Samira Siahrostami is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Chemistry at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Prior to that, she was an associate professor (2022-2023) and assistant professor (2018-2022) in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary. Prior to that, she was a research engineer (2016–2018) and postdoctoral researcher (2014–2016) at Stanford University's Department of Chemical Engineering. She also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark from 2011 to 2013. Her work uses computational techniques such as density functional theory to model reactions at (electro)catalyst surfaces. Her goal is to develop more efficient catalysts for fuel cells, electrolyzers, and batteries by comprehending the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions occurring at the surface of (electro)catalysts. Dr. Siahrostami has written more than 100 peer-reviewed articles with an h-index of 47 and over 13,000 citations. She has received numerous invitations to give talks at universities, conferences, and workshops around the world on various topics related to catalysis science and technology. Dr. Siahrostami is the recipient of the Environmental, Sustainability, and Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in 2021. She received the Tom Zeigler Award and the Waterloo Institute in Nanotechnology Rising Star award in 2023. She has been named as an emerging investigator by the RSC in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Dr. Siahrostami's contribution to energy research was recognized in the most recent Virtual Issue of ACS Energy Letters as one of the Women at the forefront of energy research in 2023. She is currently the board member of the Canadian Catalysis Foundation and editor of Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ) and APL Energy journal (AIP Publishing).
Ifan is Professor in Electrocat Imperial College London. Prior to Ifan's appointment at Imperial in 2017, he was Asssociate Professor and Leader of the Electrocatalysis Group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).In 2015, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) appointed Ifan as the Peabody Visiting Associate Professor.
Ifan leverages the insight from fundamental electrochemistry experiments to discover new catalyst materials with unprecedented performance. Ifan’s research ultimately aims to enable the large-scale electrochemical conversion of renewable energy to fuels and valuable chemicals and vice versa. He has 62 peer reviewed publications, 2 patents, 4 patent applicaitons and is cofounder of the spinout company, HPNow.
The ability of certain materials to regenerate after damage has attracted a great deal of attention since the ancient times. For instance, self-healing concretes, able to resist earthquakes, aging, weather, and seawater have been known since the times of ancient Rome and are still the object of research. Self-healing is also an intrinsic ability of living systems, such as animals and plants.
This symposium will focus on recent advances in the field of various self-healing materials and deal with the restoration of their mechanical, biological, and electronic functions. New avenues to design self-healing materials as well as new strategies to unravel self-healing mechanisms will be discussed with a multidisciplinary approach.
- Self healing
- Electronic devices
- Organic electronics
Dr. Shiming Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), leading the wearable, intelligent and soft electronics (WISE) research group. Before that, He spent three years at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as a postdoctoral scholar (group leader on bioelectronics), and promoted to affiliated faculty in Terasaki Inst. He obtained his Ph.D. degree (Best Thesis Award) from École Polytechnique, Université de Montréal, Canada, and B.S./M.S. degree (Outstanding Graduates) from Jilin University, China. He was recognized as a “Rising Star”on bioelectronics by Advanced Science (2022) and an“Emerging Investigator”by Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2022). He was awarded the prestigious title of “Vanier Canada Scholar”by the Canada Government, "Outstanding International Student" by Quebec Government, and "Outstanding Students Abroad" by the Chinese Government.
Electrocatalysis is a critical field that drives many important technological applications, including energy conversion, environmental remediation, and chemical synthesis. However, despite its widespread use, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of electrocatalytic processes at the nanoscale. In situ/operando microscopy and spectroscopy techniques, which allow for the observation of these processes in real time over several lengthscales, are crucial for bridging this gap. This symposium aims to discuss progress and challenges in the use of in-situ and operando methods to characterize electrified interfaces. Among other techniques, the symposium will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in in-situ electrochemical scanning microscopy, operando electron microscopy, as well as in situ optical and vibrational spectroscopy to evaluate dynamic active sites and reaction pathways. The symposium will bring together leading researchers from academia and industry, providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and the exploration of new approaches and collaborations. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions on topics ranging from fundamental mechanisms of electrocatalysis to the design and optimization of next-generation electrochemical devices.
- In situ/operando electron and scanning probe microscopy
- In situ vibrational and optical spectroscopy.
- Electrocatalytic energy conversion
Jesús Barrio Hermida received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) in 2014, where he got in touch for the first time with chemical research whilst working in the synthesis and characterization of Fe and Cu coordination polymers in the Inorganic Chemistry department.
In 2016, he obtained his Master in Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology from the same institution. His Master Thesis, carried out at the IMDEA Nanoscience Institute entailed the formation of controlled assemblies of plasmonic building blocks and was directed by Dr. Beatriz H. Juárez and Prof. Félix Zamora.
Due to a scholarship in the Erasmus program, he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) for pursuing his doctoral studies, and in September 2016, he joined the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beer-Sheva, Israel) along with his PhD supervisor, Prof. Menny Shalom, where he obtained his PhD in May 2020. His doctoral thesis focused on the design of metal-free carbon nitride materials for photo-electrocatalytic applications.
In June 2020 he joined the Materials Department at Imperial College as a Research Associate for working along with Dr. Ifan Stephens and Prof. Magda Titirici in the design of hybrid metal-carbon composites for different electrochemical applications. In August 2023 he started his independent career as an Imperial College Research Fellow at the Chemical Engineering Deaprtment of Imperial. His research covers the synthesis of carbon-based materials for different energy-related scenarios.
Doing my BSc/MSc in Physics and PhD in an interdisciplinary program crossing the disciplines like Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology, and Electrochemistry made me who I am today – a scientist who enjoys the challenge of multifaceted research.
I enjoy doing basic research in order to solve applied tasks. This explains my research interest in fundamental physical chemistry, e.g. oxidation and dissolution of metals and semiconductors, electrocatalysis, and electrochemistry at modified interfaces but also electrochemical engineering, e.g. development and optimization of catalyst layers in fuel cells and water electrolyzes.
Progress in basic research is often a direct outcome of previous achievements in experimental instrumentation. Hence, a significant part of my interest is in the development of new tools, e.g. electrochemical on-line mass spectrometry, gas diffusion electrode approaches, and high-throughput screening methods.
Prof. Magalí Lingenfelder is a PI with an excellent track record and a passion for atomically controlled interfaces. Her work contributes to the design of new materials by elucidating chemical processes by Scanning Probe Microscopies and Surface Sensitive Spectroscopies, including dynamic (bio) molecular recognition processes at the liquid/solid interface.
She created and led for over 10 years the Max Planck-EPFL laboratory for Molecular Nanoscience at EPFL campus in Switzerland, and is currently leading the Helvetia Institute for Science and Innovation.
She studied physical and biological chemistry at the National University of Córdoba in Argentina. In 2003, she finished her MSc thesis at the Max Planck Institute for the Solid State Research (MPI-FKF in Stuttgart, Germany) with seminal contributions to the field of metal-organic coordination networks on solid surfaces. She continued with her doctoral studies in Physics, and received the Otto Hahn medal of the Max Planck Society in 2008 for the microscopic understanding of the chiral recognition process with submolecular resolution. In her quest to study molecular recognition going from 2D to 3D complex systems, she made postdoctoral stays at the Institute of Materials Sciences in Barcelona, and at the Molecular Foundry of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in the US.
She is a committed mentor who directed 4 MSc theses, 5 PhD theses, and 5 postdocs. She advocates for problem-oriented interdisciplinary research, by pioneering the emerging field of BioNanoarchitectonics. She led 5 international research consortiums, delivered over 50 invited presentations, and organized 9 conferences and 4 doctoral schools. She and her team had received multiple awards and international recognitions for their creative and rigurous work on molecular recognition, chirality and operando studies at catalytic interfaces. In 2018, the Royal Society of Chemistry included her work in the first collection “Celebrating Excellence in Research: 100 Women of Chemistry”.
Recent advances in device manufacturing and reactor engineering have led to the successful demonstration of solar fuel production on a square-meter scale. Such systems can operate beyond several weeks under outdoor conditions (i.e., natural variations in light intensity and temperature fluctuations), showcasing the potential of photo(electro)chemistry towards real-world implementation. This symposium will provide an overview of the latest progress in scalable solar fuel technologies towards H2 evolution, water oxidation and CO2 reduction. To this end, we invite submissions on practical aspects of photo(electro)catalysis including scalable fabrication methods, stability and corrosion, modularity, rational device and reactor design, robust materials (e.g., oxide and carbon-based light absorbers), commercial applicability, or life-cycle considerations. In addition, we look forward to contributions on innovative approaches to practical solar light harvesting, including high-throughput fabrication or concentrated light systems. This symposium aims to bring together a wide range of complementary expertise in light harvesting, catalysis and chemical engineering, which will bring artificial photosynthesis systems closer to real-world applications.
- Photoelectrode scalability and modularity
- Material design towards long-term operation
- Device engineering and reactor design (experiment and modelling)
- Real-world benchmarking: light intermittency and temperature fluctuations
- Photo(electro)catalyst screening and large-scale fabrication
Fatwa Abdi is an Associate Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong. Until July 2023, he was a group leader and the deputy head of the Institute for Solar Fuels, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB). He obtained his PhD (cum laude) in Chemical Engineering from TU Delft, the Netherlands, in 2013. He was the recipient of the Martinus van Marum prize from the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences and Humanities. His research focusses on the development of novel (photo)electrode materials as well as engineering and scale-up of devices for solar fuels and chemicals conversion.
Virgil Andrei obtained his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in chemistry from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he studied thermoelectric polymer pastes and films in the group of Prof. Klaus Rademann (2014-2016). He then pursued a PhD in chemistry at the University of Cambridge (2016-2020), where he developed perovskite-based artificial leaves in the group of Prof. Erwin Reisner, working closely with the Optoelectronics group of Prof. Richard Friend at the Cavendish Laboratory. He was recently a visiting Winton fellow in the group of Prof. Peidong Yang at University of California, Berkeley, and is currently a Title A Research Fellow at St John's College, Cambridge. His work places a strong focus on scalability, material design, complementary light harvesting and synthesis of added-value carbon products, introducing modern fabrication techniques towards low-cost, high-throughput solar fuel production.
Vincent Artero was born in 1973. He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm; D/S 93) and of the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6). He received the Ph.D. degree in 2000 under the supervision of Prof. A. Proust. His doctoral work dealt with organometallic derivatives of polyoxometalates. After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Aachen (Aix la Chapelle) with Prof. U. Kölle, he joined in 2001 the group of Prof. M. Fontecave in Grenoble with a junior scientist position in the Life Science Division of CEA. Since 2016, he is Research Director at CEA and leads the SolHyCat group. His current research interests are in bio-inspired chemistry including catalysis related to hydrogen energy and artificial photosynthesis.
Vincent Artero received the "Grand Prix Mergier-Bourdeix de l'Académie des Sciences" in 2011 and has been granted with a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC, photocatH2ode project 2012-2017). He's a member of the Young academy of Europe (YAE). He currently acts as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the ARCANE Excellence Laboratory Network (LABEX) for bio-driven chemistry in Grenoble and as co-head of the French network (CNRS-Groupement de recherche) on Solar Fuels. Since 2016, Vincent Artero is associate editor of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal "Sustainable Energy and Fuels". From January 2018 onward, he actsas associate editor of the Royal Society of Chemistry flagship journal "Chemical Science"
Sophia Haussener is a Professor heading the Laboratory of Renewable Energy Science and Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Her current research is focused on providing design guidelines for thermal, thermochemical, and photoelectrochemical energy conversion reactors through multi-physics modelling and experimentation. Her research interests include: thermal sciences, fluid dynamics, charge transfer, electro-magnetism, and thermo/electro/photochemistry in complex multi-phase media on multiple scales. She received her MSc (2007) and PhD (2010) in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the Joint Center of Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) between 2011 and 2012. She has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and 2 books. She has been awarded the ETH medal (2011), the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation award (2011), the ABB Forschungspreis (2012), the Prix Zonta (2015), the Global Change Award (2017), and the Raymond Viskanta Award (2019), and is a recipient of a Starting Grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2014).
Roel van de Krol is head of the Insitute for Solar Fuels at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fuer Materialien und Energie (HZB), and professor at the Chemistry Department of TU Berlin. After earning his PhD from TU Delft in 2000 and a postdoctoral stay at M.I.T. (USA), he returned to TU Delft where he was an assistant professor until 2012. At HZB, his research focuses on the development of materials and devices for the photoelectrochemical conversion of sunlight to chemical fuels. Understanding how surface and bulk defects in thin films and nanomaterials affect light absorption, charge transport, recombination and catalytic activity is at the heart of these efforts.
This symposium concentrates on metal halide perovskite from fundamental topics and their influence on device fabrication as well as recent advances in the field of perovskites for optoelectronic applications. This can range from solar cells, light-emitting diodes or detectors.
Currently, the rapid performance increases for solar cell efficiencies to a now certified 25.8% have not been equally matched with a more fundamental understanding. Ideally, to improve further and to also understand on a deeper level why perovskite materials show such astonishing performances, the underlying theory for perovskites needs to advance further. Thus, the aim is to bring together researchers, who investigate fundamental aspects of hybrid perovskites with researchers, who focus mainly on device fabrication and performance.
- Photo-physical properties of halide perovskites
- Optical properties of perovskite single nanoparticles, and single photon emission
- Quantum confinement and heterostructures related to halide perovskite
- Solar cell fabrication- additives, non-toxic components, green solvents
- Stability of halide perovskite from fundamental to devices
Lioz Etgar obtained his Ph.D. (2009) at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and completed post-doctoral research with Prof. Michael Grätzel at EPFL, Switzerland. In his post-doctoral research, he received a Marie Curie Fellowship and won the Wolf Prize for young scientists. Since 2012, he has been a senior lecturer in the Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University. On 2017 he received an Associate Professor position. Prof. Etgar was the first to demonstrate the possibility to work with the perovskite as light harvester and hole conductor in the solar cell which result in one of the pioneer publication in this field. Recently Prof. Etgar won the prestigious Krill prize by the Wolf foundation. Etgar’s research group focuses on the development of innovative solar cells. Prof. Etgar is researching new excitonic solar cells structures/architectures while designing and controlling the inorganic light harvester structure and properties to improve the photovoltaic parameters.
Jacky Even was born in Rennes, France, in 1964. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris VI, Paris, France, in 1992. He was a Research and Teaching Assistant with the University of Rennes I, Rennes, from 1992 to 1999. He has been a Full Professor of optoelectronics with the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Rennes,since 1999. He was the head of the Materials and Nanotechnology from 2006 to 2009, and Director of Education of Insa Rennes from 2010 to 2012. He created the FOTON Laboratory Simulation Group in 1999. His main field of activity is the theoretical study of the electronic, optical, and nonlinear properties of semiconductor QW and QD structures, hybrid perovskite materials, and the simulation of optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. He is a senior member of Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
Our group focus on physical chemistry, materials science, and the application of materials for energy production, studying the synthesis-structure-property relationship of functional materials for energy production. We emphasize developing novel syntheses for advanced materials and devices for solar energy into useful forms of sustainable energy & fuels. Our research lies at the intersection between innovative approaches, fundamental studies, and applying advanced materials for solar energy conversion.
Giulia is Associate Professor at Physical Chemistry Unit at University of Pavia, leading the PVsquared2 team, and running the European Grant ERCStG Project “HYNANO”aiming at the development of advanced hybrid perovskites materials and innovative functional interfaces for efficient, cheap and stable photovoltaics. Within this field, Giulia contributed to reveal the fundamental lightinduced dynamical processes underlying the operation of such advanced optoelectronic devices whose understanding is paramount for a smart device development and for contributing to the transition of a green economy.
Giulia received an MS in Physical Engineering in 2008 and obtained her PhD in Physics cum laude in 2012 at the Politecnico of Milan. Her experimental thesis focused on the realisation of a new femtosecond-microscope for mapping the ultrafast phenomena at organic interfaces. During her PhD, she worked for one year at the Physics Department of Oxford University where she pioneered new concepts within polymer/oxide solar cell technology. From 2012-2015, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Milan. In 2015, she joined the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with a Co-Funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. From 2016 to 2019, she has been awarded by the Swiss Ambizione Energy Grant providing a platform to lead her independent research group at EPFL focused on the developemnt of new generation hybrid perovskite solar cells.
She is author of 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers bringing her h-index to 44 (>13’000 citations), focused on developement and understanding of the interface physics which governs the operation of new generation solar cells.
Recently, she received the USERN prize in Physical Science, the Swiss Physical Society Award in 2018 for Young Researcher and the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics. She is currently USERN Ambassador for Italy and board member of the Young Academy of Europe.
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We are a multidisciplinary and collaborative research team with the overarching goal to establish structure-function relationships by understanding and advancing the fundamental knowledge rooted in the physics, chemistry and engineering of next generation materials for optoelectronics, sustainable, energy conversion, quantum computing, sensing and environmental preservation. Our philosophy is to develop creative and out-of-the-box approaches to solve fundamental scientific problems and apply this knowledge to demonstrate technologically relevant performance in devices.
Iván Mora-Seró (1974, M. Sc. Physics 1997, Ph. D. Physics 2004) is researcher at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (Spain). His research during the Ph.D. at Universitat de València (Spain) was centered in the crystal growth of semiconductors II-VI with narrow gap. On February 2002 he joined the University Jaume I. From this date until nowadays his research work has been developed in: electronic transport in nanostructured devices, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, making both experimental and theoretical work. Currently he is associate professor at University Jaume I and he is Principal Researcher (Research Division F4) of the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM). Recent research activity was focused on new concepts for photovoltaic conversion and light emission based on nanoscaled devices and semiconductor materials following two mean lines: quantum dot solar cells with especial attention to sensitized devices and lead halide perovskite solar cells and LEDs, been this last line probably the current hottest topic in the development of new solar cells.
Pablo P. Boix, Ph.D. in Nanoscience, is a Research Scientist at Instituto de Tecnologia Química (CSIC). He led a pioneer perovskite research team at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2012-2016) with relevant contributions to materials and devices’ development (such as the first use of formamidinium cation in perovskite solar cells). His track record has more than 100 publications, which resulted in his selection as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2020 (Cross-Field) by Clarivate Web of Science, with an h index of 57. Dr. Boix is the co-inventor of 3 patents in the field of perovskite optoelectronics. Prior to his current position, he worked as a research group leader in a perovskite solar cell company (Dyesol Ltd, Switzerland), focusing on product R&D, and at Universitat de València. Currently, he is the PI of 2 research projects and the coPI of 3, including regional, national, and European funding.
Nanoengineered donor-acceptor organic semiconductor materials and film morphologies for printable photovoltaics have formed a significant focus area for this sub-category of future clean energy technologies. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) record of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaics (OPV) reached 19% in 2021, and alongside this achievement eco-friendly processed nanoparticle OPV has made a surprising leap to the 10% efficiency threshold. New interest in engineering nanoparticles for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution has facilitated parallel advancements in the same materials for photovoltaics. This symposium will focus on recent advances in nanoengineered materials and morphologies for printable photovoltaics, with a particular focus on non-fullerene acceptors and green sustainable processing. Nanoengineering strategies are only as good as the microscopy techniques that can confirm them, and hence a second arm of this symposium will include the associated advanced characterisation tools used by the research field.
- Structure-function relationships in organic nanomaterials for PV
- Nanoengineering strategies for PV
- Synchrotron NEXAFS, STXM, laminography and RSoXS studies
- Non-synchrotron techniques, including STEM-EDX, EELS and electron diffraction
Dr Natalie Holmes leads a research team at the University of Sydney Faculty of Engineering developing nanostructured materials for organic electronics and biomedical devices. Materials engineering for these fields has been the focus of her research over the past decade, and takes her each year to international synchrotron facilities to measure the precise nanostructure of these cutting-edge functional materials. Natalie holds a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Newcastle (2016), and is an Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) scholar. She has led research projects in nanostructuring materials for eco-friendly coated solar cells at Karlstad University (Sweden) and nanostructured thin-film devices for electronic biosensors and solar cells at the University of Newcastle.
Dr. Habil. Martin Brinkmann (07.10.1971 in Mulhouse, France)
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Institut Charles Sadron
CNRS Université de Strasbourg
23 rue du loess
67034 Strasbourg – France
h=45, 137 publications
Scientific Career
Since 2013 Director of Research CNRS
2002. Invited Researcher EPFL, group of L. Zuppiroli
2000 -2013 Senior Scientist CNRS
1999-2000 Postdoctoral researcher MIT, Cambridge, USA
1997-1999 Postdoctoral researcher at CNR Bologna, Italy
1994-1997 PhD, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
Scientific Focus
Structure and morphology in thin organic films,
Organic semiconductors,
Transmission Electron Microscopy,
Crystallization and orientation of polymer and molecular materials,
Growth control in organic thin films. Polymer Thermoelectric Materials.
Scientific Awards
2007 CNRS Bronze Medal
2011 Prize of Groupe Français des Polymères – Société Française de Physique
Management activities
2013-2020 SYCOMMOR Group leader, ICS
2018-now Deputy-director of Doctoral School of Physics and Chemical Physics
ED182, Strasbourg
2017-now. IC FRC and GFP member
2018-now: Coordinator ANR ANISOTHERM
12 PhD students (Bruno Schmaltz, Christelle Vergnat, Navaphun Kayunkid, Lucia Hartmann, Alexandru Sarbu, Amer Hamidi-Sakr, Morgane Diebold, Vishnu Vijajakumar, Marion Brosset, Yuhan Zong, Shubhradip Guchait),
7 postdocs (Jean-François Moulin, Sirapat Pratontep, Navaphun Kayunkid, Uttiya Sureeporn, Nicolas Crespo-Monteiro, Maria Girleanu, Laure Biniek)
Teaching “Structure and Growth of Conjugated Polymer and Molecular Materials” , Master polymer Science (2010-2012), Strasbourg.
Reviewing: Macromolecules, Chemistry of Materials, JACS, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, J. Mater. Chem. C
Project reviewer for ANR, DFG, NSF, Swiss national Science foundation
Five most important publications
1) M. Brinkmann, J.-C. Wittmann: Orientation of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) by directional solidification: a simple method to reveal the semi-crystalline structure of a conjugated polymer, Adv. Mat. 2006, 18, 860.
2) N. Kayunkid, S. Uttiya and M. Brinkmann: Structural model of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) obtained by electron diffraction analysis, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 4961.
3) M. Brinkmann, E. Gonthier, S. Bogen, K. Tremmel, S. Ludwigs, M. Hufnagel, M. Sommer: Segregated versus mixed stacking of bithiophene and naphthalene bisimide units in highly oriented films of an n-type polymeric semiconductor, ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 10319.
4) A. Hamidi Sakr, L. Biniek, S. Fall, M. Brinkmann: Precise control of crystal size in highly oriented regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films prepared by high temperature rubbing: correlations with optical properties and charge transport, Adv. Funct. Mat. 2016, 26, 408.
5) Vijayakumar, V.; Zhong, Y.; Untilova, V.; Bahri, M.; Herrmann, L.; Biniek, L.; Leclerc, N.; Brinkmann, M. Bringing Conducting Polymers to High Order: Toward Conductivities beyond 105 S cm−1 and Thermoelectric Power Factors of 2 mW m−1 K−2. Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9, 1900266.

Dr. Cheng Wang is a Physicist Staff Scientist at the ALS, LBNL. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in physics from Jilin University, China in 2002, and received his Ph.D. in physics in North Carolina State University advised by Prof. Harald Ade in 2008. After graduation, he joined the ALS, LBNL where he led the development of Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering for soft materials and led the construction of the world’s first RSoXS beamline at ALS beamline He is a leading expert on the development of soft X-ray metrology and utilize advanced synchrotron x-ray probes such as X-ray scattering, microscopy and spectroscopy to elucidate the morphology, chemistry, and interfacial structure of broad range of complex materials.
Guillaume Wantz graduated from the School of Chemistry and Physics of Bordeaux (ENSCPB) in 2001 including a thesis work at Philips Research (Eindhoven, NL) on ink-jet printing. He received his Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering from the University of Bordeaux in 2004 working on Polymer Light Emitting Diodes. He was Assistant Professor at the University of Bordeaux working on Organic Field Effect Transistors with research stays at Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada). In 2006, he was appointed as tenure Associate Professor at the Bordeaux Institute of Technology (Bordeaux INP). He is Professeur des Universités since 2021. His research interest is on Organic Electronics with a focus on polymer photovoltaic solar cells (OPV). He was invited-professor at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) in Spring 2012 and at Univ. of Massachusetts (Amherst, USA) in Fall 2014. He has been appointed at the “Institut Universitaire de France” (IUF Paris) in 2016. Since 2017, he is Associate Editor for the journal “Materials Chemistry Frontiers” (RSC). He is co-founder of Héole, a company developing flexible OPV products including solar-powered sails for yachting, a solar zeppelin and some BIPV flexible OPV products. To date, he has published 125 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals and issued 7 patents (h = 37 – 6000 citations – source Google Scholar).
Benjamin Watts is a beamline scientist at the PolLux scanning transmission soft X-ray spectro-microscope (STXM) specialising in the materials analysis of soft matter. He obtained a BSc (Professional) in Physics, with Honours, and a PhD in Physics from the University of Newcastle, Australia, before working as a post-doctoral researcher with North Carolina State University (permanently stationed at the Advanced Light Source, Berkeley) in the USA and then moving to PSI. Details of the interactions between soft X-ray light and organic materials has been a continuing theme throughout both his university research and later career.
Stefania Zappia is a researcher at the "Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche “Giulio Natta” (SCITEC)" of "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)" in Milano (taly) since 2018. She obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences and Technologies from the University of Genova (Italy) in 2013, working on synthesis and characterization of organic and metal-organic hybrid materials for sensoric and photovoltaic applications. She then worked as a Research Fellow at "Istituto per lo Studio delle Macromolecole" of CNR in Milan from 2013 to 2018. She works on the synthesis of low band gap conjugated polymers for optoelectronic applications through bulk and flow synthesis, and on the synthesis of advanced polymeric and hybrid materials for CO2 recovery. She developed a strong expertise in the design and synthesis of amphiphilic rod-coil block copolymers for the functionalization of inorganic nanoparticles and/or for the preparation of polymeric nanoparticles processable from aqueous media for photovoltaic and/or biological applications.
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have the potential to play a key role as future photovoltaics in the renewable generation of electricity from sunlight. For this vision to become true, currently prevailing limitations regarding the stability and scalability of PSCs need to be overcome to render the technology commercially viable. Since the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of single junction devices on a small area (∼0.1 cm2) reaches close to Shockley–Queisser limit, there is now a focus on the development of larger area perovskite solar modules. Scaling up the technology requires materials and processes that provide high homogeneity over a large area, batch-to-batch reproducibility, production yield, and low cost, which can ultimately enable a process transfer from laboratories to commercial fabrication lines. In this symposium, we will discuss various aspects of the industrialization of perovskite PV.
- Materials (composition, perovskite inks, additives, interlayers) and processes for large area deposition
- New module design and interconnection strategies
- Module characterization with advanced techniques
- Stability testing (accelerated indoor and outdoor) and failure analysis
- Circularity: life cycle analysis and recycling of perovskite PV
Dr Tom Aernouts is R&D leader of the Thin Film Photovoltaics group at imec. Over the last few years this activity has grown steadily with state-of-the-art work in organic solar cells and recently also perovskite-based photovoltaics, next to inorganic materials like Kesterites for future replacement of the currently strongly growing CIGS thin film solar cells. Also the lab environment was drastically improved with setting-up the O-line infrastructure in 2009 at imec, allowing the processing and characterization of thin film solar cells and modules with area up to 15 x 15 cm². A next upgrade in 2018 enabled to extend the device size to 35x35cm². Dr Aernouts earned his Master of Science and PhD degree in Physics (in 2006) at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Firstly, he worked on organic oligomer-based diode structures, afterwards continuing his research on organic photovoltaics at imec. There, his work focused on the processing and characterization of polymer-based organic solar cells and monolithic modules, introducing techniques like screen and inkjet printing. He has authored or co-authored more than 80 journal publications, book chapters and conference contributions. Also, his research group participates on a regular basis in a broad range of local and international projects, with the most recent example the coordination of the European H2020 project ESPResSo.
Dr. Hadjipanayi is a research scientist at the Photovoltaic Technology group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus working on the investigation of the optoelectronic characteristics and photovoltaic performance of novel solar cell devices and her latest work focuses on the characterization of perovskite-based PV and measurement protocol development.
She has received her BSc in Physics (2001) from the University of Cyprus and her DPhil (PhD) in Condensed Matter Physics (2006) from the University of Oxford. Her employment record includes a Post-Doctoral Research Associate position at the Quantum Information Processing Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (QIP IRC), Department of Physics, University of Oxford (2006-2009) and an Associate Research Scientist post at the Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute (2009-2012). Her research interests lie within the area of fundamental and applied physics of novel materials which are promising for future energy-efficient technological applications, especially in the field of solar energy. More specifically and more recently, these include: Investigation of optoelectronic properties and degradation mechanisms of novel solar cell devices including multi-junction solar cells, nanostructured silicon cells, perovskites; Development of accurate standardized and non-standardised testing protocols for new solar cell technologies.
Maria has over 10 years’ experience in national and European research projects as a partner and as a Coordinator covering the full project life-cycle involvement: from initiation to implementation, monitoring and reporting. She led the efforts to attract funds and develop a new strategic infrastructure unit at the University of Cyprus, the DegradationLab, which focuses in the accurate characterization of new and emerging solar cells, and is currently the Head of this new lab (
Dr. Anurag Krishna is an R&D Project Leader at Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) and EnergyVille, Belgium, where his research activities focus on developing perovskite module technology. Previously, he has been a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Anders Hagfeldt and Prof. Michael Graetzel at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He obtained Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The noble mission of his research is to facilitate sustainable and affordable low-carbon and green technology solutions for the world. On the fundamental side, his research interests focus on developing hybrid materials suitable for photovoltaic, optoelectronic, and nanoelectronic devices
Dr. Quentin Jeangros received a PhD in Materials Science from EPFL in 2014 for his work on solid oxide fuel cells degradation pathways. After a postdoc between the University of Basel and the Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory (PV-Lab) of EPFL on transparent conductive oxides, Quentin has overseen the "Perovskite Cells for Tandem Applications" activities at EPFL PV-Lab since early 2018. Within the laboratory headed by Prof. C. Ballif, his team consists of 6 PhD students and postdocs dedicated to the development of high-efficiency perovskite/silicon solar cells. His research activities focus on the use and development of advanced electron microscopy characterisation methods to understand and optimise the nanostructure of solar materials materials, with the aim of improving efficiency and reliability.
Sjoerd Veenstra - Program Manager Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules at TNO, partner in Solliance.
Sjoerd has a passion for photovoltaics (PV). He received his PhD from the University of Groningen (2002). Sjoerd stayed at UCSB (intern) and Cornell University (visiting scientist). He started as a researcher working on organic solar cells at the Energy research Center of the Netherlands (ECN, 2002). In 2011 he moved to Eindhoven (NL) when ECN joined the thin film PV activities of Solliance. He started working on perovskite solar cells in 2014. In 2018 ECN and TNO merged and since he works for TNO and leads the perovskite team.
A deep understanding of the atomistic mechanisms underlying different energy-related chemical processes requires recording large datasets under operando conditions, yielding key information about the working material. Therefore, the desired parameters to study include the chemical composition at the interface and bulk, the chemical states of the atoms and their variations resulting from the reactions, as well as the structural evolution. Unfortunately, the analytical techniques capable of providing information under reaction conditions are very limited since the complex environments often required for running the reaction are hardly compatible. Consequently, in many cases, only ex situ characterizations are feasible, leading to a loss of important information because the intermediates and active species cannot be “quenched” for post-process analysis. As a result, in situ/operando characterization has gained significant attention in recent years. X-ray characterization techniques provide bulk-to-surface information in an element-specific manner, which is usually not possible with other characterization techniques. However, these techniques, especially those based on photoelectrons, are not easily compatible with complex environments such as gases and liquids, requiring ultra-high vacuum for operation, particularly in the soft X-ray regime. This symposium will focus on the in situ and operando techniques developed for the investigation of energy materials under relevant working conditions using X-ray techniques.
- Electro- Thermo- Photo-catalysis
- Batteries
- Capacitors
- Flow batteries
Dr. Marine Reynaud is a Chemical Engineer from Chimie ParisTech (France) and Doctor in Materials Sciences. She completed her PhD in 2013 under the direction of Prof. Tarascon, Dr. Chotard and Dr. Rousse. Then, she joined the group of Dr. Montse Casas-Cabanas at CIC energiGUNE, where she is has recently been appointed Research Team Leader. Her research is focused on the design and development of electrode materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. She is expert in inorganic syntheses and materials characterizations, looking for determining correlation between compositions, (micro)structure and electrochemical properties. For the last few years, she has been developing innovative strategies to accelerate the discovery of new battery materials.
She is author of c.a. 40 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. She has been PI of several industrial projects and competitive national and European research projects. She has supervised 5 PhD students and currently leads a team of 12 researchers. She has recently received the first BRTA award from the Basque Research and Technology Alliance, recognizing young researchers’ passion, talent and ambition.
Li-ion batteries are the dominant energy storage systems in electrified transportation, modern technology as well as renewable energy storage. However, these batteries require the use of scarce, toxic and unethically resourced materials for their fabrication. This pushes the need to develop novel and improved technologies, with an important consideration in their sustainability. This symposium focuses on batteries that not rely on toxic and/or scarce material aligned to sustainable development goal SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and/or SDG 13 (climate action). A clear example in this case it is Na batteries, but not limited to. The focus of this symposium is to bring together experts from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in battery technologies and their impact on the future landscape of energy. During the symposium, speakers will present recent research and developments in next-generation of sustainable batteries (e.g. sodium/potassium-based batteries, organic/polymer batteries, multivalent (Mg, Zn, Ca…) batteries, etc). Key topics such as safety, eco-design & recycling and environmental sustainability will also be addressed.
The next-generation battery symposium is a unique opportunity for researchers, engineers, and energy experts to exchange knowledge and experiences on the latest sustainable battery technologies and establish connections for future collaborations and projects.
- Sodium/potassium batteries
- Multivalent batteries (eg. Mg, Zn, Ca…)
- Organic/polymer batteries
- Aqueous rechargeable batteries
- Sustainability, eco-design and battery recycling
Dr. Rebeca Marcilla received her PhD in Chemistry in 2006 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the field of ionic liquids and polymers with application in electrochemistry and nanotechnology. After a postdoctoral stay at the University College London she joined CIDETEC (Centro de Tecnologías Electroquímicas, Donostia-San Sebastian). In 2010 she moved to the Unit of Electrochemical Processes IMDEA Energy (Madrid) and in 2015 she became Senior Researcher. During her fruitful scientific career, she has acquired proven experience in advanced materials for energy storage (eg. ionic liquids, polymer electrolytes, redox-active polymers, etc) and in next-generation batteries including organic batteries and redox flow batteries). As a result, she has co-authored 7 patents (1 of them licensed to a private company) and published more around 120 articles, achieving an h-index of 46. She has supervised 12 PhD thesis (6 presented+6 on-going) and several postdoctoral researchers. In 2017, she was awarded with a ERC Consolidator Grant to develop Membrane-free Redox Flow Batteries. Dr. Marcilla is member of the Governing Board of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (GEE-RSEQ) and Editor of Journal Power Sources.
A/Prof. Pozo-Gonzalo is a CSIC Principal Researcher, working at the Carboquimica Institute (Spain) and an honorary Associate Professor at Deakin University (Melbourne) working on sustainable energy storage materials and technologies. She attained her Degree and honours at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). After graduating, she received her PhD degree in Chemistry from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) working with Prof. Peter J. Skabara on the electrochemical synthesis of Conducting Polymers. From 2004, she joined the Centre for Electrochemical Technologies in San Sebastian, (Spain) as the Head of Electrooptical unit where she stayed for 7 years. After moving to Australia, she has been working with Prof. Alan Bond at Monash University and in 2012 she joined Deakin University where she has been working in reversible metal air battery with advanced electrolytes, ionic liquids funded by ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES).
Since 2018, she has been focusing on circular economy in energy materials, working on the recovery of critical raw materials from end of life devices using sustainable methods, as well as redesign of materials for energy. At Deakin University, she is also a theme champion for energy materials as part of the University’s Circular Economy mission pillar. She is a board member of the Journal Sustainable Chemistry and Associate Editor of RSC sustainability. During her research career, she has authored and co-authored 112 peer-review international publications, 3 book chapters and holds 5 patents, in the areas of electrochemistry, circular economy and energy storage. She has supervised 11 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, 14 PhD students (9 to completion, 5 current), and 11 undergraduate students. She has led a total of 36 projects, 14 of them with industry partners, and 5 prestigious European funded projects within different calls STRP-FP6, FP7-NMP, RISE generating a total income of more than AU$4M.
Robert Dominko is a Research Professor at the National Institute of Chemistry and a Professor at the University of Ljubljana. He is the head of the battery group at the National Institute of Chemistry and deputy director of the ALISTORE-ERI network. He obtained his Ph.D. in Materials sciences in 2002 from the University of Ljubljana. Since his Ph.D. study, his research interests are in the field of materials science and electrochemical systems for energy storage, with main activities in the field of modern battery systems. Between 2009 and 2010 he worked in UPJV, Amiens, where he started the development of Li-S batteries. He was the coordinator of two large-scale EU projects focused on the development of Li-S batteries. His current research interests are focused on different types of multivalent batteries and the implementation of smart functionalities in battery cells. He is strongly connected with the Battery 2030+ initiative and with Batteries Europe, where he is one of the co-leaders of the task force preparing a strategy on the education level. He is involved in the MESC master program ( and in the doctoral school DESTINY ( He is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering.
Since the 1st of October 2023, Sonia Dsoke holds a Professorship for “Electrochemical Energy Carriers and Storage” at the department of sustainable systems engineering (INATECH), University of Freiburg, she leads a group “Innovative Battery Materials” at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and she is member of the Freiburger material center (FMF).
At international level, she is “chair elected” for Division 3 (electrochemical energy conversion and storage) of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) one of the largest electrochemical community in the world.
From 2017 until September 2023 Sonia Dsoke was the leader of a multidisciplinary group at the Institute for Applied Materials – Energy Storage Systems (KIT, Germany). In the same period, she was the deputy director of the platform CELEST and a spokesperson for Research Unit A (electrode materials) in the Cluster of Excellence POLiS dealing with “post-lithium” battery research. Previously she led an independent young research group focused on designing novel electrodes for Hydrid Battery-Supercapacitors at ZSW-Ulm (Germany). She also had industrial experience at an Italian battery manufacturing company FAAM (in 2009) and she was a researcher at the University of Camerino (Italy), where she also obtained her PhD in the field of Li-ion batteries.
Sonia Dsoke was honoured with the Brigitte-Schlieben-Lange Programm Grant (2017-2019, Ministry of Science and Culture, Baden-Württemberg) and a Young Investigator Group Grant (2012-2016, Federal Ministry of Education and Research) within the framework “Energy Storage Initiative” she is author of more than 80 peer-reviewed papers (h-index:26, according to Google scholar) 1 patent and 2 book chapters.
Her actual main research subjects are the development of novel advanced functional materials for supercapacitors, lithium and post-lithium ion batteries, with special focus on tackling challenges of novel battery concepts such as Na, K, Mg, Ca and Al batteries.
Dr. Fellinger is Head of the Division 3.6 Electrochemical Energy Materials at the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). He is a nanostructure and molecular scientist by training (diploma at University of Kassel, DE), who received his PhD in colloid chemistry (with summa cum laude) at the University of Potsdam/DE under the direct supervision of Prof. Markus Antonietti in 2011. After a short postdoctoral stays at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Prof. Ichiro Yamanaka) he was a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam-Golm (2012-2017). In 2016/17 he was an awarded Researcher-in-Residence at Chalmers Institute of Technology in Gothenburg (Prof. Anders Palmqvist), followed by one term as W2-substitute professor for inorganic chemistry at the University of Applied Science Zittau/Görlitz. Afterwards until 2020 he joined Prof. Hubert Gasteiger´s Chair for Technical Electrochemistry (Technical University Munich) with a fuel cell project. In 2020 Dr. Fellinger´s group joined the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin. Dr. Fellinger received the Donald-Ulrich Award 2017 of the International Sol-Gel Society and the Ernst-Haage Award for Chemistry of the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion. His research interests are the synthetic chemistry of novel materials and their usage in energy-related applications with a focus on different carbon-based materials like nitrogen-doped carbons, M-N-C catalysts or hard carbon anodes. He has published ~60 articles in peer-reviewed journals (>6000 citations, H-index: 41).
Professor Maria Forsyth AM is an elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. She is an Alfred Deakin Professo at Deakin University and an Ikerbasque Visiting Professorial Fellow at the University of the Basque Country, Spain. She has worked at the forefront of energy materials research since her Fulbright Research Fellowship in 1990 and has consistently made breakthrough discoveries in next-generation lithium and sodium battery technologies. Recognising a critical need for facilities to test new energy materials, Forsyth led the establishment of Deakin University’s Battery Research and Innovation Hub, a unique pre-commercial battery prototyping facility that supports over $20M R&D across a range of local and international industries. She has supervised over 100 PhD students and is a co-author of over 900 journal and conference publications that attracted more than 40000 citations.
Lee Johnson received his first degree from Newcastle University, after which he completed a PhD and post-PhD Fellowship in physical chemistry and electrochemistry at the University of Nottingham. He then joined the research group of Prof Sir P.G. Bruce FRS at the University of Oxford, where he studied the elementary processes taking place within the lithium-O2 battery. In 2017, he was awarded a Nottingham Research Fellowship, University of Nottingham, followed by an EPSRC Fellowship in 2018, both to support study of next-generation batteries. In 2019 he was promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry. His current research interests focus on understanding interfacial reactions, degradation, and charge transfer, in electrochemical energy devices.
Professor Emma Kendrick, CChem FIMMM FRSC FIMMM - Chair of Energy Materials, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham.
Prof Kendrick’s career to date has included industrial and academic roles leading to her current role as Chair of Energy Materials, where in addition to group lead of the energy materials group (EMG), she is co-director of the Centre for Energy Storage (BCES) and part of Birmingham Energy institute (BEI) and Birmingham Centre for Strategic Elements and Critical Materials (BCSECM). The EMG investigates sustainability in novel battery technologies from materials, manufacturing, performance and parameterisation, and recycling. Her recent work has led to a 2021 joint UoB - Imperial College London (ICL) spin out company, based around the methods of experimental parameterisation of applied multi-physics cell models, called About:Energy, for which she is founder and director.
Prior to UoB, she spent two years as Reader in WMG, University of Warwick. Before academia, she led innovations in the battery industry, latterly as Chief Technologist in Energy Storage at SHARP Laboratories of Europe Ltd (SLE) and prior to that for two lithium-ion battery SMEs, Fife Batteries Ltd and Surion Energy Ltd.
She is fellow of the Royal Society of chemistry (RSC) and Institute of Metals, Mining and Materials (IoM3). Recently, she has been recognised through several awards; 2021 Faraday Institution (FI) Researcher Development Champion, RSC 2021 Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Mid-Career Award, and the 2019 Hothersall Memorial Award for outstanding services to Metal Finishing.
Prof Kendrick holds a PhD from Keele University, obtained as part of a postgraduate transfer partnership (PTP) scheme with CERAM Research, a MSc in new materials from the University of Aberdeen and a BSc in chemistry from the University of Manchester.
Dr. Nagore Ortiz-Vitoriano ( is an Ikerbasque Research Associate, who has been spearheading metal-air research at CIC energiGUNE (Spain) since 2016, of which she became research line manager in 2018.
She obtained her doctorate in 2011 for her work on solid oxide fuel cells (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain), during the course of which she undertook research stays at Risø DTU (Denmark) and Imperial College London (UK). In 2013 she was awarded a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship from the European Union, enabling her to join the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge (USA) where she worked with both lithium and sodium-air batteries. In 2015, she continued this fellowship at CIC energiGUNE, where she conducted research stays at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA), Deakin University (Australia) and Chalmers University (Sweden). Recently, she has been promoted to Ikerbasque Research Associate and granted the Ramon y Cajal fellowship financed by the European Commission's European Social Fund through the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Dr. Ortiz-Vitoriano has focused on both rational design of electrode and electrolyte materials for energy storage (e.g., solid oxide fuel cells, electrocatalysis, Na-ion and metal-air batteries), as well as fundamental research focused on elucidating key processes (by establishing relevant physiochemical models) in order to facilitate rapid future developments at both the material and system levels.
Dr. Minghao Yu, PI, holds an independent research group (Electrochemistry for Sustainable Energy Storage) at Technische Universität Dresden. His research interest includes 1) the development of novel organic and inorganic 2D layered materials, 2) the investigation of advanced artificial interphases and electrolytes for next-generation batteries, 3) fundamental charge and ion dynamics during electrochemical energy storage processes, and 4) sustainable energy storage device fabrication, including supercapacitors, hybrid-ion capacitors, aqueous batteries, dual-ion batteries, and multivalent metal (Zn, Mg, Al) batteries. He has published more than 120 scientific articles which have attracted more than 20,000 citations with an H-index of 69 (Web of Science). Besides, he is also an associated member of the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), an associated group leader at Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, a highly cited researcher (Clarivate Analytics, 2018-now), 2023 ERC Starting Grant winner, and a Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe.
Nanomaterials are a powerhouse of innovation, and accelerating the development of new materials is vital for a sustainable society. Currently, new materials development in laboratories involves repeated cycles of conception, synthesis, and characterization, manually performed by researchers. The inclusion of machine learning, robotics, and big data into these cycles promises to revolutionize materials research and beyond. This symposium aims at bringing together experimentalists and theoreticians who are investigating various fundamental discoveries in robotic platforms, machine learning, computaional materials discovery and automated data collection. It provides a forum for discussing the latest scientific discoveries in these exciting new research areas bridging nanomaterial science with automated platforms and AI technologies
- Computational Materials Discovery
- Robotic Synthesis Platforms
- Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry
- Automation of Calculations for Data Collection
Alex earned his Ph.D. in physics of semiconductors from Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine for his work on electronic properties of nitride semiconductor alloys.
In 2004 he joined the Quantum Semiconductors and Bionanophotonics lab at University of Sherbrooke as a postdoc, working on theoretical modeling of laser-assisted quantum well intermixing and self-assembly processes of organic monolayers on metal and semiconductor surfaces for applications in bio-sensing.
In 2008 he moved to Quantum Theory Group at National Research Council of Canada in Ottawa, where he worked on many-body problems in epitaxial and colloidal semiconductor and graphene quantum dots; in particular, simulations of multi-exciton generation, Auger processes and optical properties of nanocrystals used in hybrid polymer-semiconductor solar cells.
Alex joined Ted Sargent’s Nanomaterials for Energy Group in 2011 and worked on characterization and modeling of the semiconductor nanocrystal surfaces and developing the synthesis methods for nanomaterials with improved optical and transport properties for photovoltaics.
In 2018, Alex joined the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto, Scarborough as an Assistant Professor in Clean Energy. His topics of interest are materials for energy storage and novel materials discovery using high-throughput experiments and machine learning.
I am an energetic, creative, female scientist with a solid expertise in Material Science and Technology. I have successfully implemented an engineering approach to guide the development of functional nanohybrids through general and simple routes. Throughout my work, I have introduced important mechanisms on the cooperative coupling of dissimilar materials in single structures, which represents a fundamental knowledge for the creation of a new-generation of nano and macro hybrid materials.
Leite is an Associate Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at UC Davis. Her group investigates materials for energy harvesting and storage, from their nano-scale structural, electrical, and optical properties to their implementation in devices. Before joining UC Davis, Leite was an associate professor at the University of Maryland, she worked for two years at NIST and was a post-doctoral scholar at Caltech (Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science). She received her PhD in physics from Campinas State University in Brazil and the Synchrotron Light Source Laboratory. Leite's work has been recognized on the cover of ~30 scientific journals, by the presentation of >140 invited talks, by the 2016 APS Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship from the American Physical Society (APS) and the 2014 Maryland Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award. Leite’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Army Research Office (ARO), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), etc.
Kangming Li is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Toronto. He received his PhD in Physics from Université Paris-Saclay, where he was a CEA-NUMERICS Fellow funded under the Marie Curie Actions. He was awarded the Dalla Torre Medal by the French Society for Metallurgy and Materials for his PhD work on finite-temperature magnetic effects in concentrated alloys. Currently he is using machine learning and high-throughput first principles calculations to accelerate the discovery of novel inorganic materials.
Dr. Samira Siahrostami is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Chemistry at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Prior to that, she was an associate professor (2022-2023) and assistant professor (2018-2022) in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary. Prior to that, she was a research engineer (2016–2018) and postdoctoral researcher (2014–2016) at Stanford University's Department of Chemical Engineering. She also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark from 2011 to 2013. Her work uses computational techniques such as density functional theory to model reactions at (electro)catalyst surfaces. Her goal is to develop more efficient catalysts for fuel cells, electrolyzers, and batteries by comprehending the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions occurring at the surface of (electro)catalysts. Dr. Siahrostami has written more than 100 peer-reviewed articles with an h-index of 47 and over 13,000 citations. She has received numerous invitations to give talks at universities, conferences, and workshops around the world on various topics related to catalysis science and technology. Dr. Siahrostami is the recipient of the Environmental, Sustainability, and Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in 2021. She received the Tom Zeigler Award and the Waterloo Institute in Nanotechnology Rising Star award in 2023. She has been named as an emerging investigator by the RSC in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Dr. Siahrostami's contribution to energy research was recognized in the most recent Virtual Issue of ACS Energy Letters as one of the Women at the forefront of energy research in 2023. She is currently the board member of the Canadian Catalysis Foundation and editor of Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ) and APL Energy journal (AIP Publishing).
Born June 23, 1966 in Meppel, The Netherlands
Professor in Theoretical Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ph. D. (cum laude) University of Groningen (1993), postdoctoral stays at NASA Ames (1994-1995) and at the University of Odense (1996-1997). Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1998-present). Visiting professor stays at University of Strasbourg and at Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Awards: KNCV Clemens Roothaan Prize (1996), NWO vici (2005), WATOC Dirac Medal (2006).
Main research Interests
1. Subsystem electronic structure methods
2. Reducing the time-to-solution of computational models
3. Development and application of relativistic computational chemistry techniques
During the last few years, enormous efforts have been made in the understanding and development of solar chemical technologies, leading to important achievements in this field. The next step to implement these technologies as sustainable renewable alternatives is their scale-up and industrialization, representing a great challenge. This symposium is open to contributions on different routes towardssolar fuels generation using scaled-up technologies at an industrial level. It will cover topics from photoelectrocatalytic, photovoltaic, photocatalysis and concentrated solar power technologies. Additionally, contributions on the employment of Artificial Intelligence (A.I), Machine Learning and other digital technologies to ease and accelerate the lab-to-industry transition are also welcome.
- Photoelectrocatalysis
- Photovoltaics
- Photocatalysis
- Concentrated Solar Power
- Artificial photosynthesis
- Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) for accelerated scale-up
Director of Strategic Projects at APRIA Systems SL & Part time Assistant Professor at the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department from the University of Cantabria (UC), Spain. After concluding her doctoral thesis, E. Santos spent a period of two years at the UC as postdoctoral researcher until she joins the private company APRIA Systems SL with a Torres Quevedo Grant in 2016. She has worked as project manager on different projects including the valorization of CO2 streams, obtaining green H2 as an energy vector applied to the sustainable mobility sector or the recovery of fluorinated gases from the refrigeration industry, among others. In 2023 she is promoted to Director of Strategic Projects.
As a result of her scientific activity, E. Santos has reported a total of 22 publications, of which 9 are in high-impact international journals indexed in JCR and 13 contributions to conference books with ISBN. Her work has received a total of 615 citations, with an h index of 9 (Scopus) in a short period of time and taking into account the work dedication to the world of private business where the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of scientific papers is not usual practice. The results have been disseminated in 30 international conferences (2 keynote and 15 oral communications defended by E. Santos). E. Santos has worked on 30 research projects (11 European projects, 12 national and 7 regional. E. Santos has supervised 2 Doctoral thesis (Industrial Doctorate) and 1 Master's thesis in the field of chemical engineering.
This symposium highlights the importance of material properties in the design, efficiency, and performance of solar energy systems. Our discussions will delve into the advanced synthesis and structure-property relationships of innovative materials such as coordination polymers, metal complexes, and dyes. This deeper understanding of material properties is critical to optimizing the performance of solar cells, solar fuels, and photocatalysts.
Aims at inspiring innovation and foster collaborations focused on advancing the understanding and application of material properties in solar energy technologies. We invite participants globally to delve into the latest research and advancements in material properties, contributing to a more sustainable future.
- Focus on material properties: from synthesis to device performance
- Structure-property relationships in coordination polymers and metal complexes: their role in solar cells and photocatalysis
- Material properties of innovative dyes and chromophores: implications for solar cell performance
- Charge transport dynamics and interface engineering: the material aspect
- Material-driven light management strategies for enhanced solar cell efficiency
- Advanced photocatalysts for solar fuel generation: understanding their material properties
- The role of material properties in the integration of solar cells and solar fuels for sustainable energy solutions
Prof. Marina Freitag is a Professor of Energy and a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Newcastle University. She is developing new light-driven technologies that incorporate coordination polymers to solve the most important challenges in the research area, including issues of sustainability, stability and performance of hybrid PV. The development of such highly innovative concepts has given Marina international recognition, including recipient of the prestigious 2022 Royal Society of Chemistry Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize 2022.
Her research into hybrid molecular devices, began during her doctoral studies (2007-2011, Rutgers University, NJ, USA) where she was awarded an Electrochemical Society Travel Award and Dean Dissertation Fellowship 2011. Dr Freitag moved to Uppsala University (2013-2015) for a postdoctoral research position, which focused on the implementation of alternative redox mediators, leading to a breakthrough today known as “zombie solar cells”. Dr Freitag was invited to further develop this work at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) with Prof. Anders Hagfeldt ( 2015-2016). From 2016-2020 she was appointed as Assistant Professor at Uppsala University, Sweden, where she received the Göran Gustaffsson Young Researcher Award 2019.
Juan A. Anta is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain. He obtained a BA in Chemistry in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and carried out his PhD research at the Physical Chemistry Institut of the National Research Council of Spain. His research focuses on fundamental studies of energy photoconversion processes, especially on dye and perovskite solar cells, using numerical simulation and modelling tools, as well as advanced optoelectronic characterization techniques such as impedance spectroscopy and other small perturbation techniques.
M. Ibrahim Dar is a Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. From 2018 to 2020, he was an Advanced Swiss National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow in the group of Professor Sir Richard Friend, University of Cambridge. Prior to this, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Scientist with Professor Michael Graetzel at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland (2014-2018). For his postdoctoral research at EPFL, he was awarded the prestigious Zeno Karl Schindler-EPFL Prize for particular excellence in the field of sustainability and was twice awarded a special prize by the School of Basic Sciences, EPFL, Switzerland. During his PhD, he was awarded the Swiss Government Excellence Research Scholarships for two consecutive years (2012-2014), which allowed him to work in Professor Graetzel’s group as a guest PhD student. Ibrahim’s interdisciplinary research combines solid-state chemistry, physics, and materials science to design and understand new functional materials with desired structural and optoelectronic properties for energy-oriented applications.
Fabrice Odobel (1966) received his Ph.D. in 1994 at Strasbourg University under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage. After postdoctoral research with Prof. Ronald Breslow, Columbia University (New York, USA), he joined CNRS as a full-time researcher in 1995. He currently leads the research group in CEISAM laboratory at Nantes University. His research interests include the development of new materials for photovoltaic devices and artificial photosynthesis.
Mary Pryce is a Professor at the School of Cehmical Sciences at Dublin City Universirty, Ireland. Prior to joining DCU in 1997, she was employed as a postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Milan, Italy. She obtained her PhD from Dublin City University in the area of organometallic photochemistry (in 1995). Current research projects within her research group focus on designing new materials (polymers, organometallic compounds or organic dyes) for energy applications such as hydrogen generation, or CO2 conversion. Another aspect of research focuses on antimicrobial materials. Central to both of these research areas is understanding the photophysical properties using time resolved techniques.
Ludmilla is an Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Univeristy of Oxford. She obtained her B.Sc and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Siegen (Germany). During her undergraduate studies she developed an interest in electrochemistry and semiconductor physics driving her to pursue a M.Sc. project on dye-sensitized solar cells in the group of Professor Michael Grätzel at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). Staying in the same group, Ludmilla worked on oxide thin film photoelectrodes applied in photoelectrochemical water splitting and perovskite solar cells during her Ph.D. degree which she obtained in 2016. She then joined the group of Professor James Durrant at Imperial College London to study photochemical and photophysical processes in semiconductors using time-resolved spectroscopy and shortly after was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (2017-2019). Ludmilla began her independent research career as Imperial College Research Fellow (2019-2021) before moving to Oxford in October 2021. Her research at Oxford aims at the design of atomically defined photo- and electrocatalysts that convert CO2, water and other “waste products” to energy-rich fuels and chemicals with high conversion efficiency, selectivity and long operational stability.
Green energy carriers play a pivotal role in our journey towards a sustainable future, especially as we strive to achieve ambitious climate goals. In this symposium, our primary objective is to serve as a dynamic platform for the exchange of cutting-edge research and innovative ideas within the realm of sustainable energy technologies. By fostering discussions and sharing the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs in the field of energy carriers, our aim is to catalyze effective decarbonization efforts across diverse sectors. This includes not only the vital domains of industry and mobility but also critical areas such as green hydrogen production and energy storage and conversion. Through this symposium, we aspire to unite experts, researchers, and industry leaders to collaboratively address the pressing challenges in the development and deployment of green energy carriers.
- Advanced electrochemical techniques for energy conversion and strorage systems
Ungyu Paik is a distinguished HYU professor of Department of Energy Engineering at Hanyang University, Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Ceramic Engineering at Clemson University in 1991. Prior to starting his professor position at Hanyang University in 1999, he conducted postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. His research interest is the synthesis and engineering of nanomaterials for the applications in energy devices. He has abundant academic achievement with more than 390 SCI papers and hold 88 patents. With his knowledge, expertise, and insight, he served as a minister in the ministry of trade, industry, and energy of Korea from 2017 to 2018. Now he is back on an academic career. He was selected in highly cited researchers as part of the “Crossfield” arena in 2020 ~ 2022 by Clarivate Analytics.
Prof. Zijian Zheng is currently Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices at the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, Associate Director of Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems, Lead Investigator of Research Institute for Smart Energy at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). His research interests include surface and polymer science, nanofabrication, flexible and wearable electronics, energy conversion and storage. Prof. Zheng received his B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2003, PhD in Chemistry at University of Cambridge in 2007, and postdoctoral training at Northwestern University in 2008-2009. He joined PolyU as Assistant Professor in 2009, and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor in 2013 and then Professor in 2017. He has published more than 200 papers in journals such as Science, Nat. Mater., Nat. Comm., Adv. Mate., JACS, Angew. Chem.. He also files more than 40 patents and is recipient of more than 15 academic awards. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of EcoMat (impact factor: 14.6), a flagship open-access journal in green energy and environment published by Wiley. He is Founding Member of The Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong (2018), Chang Jiang Chair Professor by the Ministry of Education of China (2020), Senior Research Fellow of the University Grant Commission of Hong Kong (2021), Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM, 2021), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2022). He is awardee of the inaugural Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award.